Welcome to my GitHub! I'm Juel, a Biology graduate who's transitioning into Software Engineering. Through self-study and enrolling in a coding Bootcamp at Manchester Codes, I am building a solid foundation in both frontend and backend technologies and languages. You can find me on tech twitter j_brgnz where I'm currently enjoying #100DaysOfCode and Edabit challenges.
- Awarded 1st place on Code First Girl's Web Dev course
- Awarded in Top 3 as Most Innovative project in #HackfromHome 2020
- Awarded full scholarship by Manchester Codes for demonstrating passion for tech
- JavaScript
- ReactJS
- Building projects and my portfolio website. Although, I think I'll wait to learn React before I build the website.
- Complete #100DaysOfCode challenge
- Build 30+ projects
- Become skilled in JavaScript
- Complete coding bootcamp by October 2020
- I blog. About food. Recipes and stuff.
- I will speak German fluently in 5 months or so.
- LinkedIn: juel-braganza
- Twitter: j_brgnz
- Website: coming soon
- Food Blog: callitameal.com
From Juel07 (https://github.com/Juel07)