File tree
1,410 files changed
lines changed- documentation
- release-notes
- setup
- src
- Common
- Commands.Common
- Extensions
- Properties
- Serialization
- Utilities
- Commands.Common.Authentication
- Authentication
- Factories
- Interfaces
- Models
- Properties
- Utilities
- Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions
- Authentication
- Extensions
- Interfaces
- Properties
- Settings
- Commands.Common.Authentication.Test
- Properties
- Commands.Common.Storage
- Adapters
- RDFE.Storage
- WindowsAzure.Storage.6
- ResourceModel
- Properties
- ResourceModel
- Commands.ScenarioTests.Common
- Mocks
- Properties
- ResourceManager
- AnalysisServices
- Commands.AnalysisServices
- Models
- Properties
- Commands.AnalysisServices.Dataplane
- Commands
- Properties
- Commands.AnalysisServices.Test
- Properties
- ApiManagement
- Commands.ApiManagement
- Commands
- Properties
- Commands.ApiManagement.ServiceManagement
- Properties
- Commands.ApiManagement.Test
- Properties
- Commands.SMAPI.Test
- Properties
- Automation
- Commands.Automation
- Cmdlet
- Common
- Properties
- Commands.Automation.Test
- Properties
- AzureBackup
- Commands.AzureBackup
- AzureBackupClientAdapter
- Properties
- Commands.AzureBackup.Test
- Properties
- AzureBatch
- Commands.Batch
- Models
- Properties
- Commands.Batch.Test
- Properties
- ScenarioTests
- AzureStackStorage
- Commands.AzureStackStorage/Properties
- Commands.AzureStackStorage.Tests/Properties
- Billing
- Commands.Billing
- Common
- Properties
- Commands.Billing.Test
- Properties
- ScenarioTests
- Cdn
- Commands.Cdn
- Common
- CustomDomain
- Properties
- Commands.Cdn.Test
- Properties
- CognitiveServices
- CognitiveServices.Test
- Properties
- ScenarioTests
- Commands.Management.CognitiveServices
- CognitiveServicesAccount
- Properties
- Common
- Commands.Common.Authentication.ResourceManager
- Properties
- Serialization
- Commands.ResourceManager.Common
- Generated/Models
- Properties
- Commands.ScenarioTests.ResourceManager.Common
- Mocks
- Compute
- Commands.Compute
- Common
- Extension
- AzureVMBackup
- CustomScript
- Diagnostics
- SqlServer
- Properties
- RemoteDesktop
- StorageServices
- VirtualMachine
- Config
- Operation
- help
- Commands.Compute.Test
- Properties
- Consumption
- Commands.Consumption
- Common
- Commands.Consumption.Test
- ScenarioTests
- ContainerRegistry
- Commands.ContainerRegistry
- Models
- Commands.ContainerRegistry.Test
- ScenarioTests
- DataFactories
- Commands.DataFactories
- Models
- Properties
- Commands.DataFactories.Test
- Properties
- DataLakeAnalytics
- Commands.DataLakeAnalytics
- Models
- Properties
- Commands.DataLakeAnalytics.Test
- Properties
- DataLakeStore
- Commands.DataLakeStore
- Commands
- Models
- Properties
- Commands.DataLakeStore.Test
- Properties
- DevTestLabs
- Commands.DevTestLabs
- Commands
- Properties
- Commands.DevTestLabs.Test
- Properties
- Dns
- Commands.Dns
- Models
- Properties
- Commands.Dns.Test
- Properties
- EventHub
- Commands.EventHub
- Properties
- Utilities
- Commands.EventHub.Test
- Properties
- ScenarioTests
- HDInsight
- Commands.HDInsight
- JobCommands
- ManagementCommands
- Models
- Job
- Management
- Properties
- Commands.HDInsight.Test
- Properties
- Insights
- Commands.Insights
- Metrics
- Properties
- Commands.Insights.Test
- Alerts
- Autoscale
- LogProfiles
- Properties
- Intune
- Commands.Intune
- Apps
- Flagged
- Groups
- Operations
- Policy
- Properties
- UserDevices
- Commands.Intune.Test
- ScenarioTests
- SessionRecords/Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Intune.Test.ScenarioTests.IntuneTests
- UnitTests
- Apps
- Flagged
- Groups
- Operations
- Policy
- UserDevices
- documentation
- IotHub
- Commands.IotHub
- Common
- Properties
- Commands.IotHub.Test
- Properties
- KeyVault
- Commands.KeyVault
- Commands
- Models
- Properties
- Commands.KeyVault.Test
- Properties
- ScenarioTests
- Scripts/ControlPlane
- LogicApp
- Commands.LogicApp
- Cmdlets/IntegrationAccount
- Properties
- Utilities
- Commands.LogicApp.Test
- Properties
- ScenarioTests
- SessionRecords
- Microsoft.Azure.Commands.LogicApp.Test.ScenarioTests.IntegrationAccountGeneratedIcnTests
- Microsoft.Azure.Commands.LogicApp.Test.ScenarioTests.IntegrationAccountReceivedIcnTests
- MachineLearning
- Commands.MachineLearning
- Cmdlets
- CommitmentPlans
- WebServices
- Properties
- Utilities
- Commands.MachineLearning.Test
- Properties
- Media
- Commands.Media
- Common
- Properties
- Commands.Media.Test
- Properties
