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Mesoform Multi-Cloud Platform


Mesoform Multi-Cloud Platform (MCP) is a set of tools and supporting infrastructure code which simplifies the deployment of applications across multiple Cloud providers. The basis behind MCP is for platform engineers and application engineers to be working with a single structure and configuration for deploying foundational infrastructure (like IAM policies, Google App Engine or Kubernetes clusters) as would be used for deploying workloads to that infrastructure (e.g. Containers/Pods).

Within this framework is a unified configuration language called Mesoform Multi-Cloud Configuration Format (or MCCF), which is detailed below and provides a familiar YAML structure to what many of the native original services offer and adapts it into HCL, the language of Hashicorp Terraform, and deploys it using Terraform, to gain the benefits (like state management) which Terraform offers.

This Repository

This repository contains the scripts and configurations to run interactive deployment of a cross-cloud Kubernetes platform. Including necessary Cloud resources like networking; and basic monitoring and logging (ElasticStack and Zabbix)

Quick start guide

Prepare to run deployment

Clone the mcp-setup git repository and set environment variables locally on your current shell:


  export MCP_ENV="test"
  export MCP_BASE_MANAGER_NAME="manager"
  export MCP_RANCHER_ADMIN_PWD="R4nch3R"
  export MCP_BASE_CLUSTER_NAME="cluster"
  export MCP_K8S_NETWORK_PROVIDER="calico"
  export MCP_BASE_ETCD_NODE_NAME="etcd"
  export MCP_BASE_CONTROL_NODE_NAME="control"
  export MCP_BASE_WORKER_NODE_NAME="worker"
  export MCP_AWS_SECRET_KEY="aB1c23de4FGhi5jklmnOPqRSTuvWXY6zabcdefgh"
  export MCP_AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="eu-west-2"
  export MCP_AWS_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH="~/.ssh/"
  export MCP_AWS_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH="~/.ssh/id_rsa"
  export MCP_GCP_PROJECT_ID="mcp-testing"
  export MCP_GCP_CREDENTIALS_PATH="~/.ssh/gcp-service-account.json"
  export MCP_GCP_GCS_BUCKET="mcp-testing-elk"
  export MCP_GCP_DEFAULT_REGION="europe-west2"
  export MCP_GCP_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH="~/.ssh/"
  export MCP_GCP_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH="~/.ssh/id_rsa"
  export SECURE_SOURCE_IP=""

MCP_AWS_ACCESS_KEY, MCP_AWS_SECRET_KEY and/or MCP_GCP_PROJECT_ID, MCP_GCP_CREDENTIALS_PATH are mandatory and do not have a default value.

Default variables values are as follows:

  MCP_ENV="test"                                 # deployment environment (dev/test/prod/etc.)
  MCP_BASE_MANAGER_CLOUD="aws"                   # default cloud provider for rancher manager: aws or gcp
  MCP_BASE_MANAGER_NAME="manager"                # rancher manager name
  MCP_RANCHER_ADMIN_PWD="R4nch3R"                # rancher admin password
  # K8S
  MCP_BASE_CLUSTER_NAME="cluster"                # k8s cluster name
  MCP_K8S_NETWORK_PROVIDER="calico"              # k8s network provider: calico|canal|flannel|weave
  MCP_BASE_ETCD_NODE_NAME="etcd"                 # k8s etcd node name
  MCP_BASE_CONTROL_NODE_NAME="control"           # k8s control node name
  MCP_BASE_WORKER_NODE_NAME="worker"             # k8s worker node name
  MCP_ETCD_NODE_COUNT=1                          # number of etcd nodes per cluster
  MCP_CONTROL_NODE_COUNT=1                       # number of control nodes per cluster
  MCP_WORKER_NODE_COUNT=1                        # number of worker nodes per cluster
  # AWS
  MCP_AWS_ACCESS_KEY=""                          # aws platform access key. E.g. MCP_AWS_ACCESS_KEY=ABCD1EFGHI23JKLMNOP
  MCP_AWS_SECRET_KEY=""                          # aws platform secret key. E.g. MCP_AWS_SECRET_KEY=aB1c23de4FGhi5jklmnOPqRSTuvWXY6zabcdefgh
  MCP_AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="eu-west-2"             # aws default region
  MCP_AWS_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH="~/.ssh/"    # auth public rsa key
  MCP_AWS_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH="~/.ssh/id_rsa"       # auth private rsa key
  # GCP
  MCP_GCP_PROJECT_ID=""                          # gcp project id. E.g. MCP_GCP_PROJECT_ID=mcp-testing
  MCP_GCP_CREDENTIALS_PATH=""                    # gcp service account credentials. E.g. MCP_GCP_CREDENTIALS_PATH=~/.ssh/gcp-credentials.json
  MCP_GCP_GCS_BUCKET=""                          # gcp gcs bucket to store elastic snapshots
  MCP_GCP_DEFAULT_REGION="europe-west2"          # gcp default region
  MCP_GCP_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH="~/.ssh/"    # auth public rsa key
  MCP_GCP_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH="~/.ssh/id_rsa"       # auth private rsa key
  SECURE_SOURCE_IP=""               # any secure IP to add to the monitoring services (Zabbix/ELK) firewalls

Exported variables on your shell will take precedence from the defined default values.

