School is a collection of genomics analysis workflows that are used for detecting single nucleotide variants (SNVs), insertions/deletions (indels), copy number variants (CNVs) and translocations from RNA and DNA sequencing. These workflows have been validated in a CLIA laboratory at UTSW
using Module nextflow/20.01.0
nextflow -C ${nfhome}nextflow.config run -w $workdir ${nfhome}/ --input fastq --output analysis --design design.txt --seqrunid $seqrunid --pon $mutectpon --capture $capturebed --capturedir $cnvkitref --version $gittag --genome $dna_ref_path --markdups $markdup_method
seqrunid = Illumina Run ID, used to distrinquished repetative runs mutectpon = capturebed = Hyb Gene Capture Kit Bed File markdup_methd = picard, samtools, fgbio_umi, picard_umi and none
SampleID | TumorID | NormalID | FamilyID | FqR1 | FqR2 |
Sample1 | Sample1 | Sample2 | Fam1 | Sample1.R1.fastq.gz | Sample1.R2.fastq.gz |
Sample2 | Sample1 | Sample2 | Fam1 | Sample2.R1.fastq.gz | Sample2.R2.fastq.gz |
Sample3 | Sample3 | Sample4 | Fam2 | Sample3.R1.fastq.gz | Sample3.R2.fastq.gz |
Sample4 | Sample3 | Sample4 | Fam2 | Sample4.R1.fastq.gz | Sample4.R2.fastq.gz |
markdup_methd = picard, samtools, fgbio_umi, picard_umi and none
nextflow -C nextflow.config run -w workdir --design design.txt --input dir_with_fastqs --output results_output --markdups markdup_method