A rust no_std driver for the Hynan CST816S touchpad device
This is work-in-progress
- Debug build runs on PineTime
- Release build runs on PineTime
- Internal I2C bus access
- CI
- Documentation
The following example was developed for and tested on the PineTime nrf52-based smart watch.
Note that you will need to clear the nrf52 flash protection before you will be able to program the PineTime.
For installation and debugging you can connect with the PineTime on its SWD debug port using, for example:
- openocd (built with proper support). We've used an inexpensive ST-Link adapter to with openocd.
- daily build of the Black Magic Probe firmware
- Segger J-Link or similar
When you're ready to install on the PineTime, you can run the example with:
cargo run --example touchpad
BSD-3-Clause, see LICENSE