These demos are real, you can click them! They contain the full code, too.
npm install react-three-fiber
React-three-fiber is a small React renderer for Three-js. Why, you might ask? React was made to drive complex tree structures, it makes just as much sense for Three as it makes for the Dom. Building a dynamic scene graph becomes so much easier because you can break it up into declarative, re-usable components with clean, reactive semantics. This also opens up the eco system, you can now apply generic packages for state, animation, gestures and so on.
This is a small reconciler config with a few additions for interaction and hooks holding it all together. It does not know or care about Three internals, it uses heuristics for objects and attributes, so that we can get away without creating a strong dependency. Three is constantly changing, we don't want to rely on a specific version or chase their release cycle. This library works with version 1 as well as their latest. At the same time we don't want to alter any rules, if something works in Three in a specific way, it will be the same here.
Copy the following into a project to get going. Here's the same running in a code sandbox.
import * as THREE from 'three'
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Canvas } from 'react-three-fiber'
function Thing({ vertices, color }) {
return (
<group ref={ref => console.log('we have access to the instance')}>
vertices={ => new THREE.Vector3(...v))}
onUpdate={self => (self.verticesNeedUpdate = true)}
<lineBasicMaterial attach="material" color="black" />
onClick={e => console.log('click')}
onPointerOver={e => console.log('hover')}
onPointerOut={e => console.log('unhover')}>
<octahedronGeometry attach="geometry" />
<meshBasicMaterial attach="material" color="peachpuff" opacity={0.5} transparent />
<Thing vertices={[[-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [-1, 0, 0]]} />
The Canvas
object is your portal into Threejs. It renders Threejs elements, not dom element!
children // Either a function child (which receives state) or regular children
gl // These props go into the webGL renderer
camera // And these go in to the default camera
pixelRatio = undefined // You could provide window.devicePixelRatio if you like
invalidateFrameloop = false // When true it only renders on changes, when false it's a game loop
onCreated /> // Callback when vdom is ready, return a promise to prevent FOC
You can use Three's entire object catalogue and all properties. When in doubt, always consult the docs.
userData={{ test: "hello" }}
position={new THREE.Vector3(1, 2, 3)}
rotation={new THREE.Euler(0, 0, 0)}
geometry={new THREE.SphereGeometry(1, 16, 16)}
material={new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: new THREE.Color('indianred'), transparent: true })} />
All properties that have a .set()
method (colors, vectors, euler, matrix, etc) can be given a shortcut. For example THREE.Color.set can take a color string, hence instead of color={new THREE.Color('peachpuff')
you can do color="peachpuff"
. Some set-methods take multiple arguments (vectors for instance), in this case you can pass an array.
You can stow away non-Object3D primitives (geometries, materials, etc) into the render tree so that they become managed and reactive. They take the same properties they normally would, constructor arguments are passed with args
. Using the attach
property objects bind automatically to their parent and are taken off it once they unmount.
The following is the same as above, but it's leaner and critical properties aren't re-instanciated on every render.
<mesh visible userData={{ test: "hello" }} position={[1, 2, 3]} rotation={[0, 0, 0]}>
<sphereGeometry attach="geometry" args={[1, 16, 16]} />
<meshStandardMaterial attach="material" color="indianred" transparent />
You can nest primitive objects, which is good for awaiting async textures and such. You could use React-suspense if you wanted!
<meshBasicMaterial attach="material">
<texture attach="map" format={THREE.RGBFormat} image={img} onUpdate={self => img && (self.needsUpdate = true)} />
Sometimes attaching isn't enough, for instance effects cling to an array called "passes" of a the parental effect-composer. In that case you use attachArray
which adds the object to the target array and takes it out on unmount:
<renderPass attachArray="passes" />
<glitchPass attachArray="passes" renderToScreen />
You can also attach to named parent properties using attachObject={[target, name]}
, which adds the object and takes it out on unmount. The following adds a buffer-attribute to parent.attributes.position.
<bufferAttribute attachObject={['attributes', 'position']} array={vertices} itemSize={3} />
If you want to reach into nested attributes (for instance: mesh.rotation.x
), just use dash-case:
<mesh rotation-x={1} material-color="lightblue" geometry-vertices={newVertices} />
When you need managed local (or custom/extended) objects, you can use the primitive
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh()
return <primitive object={mesh} />
THREE objects that implement their own raycast
method (for instance meshes, lines, etc) can be interacted with by declaring events on the object. We support pointer events (you need to polyfill them yourself), clicks and wheel-scroll.
Additionally there's a special onUpdate
that is called every time the object is updated with fresh props (as well as when it's first being created).
onClick={e => console.log('click')}
onWheel={e => console.log('wheel spins')}
onPointerUp={e => console.log('mouse button up')}
onPointerDown={e => console.log('mouse button down')}
onPointerOver={e => console.log('hover')}
onPointerOut={e => console.log('unhover')}
onPointerMove={e => console.log('mouse moves')}
onUpdate={self => console.log('props have been updated')}
onPointerDown={e => {
// Only the mesh closest to the camera will be processed
// You may optionally capture the target
onPointerUp={e => {
// Optionally release capture
All hooks can only be used inside the Canvas element because they rely on context updates!
import { useThree } from 'react-three-fiber'
const {
gl, // WebGL renderer
canvas, // canvas the dom element that was created
scene, // Default scene
camera, // Default camera
size, // Bounds of the view (which stretches 100% and auto-adjusts)
viewport, // Bounds of the viewport in 3d units
invalidate, // Invalidates a single frame (for <Canvas invalidateFrameloop />)
setDefaultCamera // Sets the default camera
} = useThree()
If you're running effects, postprocessings, controls, etc that need to get updated every frame, useRender gives you access to the render-loop. You receive the internal state as well, which is the same as what you would get from useThree.
