cukes-ldap is an extension to cukes framework that brings capabilities to manipulate data stored in LDAP-based storages.
Typical use case include (but not limited to):
- Using LDAP as simple data storage (similar to RDBMS)
- Reading data from Active Directory
Here is a simple test:
Feature: Read entity showcase
Scenario: Read admin user
When the client retrieves entity by DN "uid=admin,ou=system"
Then entity contains attribute "uid" with value "admin"
And entity contains attribute "displayname" with value "Directory Superuser"
It does not do much, however it shows the basic syntax - perform LDAP lookup and verify retrieved results.
- Java-based project
- Java 1.8
- Maven or Gradle as build system
Add the following dependency to pom.xml:
Add the following dependency to build.gradle:
testCompile "lv.ctco.cukes:cukes-ldap:${cukes.version}"
Here is an example for configuration (to be placed in file):
cukes.ldap.url: ldap://localhost:10389
cukes.ldap.user: uid=admin,ou=system
cukes.ldap.password: secret
To enable running tests with JUnit place the following code under src/test/java folder:
format = {"pretty", "lv.ctco.cukes.core.formatter.CukesJsonFormatter:target/cucumber.json"},
features = {"classpath:features/"},
glue = {"lv.ctco.cukes"},
strict = true
public class RunCukesLDAPTest {
Here is list of configuration properties that are available:
Property | Meaning | Default value |
cukes.ldap.url | ULR for LDAP server | ldap://localhost:389 |
cukes.ldap.user | User name that is used to connect to LDAP | cn=admin |
cukes.ldap.password | User's password | password |
For more examples please refer to cukes-ldap-sample module.