Tags: mfkiwl/Flux.jl
[Diff since v0.12.8](FluxML/Flux.jl@v0.12.8...v0.12.9) **Closed issues:** - Coverage (FluxML#89) - Support for grouped convolutions (FluxML#330) - onehot.md in docs should not have subtitle "Batches" (FluxML#510) - Repo tagged with the "the-human-brian" (potential typo) (FluxML#512) - RNNs, batching and sequences (FluxML#705) - Model Zoo Housing.jl Example functionality not clear (FluxML#769) - Asymmetric padding fails on gpu models (FluxML#775) - Can't get user defined model to work (FluxML#812) - Cryptic error in Flux#zygote "Can't differentiate foreigncall expression" (FluxML#817) - Passing transposed matrix to softmax causes scalar indexing on GPU, which is very slow (FluxML#888) - Does it support training on multiple GPUs? (FluxML#910) - batched_mul causes a 'cannot take the CPU address of a CuArray' error on GPU (FluxML#1090) - CTC loss (FluxML#1135) - Inconsistent behavior of gradient of empty matrices (FluxML#1151) - Flux.Conv type instability (FluxML#1178) - CUDA.jl (FluxML#1194) - Incorrect types following CUDA.jl refactoring (FluxML#1200) - Got an error, while trying to implement softplus with beta (FluxML#1216) - test regression with recurrent neural networks (FluxML#1245) - regression in RNN with OneHotMatrix and CUDA (FluxML#1262) - Gradient calculation bug re-introduced in Flux v0.10.4 and Zygote v0.4.22 (FluxML#1269) - LSTM "succeeds" on data with incompatible dimensions (FluxML#1396) - Document conv data handling, especially for 1d (FluxML#1465) - Flux.destructure gives DimensionMismatch error in backward pass due to Chain of mutable struct(s) (FluxML#1502) - Adjoints for regularizers? (FluxML#1575) - Zygote error: UndefVarError: S not defined (FluxML#1578) - Warning using Flux on Linux device without CUDA or Nvidia card (FluxML#1581) - Flux downloads CUDA110 Artifacts every time I precompile on Ubuntu (FluxML#1600) - Why does calling the gpu function not return an error when CUDA is unavailable (FluxML#1634) - Flux errors on Julia 1.7 Beta 2 (FluxML#1652) - LLVM 4.x.x compatibility (FluxML#1669) - Add better docs for the LSTM function (FluxML#1696) - Recurrent docs out of sync (FluxML#1714) - Docs haven't built since Aug. 3 (FluxML#1723) - Investigate nightly CI build issues (FluxML#1724) - unsqueeze is not type stable (FluxML#1737) - failing doc tests (FluxML#1739) - Link to "train!" gives 404 page not found error on the website. (FluxML#1745) - Issues model with custom gradient (w.r.t. input variable) layer (FluxML#1760) - Flux.loadparams! is slow. (FluxML#1764) - world age issues when loading a bson file containing a model with flux utility functions (FluxML#1769) - How to fast find source code of function, like Dense() Chain() (FluxML#1770) - How to get the mathematical expression of Neural Network. (FluxML#1771) - How to write a seq of w_i: w_1, w_2, ... , w_1000 (FluxML#1773) - Error when training simple Flux model (FluxML#1777) - Differentiating through my custom struct its restructuring throws an error (FluxML#1796) - Incompatibility with SpecialFunctions 2.0 (FluxML#1802) - Buildkite CI failures with grad test of `ConvTranspose` + `selu` (FluxML#1804) - Slowdown when running multiple large models in parallel (FluxML#1806) - ERROR: LoadError: Some tests did not pass: 252 passed, 1 failed, 0 errored, 21 broken. in expression starting at /home/ian/.julia/packages/Flux/BPPNj/test/runtests.jl:11 ERROR: Package Flux errored during testing (FluxML#1814) - Can ExpDecay of learning rate start at some intermediate step? (FluxML#1815) - Optimisers epsilon (FluxML#1818) - Zygote Flux and custom adjoints on GPU (FluxML#1828) - TypeErro in DEQ example: non-boolean (Nothing) used in boolean context FluxML#677 (FluxML#1846) **Merged pull requests:** - Clarify that `params` updates (FluxML#1752) (@KronosTheLate) - Add custom model example to docs. (FluxML#1758) (@Gregliest) - Make unsqueeze type stable (FluxML#1759) (@cossio) - Use view for RNN gate slice extraction (FluxML#1761) (@ToucheSir) - Doc update (saving.md): removed outdated info; Typo fix. (FluxML#1762) (@NightMachinary) - Doc update (recurrence.md): fixed incorrect output dimensions, clarified batching. (FluxML#1763) (@NightMachinary) - Expand RNN/LSTM/GRU docs (FluxML#1772) (@mcognetta) - Fix a doctest failure (FluxML#1775) (@mcognetta) - Use conjugates in optimizers to better learn on complex-valued inputs (FluxML#1776) (@staticfloat) - Fix AlphaDropout implementation and add tests (FluxML#1781) (@ToucheSir) - add logo to documentation (FluxML#1782) (@kwehmeyer) - Doc update (training.md): fix DataLoader example in Training section (FluxML#1783) (@eliascarv) - Fix link to train in the docs (FluxML#1784) (@logankilpatrick) - Update train.jl to add a more detailed `train!