- Seattle, WA
- melaniewalsh.org
- @mellymeldubs
- Pro
info498a-au21 Public
Course materials for Autumn 2021 University of Washington course Info498A, "Introduction to Cultural Analytics"
Data-Analysis-with-Pandas Public
This is the repository for my June 14-18 course "Data Analysis with Pandas," part of the 2021 Text Analysis Pedagogy Institute
Goodreads-Classics Public
This repository hosts the code behind Melanie Walsh and Maria Antoniak's Goodreads Classics website and interactive plots.
IPythonDisplayTurtle Public
Forked from atahan-git/IPythonDisplayTurtleAn implementation of the classic turtle module mainly implemented using IPython.display, IPython.HTML, and paperscript. Can be used with Jupyter Notebooks, and in places where ipywidgets are not su…
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJan 28, 2021 -
minimal-mistakes Public
Forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes📐 Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.
HTML MIT License UpdatedJan 18, 2021 -
Social media data collection workshop for the Cornell Data Journal
MyST-NB Public
Forked from executablebooks/MyST-NBParse and execute ipynb files in Sphinx
Jupyter Notebook BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedOct 12, 2020 -
tweetsofanativeson-bot Public
A bot that retweets James Baldwin's digital afterlives
Python UpdatedSep 29, 2020 -
architect Public
Forked from pages-themes/architectArchitect is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
CSS Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedAug 18, 2020 -
psaw Public
Forked from dmarx/psawPython Pushshift.io API Wrapper (for comment/submission search)
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedJul 8, 2020 -
little-mallet-wrapper Public
Forked from maria-antoniak/little-mallet-wrapperJupyter Notebook GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 15, 2020 -
twarc Public
Forked from DocNow/twarcA command line tool (and Python library) for archiving Twitter JSON
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 13, 2020 -
Storymap of the Librotraficante Movement's 2012 caravan from Houston to Tucson
Humanities-Data-Society Public
Forked from cornell-colab/Humanities-Data-SocietyIn which we explore the creation and curation of humanities data sets
UpdatedNov 13, 2019 -
Working-With-Twitter-Data Public
Workshop for Cornell Day of Data 2019
catalog Public
Forked from DocNow/catalogA simple catalog of Twitter ID Datasets
HTML Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedAug 10, 2019 -
heart-disease-prediction Public
Machine learning project for predicting heart disease
Mary-Oliver-Tweets Public
Tweet IDs for tweets that mentioned the poet Mary Oliver after her death (January 17-19, 2019)
UpdatedJan 20, 2019 -
lil-microfiction-generator Public
👇This lil' microfiction generator tells randomly-generated stories about Academia, Hollywood, or the NBA
BLM-James-Baldwin-tweet-ids Public
Tweet IDs for "Black Lives Matter" and "Ferguson" tweets that mentioned James Baldwin (2014-2015)
UpdatedSep 28, 2018 -
network-analysis-lab Public
Resources for Humanities by the Numbers: Essential Readings in DH
1 UpdatedMay 8, 2018 -
geospatial-lab Public
Resources for Humanities by the Numbers: Essential Readings in DH
UpdatedMay 8, 2018 -
data-viz-lab Public
Resources for Humanities by the Numbers: Essential Readings in DH
UpdatedMay 7, 2018 -
cvtemplate Public
Forked from linguistsherry/cvtemplateA template for academic CV
TeX GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 9, 2017