- Start .\tools\PS-VSPrompt.lnk (shortcut), this will start VS Dev Prompt in powershell
- Import-Module .\Repo-Tasks.psd1
- During import, we allow to load additional functions that users might want to use it in their session.
- If you have any userPreference.ps1 file under %userprofile%/psFiles directory, the module will try to load it by dot sourcing it.
- It will also honor environment variable $env:psuserpreferences and load .ps1 files from the location that is pointed by $env:psuserpreferences
- As long as you have exported all the functions that you need from your ps1 file using export-modulemember -function . We deliberately do this to avoid polluting list of commands available (when you use Get-Command)
- Currently Repo-Tasks module supports following tasks:
- Set-TestEnvironment
- Will allow you create a test connection string required to setup test environment in order to run tests. More information about Test environment can be found here
- Start-Build
- Will allow you to kick off full build
- Or will allow you build for a particular scope (e.g. Start-Build -BuildScope ResourceManagment\Compute)
- Get-BuildScopes
- Will allow you to query and find existing build scopes that can be used to build.
- Invoke-CheckinTests
- Will build and run existing tests.
- Set-TestEnvironment
###Note: If you do not start your powershell session using PS-VSPrompt shortcut, you will not have access to all the environment variables that are set as part of VS Dev Command prompt.