Red Hat
- Brno, Czech Republic
- http://lukas.krejci.pw
Rust keyboard firmware library with layers, macros, real-time keymap editing, wireless(BLE) and split support
✨ AI-powered coding, seamlessly in Neovim
Simple wrapper to yahoo! finance API to retrieve latest quotes and end-of-day quote histories
Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust
This is a project, where I give you a way to use Autodesk Fusion 360 on Linux!
Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
This project aims to enable makers to motorize their dobson-style mounted telescopes using easily sourced hardware
Maven Plugin for the Java Shell Tool (JShell)
Build p2p collaborative applications without any server infrastructure in Node.js
Justify is a JSON validator based on JSON Schema Specification and Jakarta JSON Processing API (JSON-P).
A repository of resources about public speaking, specifically in the context of software development and IT conferences.
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition & IntelliJ Platform
An uber-fast parallelized Java classpath scanner and module scanner.
NOT MAINTAINED AND ARCHIVED. FreeOTP qrcode exporter in javascript
Java language server using the Java compiler API
This corpus contains examples of "all" possible syntactic API changes in Java.
Kubernetes based Cloud Development Environments for Enterprise Teams
An advanced distributed task flow management on top of Celery