flask-apispec is a lightweight tool for building REST APIs in Flask. flask-apispec uses webargs for request parsing, marshmallow for response formatting, and apispec to automatically generate Swagger markup. You can use flask-apispec with vanilla Flask or a fuller-featured framework like Flask-RESTful.
pip install flask-apispec
from flask import Flask
from flask_apispec import use_kwargs, marshal_with
from marshmallow import fields, Schema
from .models import Pet
app = Flask(__name__)
class PetSchema(Schema):
class Meta:
fields = ('name', 'category', 'size')
@use_kwargs({'category': fields.Str(), 'size': fields.Str()})
def get_pets(**kwargs):
return Pet.query.filter_by(**kwargs)
flask-apispec works with function- and class-based views:
from flask import make_response
from flask_apispec.views import MethodResource
class PetResource(MethodResource):
def get(self, pet_id):
return Pet.query.filter(Pet.id == pet_id).one()
@marshal_with(PetSchema, code=201)
def post(self, **kwargs):
return Pet(**kwargs)
def put(self, pet_id, **kwargs):
pet = Pet.query.filter(Pet.id == pet_id).one()
return pet
@marshal_with(None, code=204)
def delete(self, pet_id):
pet = Pet.query.filter(Pet.id == pet_id).one()
return make_response('', 204)
flask-apispec generates Swagger markup for your view functions and classes. By default, Swagger JSON is served at /swagger/, and Swagger-UI at /swagger-ui/.
from apispec import APISpec
from flask_apispec.extension import FlaskApiSpec
spec = APISpec(
docs = FlaskApiSpec(app, spec)
flask-apispec isn't stable yet, and the interface and internals may change. Bug reports and pull requests are much appreciated.
flask-apispec is strongly inspired by Flask-RESTful and Flask-RESTplus, but attempts to provide similar functionality with greater flexibility and less code.