Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
- Freiburg, Germany
- http://ml.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/people/feurer/
- @__mfeurer__
scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
Tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth.
Minimal and clean examples of machine learning algorithms implementations
Statsmodels: statistical modeling and econometrics in Python
A Python Automated Machine Learning tool that optimizes machine learning pipelines using genetic programming.
Automated Machine Learning with scikit-learn
An open source python library for automated feature engineering
Automatic architecture search and hyperparameter optimization for PyTorch
Inspects Python source files and provides information about type and location of classes, methods etc
A Python Static Website Generator (Presently Unmaintained).
Extra blocks for scikit-learn pipelines.
SMAC3: A Versatile Bayesian Optimization Package for Hyperparameter Optimization
a distributed Hyperband implementation on Steroids
NASLib is a Neural Architecture Search (NAS) library for facilitating NAS research for the community by providing interfaces to several state-of-the-art NAS search spaces and optimizers.
Sphinx extension for automatic generation of an example gallery
OpenML's Python API for a World of Data and More đź’«
Domain specific language for configuration spaces in Python. Useful for hyperparameter optimization and algorithm configuration.
Experimental Gradient Boosting Machines in Python with numba.
A simple, extensible library for developing AutoML systems
autosklearn-zeroconf is a fully automated binary classifier. It is based on the AutoML challenge winner auto-sklearn. Give it a dataset with known outcomes (labels) and it returns a list of predict…
Collection of hyperparameter optimization benchmark problems
A library for read and write ARFF files in Python