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This is a companion repository for the article "Comparative analysis of machine learning classifiers and calibration algorithms for estimating class probabilities for personalized cancer diagnostics on DNA methylation microarray data"

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This is a companion repository for the article "Comparative analysis of machine learning workflows to estimate class probabilities for precision cancer diagnostics on DNA methylation microarray data" submitted to Nature Protocols (

Our comaprisons included four well-established machine learning (ML) algorithms: random forests (RF), elastic net penalized multinomial logistic regression (ELNET), support vector machines (SVM) and boosted trees (XGBOOST).

For calibration, we used i) Platt scaling implemented by logistic regression (LR), Firth's penalized LR; and ii) ridge penalized multinomial regression (MR).

All algorithms were compared on an uqinque data set of brain tumor DNA methylation reference cohort (n=2801 cases belonging to 91 classes) published in:

Capper, D., Jones, D. T. W., Sill, M. and et al. (2018a). "DNA methylation-based classification of central nervous system tumours." Nature, 555, 469 ;

The corresponding Github repository ( presents the implementations of the MR-calibrated (untuned) RF classifier and all steps (i.e. downloading, pre-processing and filtering) required to generate the benchmarking data set MNPbetas10Kvar.RData (see Fig. 1 - Part 1 in the submitted paper).

The 450k DNA methylation array data of the reference cohort is available in the Gene Expression Omnibus under the accession number GSE109381 (

The benchmarking data set was based on the 10,000 most variable CpG probes and it can be easily generated using R scripts provided in the above repository (

A smaller subset of the reference DNA methylation cohort data containing only the 1000 most variable CpG probes (betas1000.RData) is provided for direct download in this repository. The true class label vector y.RData is also directly downloadable from here.

This repository focuses on the internal validation and benchmarking of the combination of these ML- and calibration algorithms (see Figure 1 - Part 2 in the submitted paper) to develop ML-workflows for estimating class probabilities for precision cancer diagnostics.

Repo content

Resampling scheme

All algorithms were implementated and evaluated within:

  • 5 x 5-fold nested cross-validation (CV) scheme using stratified sampling
    • R package: base R
    • R script: makefolds.R (generates the list object nfolds, which is also available as nfolds.RData)

Machine learning (ML) classifiers:

  • Random Forests (RF)
    • vanilla RF (using default settings; vRF)
    • tuned RF (tRF)
      • Brier score (BS)
      • Misclassification error (ME)
      • Multiclass log loss (LL)
    • R package(s): randomForest, caret
  • Elastic net penalized multinomial logistic regression (ELNET)
    • concurrent tuning of alpha and lambda
    • R package(s): glmnet
  • Support vector machines (SVM)
    • Radial Basis Function kernels (RBF)
    • Linear kernels (LK)
    • R package(s):
      • CPU: e1071, ksvm (caret), LiblineaR;
      • GPU (NVIDIA CUDA-accelerated) Rgtsvm
  • Gradient boosted decision trees (XGBOOST)
    • comperehensive tuning of multiple tuning parameters
    • R package(s): xgboost, caret

Calibration/Post-processing algortihms:

  • Platt scaling
    • Logistic Regression (LR)
      • R package: glm (base R function)
    • Firth's penalized LR (FLR)
      • R package: brglm
  • Ridge penalized multinomial logistic regression (MR)
      • R package: glmnet

Performance evaluation:

We also provide scripts for evaluation (e.g. performance_evaluation_tRF.R) such as:

Hardware requirements

Our scripts require (possibly highly) multicore computers with sufficient RAM.

The given runtimes were generated using either a workstation with specs of 64 GB RAM, Intel i7 6850k CPU (6 cores/12 thread @ 3.6 GHz) or AWS instances (general purpose M.2 64 cores or compute optimized C.2 16 cores).

Runtimes for GPU (NVIDIA CUDA-accelerated) SVM classifiers with RBF or LK (Rgtsvm package) were generated on NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti GPUs.