To check exported variables on current shell run the following command: env | grep MCP


  • To deploy resources run setup command and specify cloud name (aws|gcp|all):
    ./ setup aws


  • To remove all the resources deployed run the destroy command:
    ./ destroy manager

Adding nodes to a cluster

  • To add a node (etcd | control | worker) to an existing cluster run the add command:
    ./ add wnode config/test/test-aws-cluster.yaml # add new worker node to an AWS cluster

Removing nodes from an existing cluster

  • To remove a node (etcd|control|worker) from a cluster run the destroy command:
    ./ destroy node config/test/test-aws-cluster.yaml # remove a node from an AWS cluster
    A prompt will ask you which node to remove

Getting information about manager or cluster

  • To get information about a manager or a cluster run the get command:
    ./ get manager # information about the cluster manager


  • Run ./ help to see details about script usage

Tips and tricks

  • The information about the Kubernetes Cluster Manager will be shown in the console output. Rancher manager UI user: admin
    rancher_access_key = token-1abcd
    rancher_secret_key = xyz1xyz2xyz
    rancher_url =
  • Use SECURE_SOURCE_IP to add any IP to the monitoring services firewalls so Zabbix Web and Kibana UI can be reached from that IP
  • The Zabbix Web Frontend can be accessed on a browser using the public Zabbix Server IP. User: Admin
  • Kibana UI can be accessed from a browser using the public ELK Server IP and port 5601
  • A multi-cloud setup on both AWS and GCP currently only allows the creation of Zabbix and Elastic Stack servers on AWS.


MCCF is a YAML-based configuration allowing for simple mapping of platform APIs for deploying applications or services (A/S). It follows the YAML 1.2 specification.


MCCF has some top-level attributes which can be defined with any adapter.

Project top-level attributes

The first set of attributes are generic attributes relating to MCCF and the overall project. They must be set in project.yml and

Key Type Required Description Default
mcf_version string false version of MCF to use. 1.0
name string true Name of the project. If you want to reference this in later configuration,
it must meet the minimum requirements of the target platform(s) being deployed to. For example, Google App Engine requires that many IDs/names must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?. The first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters (except for the last character) must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit. The last character must be a lowercase letter or digit.
version string false deployment version of your application/service. Version must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, dashes (-), underscores (_), and dots (.). Spaces are not allowed, and dashes, underscores and dots cannot be consecutive (e.g. "1..2" or "1._2") and cannot be at the beginning or end (e.g. "-1.2" or "1.2_") none
labels map false a collection of keys and values to represent labels required for your deployment. none


mcf_version: "1.0"
name: &name "mesoform-frontend"
version: &deployment_version "1"
labels: &project_labels
  billing: central
  name: *name

Adapter top-level attributes

The next set of top-level attributes which can be defined along with each adapter and are defined in the adapter specific YAML file.

The first set of these attributes exist to allow secure management of the platform and services which they deploy. They can be defined by the user of the adapters or equally by a team whose responsibility it is to maintain security and stability of Cloud platforms. In such cases, such teams could block or override any deployments where the given value isn't compliant with their standards. These attributes are:

Key Type Required Description Default
service_account string false defines what service account to use to deploy resources none
spec_version string false which version of the adapter code to use latest
compliance object false defines details of how to manage resources in a compliant manner none
compliance.policies object false defines details of what policies to use for verifying if the configuration is compliant none
compliance.policies.url string false URL to where to pull the policies from none
compliance.policies.version string false What version of the policies to use none
components.common map false key/value pairs which can be used to define common or default values for each component none
components.specs map true map of objects which define an app, or component of a larger app. Each key is the name for the app and the value of each key depends upon the available option for the chosen adapter. The adapter-specific attributes are defined in their own documents (examples below) none


service_account: [email protected]
spec_version: v1.0.0
    version: 1.0.0
    runtime: python
    env: flex
      name: myapp1
      name: myapp2
      runtime: node
      name: myapp3
      env: standard

Service adapters

Service adapters are used for deploying applications to different serverless/container orchestration platform, like Kubernetes of Google Cloud Run. They can be found in the mesoform/Multi-Cloud-Platform-Services repository, along with documentation on how to use them.

