The install script backup the existing configuration file, but read below before running it ! Requirements :
- git
- brew (on MacOs)
- zsh 5.0.5 minum (otherwise space-ship theme will not recognize some colors) ** tested on MacOs/Ubuntu/Debian/Centos
git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
Update the spark-shell path in dotfiles/vim/ftplugin/python.vim.symlink & dotfiles/vim/ftplugin/scala.vim.symlink
- Fonts used "DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline.ttf" and "Inconsolata for Powerline.otf" are in terminal/fonts folder
- colors used "FrontEndDelight" are in terminal/colors folder (iterm2) for more colors or other terminal support, check :
The repo contains all configuration I use with tmux, zsh, and vim.
The install script does the following :
- Install required package depending on OS (tmux/zsh/oh-my-zsh/vim)
- Install vim plugins
- Symlink tmux.conf, .zshrc, .vimrc, and a theme of oh-my-zsh (spaceship)
Spaceship is a highly flexible theme of oh my zsh, for more info :
command key remapped from ctrl+b to ctrl+a Using theme from :
- add screenshots