OS & Setup requirements

We tested our R scripts using

  • both CPU and GPU on
    • Ubuntu 16.04.03 LTS
  • CPU only on
    • Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.6, OS X Mojave 10.14.2

R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing, v.3.3.3 - 3.4

For SVM with GPU acceleration (R package Rgtsvm) consult the setup guide at

For Rgtsvm we used:

Installation guide

1. CPU-based implementations

Please make sure that the required R packages (listed above) and their dependencies are installed. In order to directly install packages from GitHub install the devtools package and use the install_github() function.

install.packages("foo", dependencies=T)

# Install the devtools package to directly install packages from Github
# The corresponding function 

2. GPU-accelerated SVM

For NVIDIA CUDA installation see detailed guide at
For Boost library, which is required for the Rgtsvm package, see the user guide at

A worked example to perform hyperparameter tuning for the random forests (tRF) algorithm and post-processing it with multinomial ridge regression (MR)

Below, we present the steps needed to perform hyperparameter tuning for the RF classifier including its calibration with MR (tRFBS | ME | LL + MR) and its final performance evaluation.

Codes for the remaining ML-classifiers and calibration algorithms will be uploaded when the review process is finished.

3. Load data sets & objects

Here, we assume that the pre-processing script ( has already been carried out to generate the MNPbetas10Kvar.RData file.
As an alternative, the outcome vector y (y.RData) and the subset of the betas (betas1000.RData) data frame (with only the 1000 most variable CpG probes) are directly downloadbale from this repository.

# Load the data sets 
# contains betas data frame (2801 x 10000) and y (vector of 2801) true outcome labels

# Betas1000.RData is provided with the 1000 most variable CpG probes after unsupervised variance filtering
load("betas1000.RData") # contains the subset of the "betas" data frame (2801 x 1000)

# True outcome labels y
load("y.RData") # contains the y vector of true class labels (with 91 levels)

# Nested resampling scheme 
# contains the "nfolds" list object with the folds assignments to perform 
# the nested 5 x 5-fold CV for internal validation.

4. Setup and import pre-requisite R packages.

# Parallel backend
# Random Forests classifier
# Caret framework for tuning randomForest hyperparameters

# Define number of cores for the parallel backend
# Consider leaving 1 thread for the operating system.
cores <- detectCores()-1 

5. Source/Run R scripts necessary for tuning and fitting the RF classifier

Because the respective R package for each investigated ML-classifier algorithm has different built-in functionalities our R scripts follow a 3-layered approach to carry out the internal validation process:

  1. subfunctions are invoked to enable the tuning and/or to extract the optimal hyperparameter settings from the respective predictor algorithm and/or form the ML-framework of the caret package;
  2. training function (e.g. trainRF_caret_custom_tuner) performs hyperparameter tuning by using the corresponding subfunctions;
  3. nested CV: finally, the training function is implemented within the nested cross-validation scheme and wrapped into a separate function (e.g. run_nestedcv_tunedRF), which performs the complete internal validation.
# 1. Subfunctions to define and perform custom grid search using the caret package
  1. This script contains:
  • the rfp() function that provides a parallelized wrapper for the randomForest::randomForest()function.
  • customRF function for the caret package to enable tuning RF hyperparameters including ntree, mtry and nodesize.
  • subfunc_rf_caret_tuner_customRF() to perform grid search using an extra nested n-fold CV with the caret package.
# 2. Training & Hyperparameter tuning & Variable selection are performed here
  1. This script contains:
  • a custom function (trainRF_caret_custom_tuner()) for the whole tuning process of RF hyperparameters including mtry, ntree and nodesize as well as pvarsel (i.e. the number of CpG probes that result in the lowest BS, LL and ME metrics).
# 3. Source scripts for full evaluation of tRF in the nested CV scheme 

# Timing: for outerfolds ~4 – 4.5-h ; for the full 5 x 5-fold nested CV scheme 4 – 5 days depending on the tuning grid size.

# Run the function that performs the task
run_nestedcv_tunedRF(y.. = y, betas.. = betas, 
            = 5, 
                     nfolds.. = nfolds,
                     # nfolds is imported via the load("nfolds.RData")
                     cores = 10, 
                     seed = 1234, 
                     K.start = 1, k.start = 0,
                     out.path = "tRF/", out.fname = "CVfold", # (1)
                     mtry.min = NULL, mtry.max = NULL, length.mtry = 2, # (2)
                     ntrees.min = 1000, ntrees.max = 2000, = 500,
                     nodesize.proc = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1), #(3)
                     p.n.pred.var = c(100, 500, 1000, 10000)
  1. This script contains:
  • the function run_nestedcv_tunedRF() that integrates the (1.) sub- and (2.) training functions to perform the complete internal validation within the 5 x 5-fold nested CV scheme.
  • It creates an output folder (by default ./tRF/) and exports the resulting variables (hyperparemeter settings and raw classifier scores) into a CVfold.1.0.RDatafile for each (sub)fold, respectively.