import { useRender } from 'react-three-fiber'
// Subscribes to the render-loop, gets cleaned up automatically when the component unmounts
useRender(state => console.log("i'm in the render-loop"))
// Add a "true" as the 2nd argument and you take over the render-loop completely
useRender(({ gl, scene, camera }) => gl.render(scene, camera), true)
Sometimes objects have to be updated imperatively. You could update the parts that you can access declaratively and then call onUpdate={self => ...}
, or there's useUpdate.
import { useUpdate } from 'react-three-fiber'
const ref = useUpdate(
geometry => {
geometry.addAttribute('position', getCubeVertices(x, y, z))
geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true
[x, y, z], // execute only if these properties change
return <bufferGeometry ref={ref} />
Materials and such aren't normally re-created for every instance using it. You may want to share and re-use resources. This can be done imperatively simply by maintaining the object yourself, but it can also be done declaratively by using refs. useResource
simply creates a ref and re-renders the component when it becomes available next frame. You can pass this reference on, or even channel it through a context provider.
import { useResource } from 'react-three-fiber'
const [ref, material] = useResource()
return (
<meshBasicMaterial ref={ref} />
{material && (
<mesh material={material} />
<mesh material={material} />
<mesh material={material} />
You can use Reacts built-in memoizing-features (as well as suspense) to build async dependence graphs.
function Image({ url }) {
const texture = useMemo(() => new THREE.TextureLoader().load(url), [url])
return (
<planeBufferGeometry attach="geometry" args={[1, 1]} />
<meshLambertMaterial attach="material" transparent>
<primitive attach="map" object={texture} />
Managing effects can get quite complex normally. Drop the component below into a scene and you have a live effect. Remove it and everything is as it was without any re-configuration.
import { apply, Canvas, useRender, useThree } from 'react-three-fiber'
import { EffectComposer } from './postprocessing/EffectComposer'
import { RenderPass } from './postprocessing/RenderPass'
import { GlitchPass } from './postprocessing/GlitchPass'
// Makes these objects available as native objects "<renderPass />" and so on
apply({ EffectComposer, RenderPass, GlitchPass })
function Effects({ factor }) {
const { gl, scene, camera, size } = useThree()
const composer = useRef()
useEffect(() => void composer.current.setSize(size.width, size.height), [size])
// This takes over as the main render-loop (when 2nd arg is set to true)
useRender(() => composer.current.render(), true)
return (
<effectComposer ref={composer} args={[gl]}>
<renderPass attachArray="passes" args={[scene, camera]} />
<glitchPass attachArray="passes" factor={factor} renderToScreen />
allows components to hook into the render-loop, or even to take it over entirely. That makes it possible for one component to render over the content of another. The order of these operations is established by the scene-graph.
function Content({ camera }) {
const scene = useRef()
useRender(({ gl }) => void ((gl.autoClear = true), gl.render(scene.current, camera)), true)
return <scene ref={scene}>{/* ... */}</scene>
function HeadsUpDisplay({ camera }) {
const scene = useRef()
useRender(({ gl }) => void ((gl.autoClear = false), gl.clearDepth(), gl.render(scene.current, camera)))
return <scene ref={scene}>{/* ... */}</scene>
function Main() {
const camera = useRef()
const { width, height } = useThree().size
return (
aspect={width / height}
radius={(width + height) / 4}
onUpdate={self => self.updateProjectionMatrix()}
{camera.current && (
<Content camera={camera.current} />
<HeadsUpDisplay camera={camera.current} />
Stick imperative stuff into useMemo and write out everything else declaratively. This is how you can quickly form reactive, re-usable components that can be bound to a store, graphql, etc.
function Extrusion({ start = [0,0], paths, ...props }) {
const shape = useMemo(() => {
const shape = new THREE.Shape()
paths.forEach(path => shape.bezierCurveTo(...path))
return shape
}, [start, paths])
return (
<extrudeGeometry attach="geometry" args={[shape, props]} />
<meshPhongMaterial attach="material" />
Then ...
start={[25, 25]}
paths={[[25, 25, 20, 0, 0, 0], [30, 0, 30, 35,30,35], [30, 55, 10, 77, 25, 95]]}
bevelThickness={1} />
function CrossFade({ url1, url2, disp }) {
const [texture1, texture2, dispTexture] = useMemo(() => {
const loader = new THREE.TextureLoader()
return [loader.load(url1), loader.load(url2), loader.load(disp)]
}, [url1, url2, disp])
return (
<planeBufferGeometry attach="geometry" args={[3.8, 3.8]} />
By default it renders like a game loop, which isn't that battery efficient. Switch on invalidateFrameloop
to activate loop invalidation, which is automatic most of the time.
<Canvas invalidateFrameloop ... />
Sometimes you must be able to kick off frames manually, for instance when you're dealing with async stuff or camera controls:
const { invalidate } = useThree()
const texture = useMemo(() => loader.load(url1, invalidate), [url1])
If you want to exchange the default renderer you can. But, you will loose some of the functionality, like useRender, useThree, events, which is all covered in canvas.
import { render, unmountComponentAtNode } from 'react-three-fiber'
const renderer = new THREE.SVGRenderer()
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000)
const scene = new THREE.Scene()
<sphereGeometry name="geometry" args={[1, 16, 16]} />
<meshBasicMaterial name="material" />
), scene)