Foundation adapters

Foundation adapters are used for deploying foundational IaaS or PaaS Cloud resources. These are resources which service adapters may depend on before they can be used. For example, in Google Cloud, you would need to have a Cloud Project, the Cloud Run API enabled and a Project IAM policy defined before any Cloud Run apps could be deployed. They can be found in the mesoform/Multi-Cloud-Platform-Foundations repository, along with documentation on how to use them.


Each version of your application/service (AS) is defined in corresponding set of YAML configuration files. As a minimum, your AS will require two files: project.yaml which contains some basic configuration about your project, like the version of MCF to use; and another file containing the target platform-specific configuration (e.g. gcp_ae.yml for Google App Engine). These files act as a deployment description and define things like scaling, runtime settings, AS configuration and other resource settings for the specific target platform.

If your application is made up of a number of microservices, you can structure such Component AS (CAS) source code files and resources into subdirectories. Then, in the MCCF file, the deployment configuration for each CAS each will have its own definition in the specs section (described below). For example,

    L project.yml
    L gcp_ae.yml
    L micro-service1/
    |     L src/
    |     L resources/
    L micro-service2/
    |     L
    |     L resources

Specifications for different target platforms can be found below


To use the MCP modules to deploy your service, download the (Linux or Mac), or mcpadm.ps1 (Windows), and run the setup within a /terraform subdirectory of your service.

L project.yml
L gcp_ae.yml
L micro-service1/
|     L src/
|     L resources/
L micro-service2/
|     L
|     L resources
L terraform/              <----Run setup in this directory
|     L

Running ./ setup will interactively configure a file with a backend for managing terraform state, and the modules for all available adaptors.

./ setup gcs -bucket=bucket-id -prefix=tf-state-files -auto-approve

Would produce the following file:

terraform {
  backend "gcs" {
    bucket = bucket-id
    prefix = tf-state-files
module {
  source = ""

Run setup -help for more setup options.

The mcpadm scripts can also get, deploy and destroy terraform infrastructure, as well as configure workspaces for management of multiple service versions.


We recommend using YAML anchors to reduce duplication and ensure consistency between various configs. Description of this feature is available in a variety of external sources, e.g. simple summary lives here.

Look out for them in our examples above!


As with most things IT, there are many ways in which an operations team could manage all of our foundations and services. Some ideas are briefly described below.

Monitoring & Logging

An essential part of running any services is to make keep an eye on performance & availability, and have an event (logging) system for debugging, audit and security. See the docs in the monitoring directory

Deployment Management

Ensuring we have consistent deployments which we can test, control changes and ensure drift is corrected is another important factor of service reliability engineering. Below is concept that expands upon the MCCF to being used as a means for platform teams to be able to control the security and stability of a platform whilst also allowing as much freedom for application teams to work entirely independently. This is a description of a service oriented organisation. In this setup, the platform team provides a service to other teams to be able to manage all of their own cloud project or account without having to raise requests to the platform team to perform some other work which need to be controlled for some reason (lke security in the case of IAM).

In this world, what the platform team is responsible for is what we call control units. A control unit could be an IAM policy or a data store or a network. See the Multi-Cloud Platform Foundations repository for examples.

What we're looking to do in this scenario is to create a consistent build for each application team's environment where changes to their environment's configuration automatically updates the live platform. Also, each deployment needs to be well isolated and any changes which are performed outside-of the configuration change process are automatically corrected back to what has been approved.

For us this means having the following tenets:

  • container images for each control unit's code (e.g. an image with Terraform and an HCL deployment module)
  • a CICD pipeline for testing and delivering that image to an image registry (e.g. Cloud Build (CB))
  • a process for testing changes to our control unit spec (MCCF in our case) (e.g. CB step for YAML linting)
  • a pipeline for deploying changes to control unit configurations (e.g. Cloud Build)
  • a step in the pipeline for checking changes against compliance policies (e.g. CB step to check config against OpenPolicy Agent policy)
  • a system for running control unit containers (e.g. Docker Swarm Stack)
  • a version control system for change management of control unit configuration (e.g. Cloud Source Repositories (or Github))
  • a system for live control unit configuration (e.g. Docker Swarm Configs (or Consul))
  • a system for managing dependencies between control units (e.g. Consul)
  • a system for containing configuration drift (e.g. supervisord to regularly restart terraform apply )

Basic process


Please read:


This project is licensed under the MPL 2.0