- Network
- Commands.Network
- ApplicationGateway
- Common
- Models
- NetworkWatcher
- Properties
- VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection
- help
- Commands.Network.Test
- Properties
- ScenarioTests
- SessionRecords/Commands.Network.Test.ScenarioTests.VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionTests
- NotificationHubs
- Commands.NotificationHubs
- Properties
- Commands.NotificationHubs.Test
- Properties
- OperationalInsights
- Commands.OperationalInsights
- Client
- DataSources/NewDataSourceCmdletsPerKind
- Properties
- Commands.OperationalInsights.Test
- Properties
- ScenarioTests
- PowerBIEmbedded
- Commands.Management.PowerBIEmbedded
- Properties
- WorkspaceCollection
- Commands.PowerBIEmbedded.Test
- Properties
- Profile
- Commands.Profile
- Account
- Context
- DataCollection
- Environment
- Feedback
- Models
- Properties
- Subscription
- Tenant
- help
- Commands.Profile.Test
- Properties
- RecoveryServices
- Commands.RecoveryServices
- Common
- Properties
- Vault
- Commands.RecoveryServices.Test
- Properties
- ScenarioTests
- RecoveryServices.Backup
- Commands.RecoveryServices.Backup
- Properties
- Commands.RecoveryServices.Backup.Helpers/Properties
- Commands.RecoveryServices.Backup.Logger/Properties
- Commands.RecoveryServices.Backup.Models/Properties
- Commands.RecoveryServices.Backup.Providers/Properties
- Commands.RecoveryServices.Backup.ServiceClientAdapter
- Properties
- Commands.RecoveryServices.Backup.Test
- Properties
- RedisCache
- Commands.RedisCache
- Models
- Properties
- Commands.RedisCache.Test
- Properties
- Relay
- Commands.Relay
- Utilities
- Commands.Relay.Test
- Resources
- Commands.ResourceManager/Cmdlets
- Components
- Implementation
- CmdletBase
- Lock
- Policy
- Providers
- Resource
- ResourceGroupDeployments
- ResourceGroups
- Properties
- SdkClient
- SdkExtensions
- Utilities
- Commands.Resources
- Models.ActiveDirectory
- Models.Authorization
- Models.ResourceGroups
- Properties
- RoleAssignments
- RoleDefinitions
- Commands.Resources.Test
- Models.ResourceGroups
- Properties
- Providers
- ScenarioTests
- SessionRecords/Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Resources.Test.ScenarioTests.DeploymentTests
- Scheduler
- Commands.Scheduler
- Properties
- Utilities
- CmdletHelper
- SchedulerClient
- Commands.Scheduler.Test
- Properties
- ServerManagement
- Commands.ServerManagement
- Commands/Base
- Properties
- Commands.ServerManagement.Test
- Properties
- ServiceBus
- Commands.ServiceBus
- Properties
- Utilities
- Commands.ServiceBus.Test
- Properties
- ServiceFabric
- Commands.ServiceFabric
- Commands
- Properties
- help
- Commands.ServiceFabric.Test
- ScenarioTests
- SessionRecords/Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ServiceFabric.Test.ScenarioTests.TestServiceFabric
- SiteRecovery
- Commands.SiteRecovery
- Common
- Properties
- Vault
- Commands.SiteRecovery.Test
- Properties
- Sql
- Commands.Sql
- Advisor
- Cmdlet
- Service
- Auditing
- Cmdlet
- Services
- Common
- Data Masking
- Cmdlet
- Services
- Database
- Cmdlet
- Services
- Database Activation
- Cmdlet
- Services
- Database Backup
- Cmdlet
- Services
- Elastic Pools
- Cmdlet
- Services
- Failover Group
- Cmdlet
- Services
- FirewallRule
- Cmdlet
- Services
- ImportExport
- Cmdlet
- Service
- Index Recommendations
- Cmdlet
- Service
- Location Capabilities
- Cmdlet
- Services
- Properties
- RecommendedAction
- Cmdlet
- Service
- RecommendedElasticPools
- Cmdlet
- Services
- Replication
- Cmdlet
- Services
- Secure Connection
- Cmdlet
- Services
- Server
- Cmdlet
- Services
- ServerActiveDirectoryAdministrator
- Cmdlet
- Services
- ServerCommunicationLink
- Cmdlet
- Services
- ServerDisasterRecoveryConfiguration
- Cmdlet
- Services
- ServerKeyVaultKey
- Cmdlet
- Services
- ServerUpgrade
- Cmdlet
- Services
- ServiceObjective
- Cmdlet
- Service
- ServiceTierAdvisor
- Cmdlet
- Services
- ThreatDetection
- Cmdlet
- Model
- Services
- TransparentDataEncryption
- Cmdlet
- Services
- help
- Commands.Sql.Test
- Properties
- ScenarioTests
- SessionRecords/Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Test.ScenarioTests.ThreatDetectionTests
- LegacySdk
- Properties
- Storage
- Commands.Management.Storage
- Models
- Properties
- StorageAccount
- Commands.Management.Storage.Test
- Properties
- ScenarioTests
- StreamAnalytics
- Commands.StreamAnalytics
- Models
- Properties
- Commands.StreamAnalytics.Test
- Properties
- Tags
- Commands.Tags
- Model
- Properties
