# in lava folder
bash ./relayer/compile_proto.sh
# in lava folder
lavad server 2222 wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws/v3/<your_token> 0 --from bob
# in lava folder
lavad test_client 0 --from alice
# in lava folder
lavad portal_server 3333 0 --from user2
geth attach ws://
This flag turns on warnings for mutexes thay are locked for a long time
# in lava folder
DEBUG_MUTEX="true" make # make with this flag on
# Run any of the above with the compiled lavad
build/lavad server 2222 wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws/v3/<your_token> 0 --from bob
This flag will show only a unique identifier id for each error.
If the flag is true:
curl -X GET ""
{"error": "unsupported api","more_information" Error guid: GUID2756376310285318670}%
If the flag is off
curl -X GET ""
{"error": "unsupported api","more_information" Error guid: GUID55979968042711362, Error: REST Api not supported /nbobo }%
To run the flag use the make file with the following command
MASK_CONSUMER_LOGS="false"; make build
MASK_CONSUMER_LOGS="false"; make build