promise is a libary for doing async programing and it helps you to write generic algoritm's agenst async code and gives you a way of doing error handling with the options to fix the problems from abowe
simple implementation of a promise to read a file
var fs = require("fs");
var ps = require("promise");
var readFile = function(path) {
return ps.promise(function(cont) {
fs.readFile(path, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
cont.throwError("file-read.fs", { error: err });
} else {
a use of a generic algoritm like syncArray
var filePaths = ......; // some array of file paths
var files = ps.syncArray(map(filePaths, readFile));
joining together 2 promises executing in parrallel
var res = asyncThing1().joinWith(asyncThing2(), function(a1, a2) {
return a1 + a2;
using the context feture to deside wheter to log some data
var fetchUserProfile = function(userId) {
return http.get("...some url?id=" + userId)
.maps(parseUser, function(u) { return u.profileUrl; })
.interact(function(data, cont) {
if(cont.context("debug") == true) {
console.log("fetched user profile: " +;
var profile = fetchUserProfile(1)
.context("debug", true);
profile(function(userProfile) {
catching errors and responding to them
var refreshProfile = function(oldProfile) {
return http.get(oldProfile.url)
.catching("timeout.core", function(error) {