- TrafficManager
- Commands.TrafficManager2
- Properties
- Utilities
- Commands.TrafficManager2.Test
- Properties
- UsageAggregates
- Commands.UsageAggregates
- Properties
- Commands.UsageAggregates.Test
- Properties
- Websites
- Commands.Websites
- Cmdlets/DeploymentSlots
- Models.WebApp
- Properties
- Utilities
- Commands.Websites.Test
- Properties
- ScenarioTests
- ServiceManagement
- Automation
- Commands.Automation
- Common
- Properties
- Commands.Automation.Test
- Properties
- Common
- Commands.Common.Test
- Common
- Properties
- Commands.ScenarioTest
- ChefExtension
- Common
- CredentialTests
- DiagnosticsExtension
- DscExtension
- Properties
- ServiceManagement
- SqlIaaSExtensionTests
- Commands.ServiceManagement.Common
- Properties
- Serialization
- Compute
- Commands.ServiceManagement
- Common
- IaaS
- Disks
- Extensions
- Common
- CustomScript
- SqlServer
- PersistentVMs
- Model
- Properties
- StorageServices
- Commands.ServiceManagement.PlatformImageRepository
- Properties
- Commands.ServiceManagement.Preview
- Properties
- Commands.ServiceManagement.Test
- FunctionalTests
- Properties
- Sync/Properties
- VhdManagement/Properties
- ExpressRoute/Commands.ExpressRoute
- Properties
- HDInsight
- Commands.HDInsight
- Cmdlet
- Model
- Commands/CommandImplementations
- GetAzureHDInsightClusters
- BaseInterfaces
- Properties
- Commands.HDInsight.Test
- HDInsight/CommandTests
- Models
- Simulators
- Utilities
- Properties
- Network
- Commands.Network
- Properties
- Commands.Network.Test
- IPForwarding
- Properties
- Profile/Commands.Profile
- Account
- Environment
- Models
- Profile
- Properties
- Subscription
- RecoveryServices
- Commands.RecoveryServices
- PSRecoveryServicesClient
- Properties
- Service
- Commands.RecoveryServices.Test
- Properties
- ScenarioTests
- RemoteApp
- Commands.RemoteApp
- Common
- Properties
- Commands.RemoteApp.ScenarioTest
- Commands.RemoteApp.Test
- Services
- Commands
- CloudService
- Development
- Scaffolding
- MediaServices
- Properties
- Websites
- Commands.Test
- CloudService
- Development
- Scaffolding
- Utilities
- Environment
- MediaServices
- Profile
- Properties
- ServiceBus
- WAPackIaaS/WebClient
- Websites
- WebHostingPlans
- Commands.Test.Utilities
- Common
- Properties
- Websites
- Commands.Utilities
- CloudService
- Common
- Scaffolding
- MediaServices
- Properties
- Scheduler
- ServiceBus
- Store
- WAPackIaaS/WebClient
- Websites
- Common
- Services
- Sql
- Commands.SqlDatabase
- Database/Cmdlet
- Properties
- Services/Server
- Commands.SqlDatabase.Test
- FunctionalTests
- Properties
- UnitTests
- Database/Cmdlet
- Firewall/Cmdlet
- MockServer
- Server/Cmdlet
- StorSimple
- Commands.StorSimple
- Properties
- ServiceClients
- Commands.StorSimple.Test
- Properties
- TrafficManager
- Commands.TrafficManager
- Properties
- Utilities
- Commands.TrafficManager.Test
- Properties
- Storage
- Commands.Storage
- Blob/Cmdlet
- Common
- Cmdlet
- File
- Cmdlet
- Properties
- Commands.Storage.MsTest2/Properties
- Commands.Storage.MsTestLib/Properties
- Commands.Storage.ScenarioTest/Properties
- Commands.Storage.StorageTestLib/Properties
- Commands.Storage.Test
- Blob
- File
- Cmdlet
- Properties
- Service
- tools
- AzureRM
- HelpGeneration/Exceptions
- StaticAnalysis/Exceptions
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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90 | 90 |
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91 | 91 |
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94 | 96 |
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101 | 103 |
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102 | 104 |
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104 | 107 |
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105 | 108 |
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74 | 74 |
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75 | 75 |
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76 | 76 |
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2 | 184 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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181 | 181 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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120 | 120 |
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121 | 121 |
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122 | 122 |
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123 |
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