The output file CVfold.K.k.RData is comprised of the following objects:

  • predicted (uncalibrated/raw) scores matrices of the tuned RF using p.n.pred.var (pvarsel) number of CpG probes that resulted in the lowest BS, ME and LL metrics, respectively:
    • scores.pred.rf.tuned.brier
    • scores.pred.rf.tuned.miscerr
    • scores.pred.rf.tuned.mlogl
  • rfcv.tuned: the output object of the (2.) trainRF_caret_custom_tuner() function
  • fold: the corresponding "K.k" (sub)fold assignments with training and test/calibration sets

CRITICAL/Troubleshooting: the output CVfold.K.k.RData file can be quite large (1-1.5Gb) because it contains multiple large matrix objects (ca. 215 MB each). Hence, saving all RData files of the 5 x 5-fold nested CV scheme (altogether 30x) might require 30-50Gb free space on the hard drive.

6. Calibration using ridge penalized multinomial logistic regression (MR)

# Source the script

This script contains:

  • the calibrate_tRF_MR()function that by default
    • creates an output folder ("tRF/MR-calibrated/" within the working directory and
    • generates probsCVfold.{which.optimizer.metric}.K.0.RDatafiles, which are comprised of
      • the raw scoresand
      • MR-calibrated probabilities probsmatrices, plus misclassification errors for each fold
# Parallel backend
# For cv.glmnet, it is recommended to register a "doMC" parallel backend 
# as it uses foreach functionalities for 10-fold CV of lambda  

# Function call:
calibrate_tRF_MR(out.path = "tRF/MR-calibrated/", out.fname = "probsCVfold", 
                 nfolds.. = NULL, y.. = NULL, # automatically checks for & gets the nfolds (list) and y (vector) variables from .Globalenv
        = "./tRF/CVfold.", 
                 which.optimized.metric = "brier", # c("brier", "miscerr", "mlogl", "vanilla")
                 verbose.messages = T,   # more verbose output 
        = T, # needs parallel backend 
                 setseed = 1234)

Timing: Multi-core (10 threads):

  • Training the MR model + Predicting the outer test set: ca. 1 min 15-25s / fold / metric (BS | ME | LL)
  • Full run: ca. 7 min / metric (BS | ME | LL)

Single core:

  • Training the MR model + Predicting the outer test set: ca. 4-5 mins / fold / metric (BS | ME | LL)
  • Full run: ca. 23 - 25 min / tRF_{BS | ME | LL}

Output object size: 400-500KB / fold (e.g. probsCVfold.brier.1.0.RData)

7. Performance evaluation

Use a comprehensive panel of performance metrics:

  • For Discrimination - derived from the ROC plot:
    • misclassification error (ME)
    • multiclass AUC (mAUC)
  • Overall prediction performance - strictly proper scoring rules for evaluating the difference between observed class and predicted class probabilities:
    • Brier score (BS)
    • multiclass log loss (LL)
# Source the script for complete performance evaluation of tRF

This script contains:

  • the performance_evaluator() function that sources the brier.R and mlogloss.Rscripts to generate performance metrics.
    • performance_evaluator() returns a list with elements misc.error, auc.HandTill, brier, and mlogloss.
# Default function settings
performance_evaluator( = "./tRF/MR-calibrated-test2/probsCVfold.brier.",
             = NULL, # as.character ; defaults to the calibrated `probs` object
                      nfolds.. = NULL,       # looks for and gets `nfolds` from .Globalenv 
                      betas.. = NULL,        # looks for and gets `betas` from .Globalenv 
                      y.. = NULL,            # looks for and gets `y` from .Globalenv 
             = T, # by default rescales for mAUC
                      reorder.columns = F,   # for tRF it is not required but for SVM set to T
                      reorder.rows = T,      # required for RF
                      misc.err = T, 
                      multi.auc.HandTill2001 = T, 
                      brier = T, 
                      mlogLoss = T,
                      verbose = T # gives a verbose output
# Function call:
# Timing < 1 min
performance_evaluator( = "scores")

# Or with lapply()
l.obj.names <- list("scores", "probs")
l.perf.eval <- lapply(seq_along(l.obj.names), function(i){
 performance_evaluator( = l.obj.names[[i]])


This is a companion repository for the article "Comparative analysis of machine learning classifiers and calibration algorithms for estimating class probabilities for personalized cancer diagnostics on DNA methylation microarray data"






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