Create monitoring environment (Zabbix + Elastic Stack) and connect it with Triton Kubernetes clusters
Make sure your rancher variables file rancher.vars
exists on folder config/<env>
- Run setup script:
from withinmcp-setup
cloned repo.
Run the script with
command -monitoring/ setup <cloud_name>
./monitoring/ setup <aws|gpc|all>
Zabbix agent and filebeat ELK daemonsets will be applied to all cluster/s nodes.
Verify that the Zabbix agent pod is running on every node in cluster:
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config.<aws|gcp> get pods -o wide
Verify that Filebeat pod is running on every node in cluster:
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config.<aws|gcp> get pods -o wide --namespace=kube-system | grep filebeat
Run the script with
command -monitoring/ destroy <cloud_name>
./monitoring/ destroy <aws|gpc|all>
./monitoring/ help
to see details about script usage. -
The Zabbix Web Frontend can be accessed on a browser using the public Zabbix Server IP. User: Admin
Kibana UI can be accessed on a browser using the public ELK Server IP and port 5601
A multi-cloud setup on both AWS and GCP currently only allows the creation of Zabbix and Elastic Stack servers on AWS.