catalyst application resource provider (LWRP)
- start your catalyst application as fastcgi server
- configuration of apache is beyond the scope, but you may consider my apache cookbook
- gentoo (tested with Calculate Linux Desktop 9.6)
- ubuntu (tested with 11.10 server amd64)
- This cookbook doesn't have direct dependencies on other cookbooks. But you have to be sure that the catalyst application you are going to run at least installed and tested.
- install catalyst application as fastcgi server
- obligatory attrubutes
- a user name that we should change to before starting applicationapplication_group
- a group name that we should change to before starting applicationapplication_home
- a dir where catalyst application residesapplication_script
- a name of script to start application, an absolute path to your application will be constructed with application_home/script/application_scriptcatalyst_config
- a path to catalyst config file
- optional attributes
- true|false, whether to try to start application when configuring is done, default valuetrue
- an array of perl5lib pathesnproc
- Integer, a number of processes will be launched when application start in fastcgi mode, default value 1envvars
- a hash of environment vars, passed to application environmentproc_manager
- a perl class, implimenting Fast CGI Process ProcManager, default FCGI::ProcManagersocket
- a socket, application will be binded to
$ cd /tmp/
$ Foo
$ cd Foo
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
catalyst_application 'foo' do
application_home '/tmp/Foo'
application_script ''
catalyst_config '/tmp/Foo/foo.conf'
action 'install'
/etc/init.d/foo start
/etc/init.d/foo stop
/etc/init.d/foo restart
- - running catalyst app as fastcgi server
- add support for more platforms
- add more tests
- add wikis and howtos