You can know get the automatic installation script from
- Configure database
- Configure the Laravel app
- Install dependencies and generate key
- Update the static data in the database
- Run the Laravel app
- Choose a MySQL database local server like "Laragon" or "XAMPP". You can download from Laragon and from XAMPP.
- Make sure your MySQL server is up and running.
- Open the Laravel app folder that you copied into the "htdocs" directory.
- Rename the ".env.example" file to ".env".
- Open the ".env" file with a text editor.
- Configure the database connection by modifying the following lines:
- Replace "laravel" with the name of the database you created in step 3.
- If you have set a password for your MySQL database, enter it in the DB_PASSWORD field.
- Save the changes to the ".env" file.
- Open a terminal or command prompt.
- Navigate to the Laravel app directory using the cd command. For example:
cd C:/xampp/htdocs/gestion_des_soin
jump this step and come back to it only if necessary.
- Run the following command to install Laravel dependencies:
composer install
- Once the dependencies are installed, run the following command to generate a unique application key:
php artisan key:generate
- In the terminal or command prompt, navigate to the Laravel app directory if you're not already there.
- Migrate the tables up to the connected database bu running:
php artisan migrate
To run a migration in Laravel without flushing the database (i.e., without dropping and recreating the tables), you can use the
php artisan migrate --pretend
- Run the following command to update the seeder data in the database:
php artisan db:seed
add the flag "--class=ExampleSeeder" to update a specific seeder class data
- In the terminal or command prompt, navigate to the Laravel app directory if you're not already there.
- Run the following command to start the Laravel development server:
php artisan serve
- The Laravel app should now be running. You can access it in your web browser at the following URL: http://localhost/ or
- you can login on the admin pre-build account on "admin@admin" and password: "admin"
let us consider you havea already install pm2 you can do so using
npm i -g pm2
oryarn add -g pm2
Give execution permission to the script by :
chmod +x
lunch the command:
pm2 start laravel-pm2.json
The error message you're seeing indicates that the PDO driver for PostgreSQL is not installed or not enabled in your PHP configuration. Here’s a step-by-step guide to resolve this issue:
follow this like to get comment error solution: See the Error handler file for more details.