` docstring (FluxML#1785) (@logankilpatrick) - Add docstring for `params` (FluxML#1786) (@logankilpatrick) - Create a PR comment with docs preview link (FluxML#1788) (@logankilpatrick) - Add trilinear Upsample layer (FluxML#1792) (@tknopp) - Tidy up `Maxout` (FluxML#1794) (@mcabbott) - Simplify mse() to use `abs2()` (FluxML#1795) (@staticfloat) - Mark destructure gradient test as broken (FluxML#1797) (@ToucheSir) - Fix failing `params` doctests (FluxML#1798) (@ToucheSir) - Only add PR comment with docs build if the docs label is added (FluxML#1799) (@logankilpatrick) - Add more context on the behavior of the GPU function (FluxML#1800) (@logankilpatrick) - Add warning if the GPU function is called and CUDA is not available (FluxML#1801) (@logankilpatrick) - Add buildkite step to run on Julia LTS (FluxML#1805) (@DhairyaLGandhi) - ExpDecay start step (FluxML#1816) (@cossio) - make eps a parameter of optimisers (FluxML#1819) (@cossio) - Contributor's Guide draft (FluxML#1824) (@lilianabs) - Update conv.jl (FluxML#1825) (@rkube) - CompatHelper: bump compat for ArrayInterface to 4, (keep existing compat) (FluxML#1827) (@github-actions[bot]) - Remove "Batches" from one hot section header in docs (FluxML#1831) (@darsnack) - Document disabling GPUs (FluxML#1835) (@DhairyaLGandhi) - Try using latest cu(DNN) binaries (FluxML#1836) (@ToucheSir) - Add news for bump version (FluxML#1838) (@DhairyaLGandhi) - move eps to the end (FluxML#1840) (@cossio) - Add codecov on CI (FluxML#1842) (@ToucheSir) - add token secret for codecov (FluxML#1845) (@ToucheSir) - CompatHelper: bump compat for NNlib to 0.8, NNlibCUDA to 0.2 ~(keep existing compat)~ (FluxML#1847) (@github-actions[bot]) - Tweak docs about disabling CUDA devices (FluxML#1850) (@IanButterworth)
[Diff since v0.12.7](FluxML/Flux.jl@v0.12.7...v0.12.8) **Closed issues:** - Coverage (FluxML#89) - Flux.train! stops working after the first iteration without an error. (FluxML#1692) - Update Zygote (FluxML#1728) - additional arguments to loss function? (FluxML#1730) - The Purpose and Goals of Flux.jl (FluxML#1734) - FluxML's NumFOCUS Affiliate project application (FluxML#1740) - ConvTranspose does not support groups (FluxML#1743) - `deepcopy(nn::Chain)` does not deep copy with `CuArray` weights! (FluxML#1747) - `InvalidIRError` when putting a model on the GPU (FluxML#1754) **Merged pull requests:** - remove Manifest (FluxML#1725) (@CarloLucibello) - add unbatch (FluxML#1726) (@CarloLucibello) - Adds affine and track_stats params to BatchNorm docstring (FluxML#1729) (@Mottl) - add some changes to the beginning of docs (FluxML#1736) (@DhairyaLGandhi) - Fix doc string of Upsample (FluxML#1738) (@chunjiw) - allow groups in ConvTranspose (FluxML#1744) (@jw3126) - Fix Saving and loading model output example (FluxML#1746) (@logankilpatrick) - Fix `train!` doc string 404 (FluxML#1748) (@logankilpatrick) - Fix @ Functors 404's (FluxML#1749) (@logankilpatrick) - fix CI build (FluxML#1750) (@DhairyaLGandhi)
[Diff since v0.12.6](FluxML/Flux.jl@v0.12.6...v0.12.7) **Closed issues:** - Poor performance relative to PyTorch (FluxML#886) - Recur struct's fields are not type annotated, which is causing run–time dispatch and a significant slowdowns (FluxML#1092) - Bug: lower degree polynomial substitute in gradient chain! (FluxML#1188) - Very slow precompile (>50min) on julia 1.6.0 on Windows (FluxML#1554) - Do not initialize CUDA during precompilation (FluxML#1597) - GRU implementation details (FluxML#1671) - `Parallel` layer doesn't need to be tied to array input (FluxML#1673) - update! a scalar parameter (FluxML#1677) - Support NamedTuples for Container Layers (FluxML#1680) - Freezing layer parameters still computes all gradients (FluxML#1688) - A demo is 1.5x faster in Flux than tensorflow, both use cpu; while 3.0x slower during using CUDA (FluxML#1694) - Problems with a mixed CPU/GPU model (FluxML#1695) - Flux tests with master fail with signal 11 (FluxML#1697) - [Q] How does Flux.jl work on Apple Silicon (M1)? (FluxML#1701) - Typos in documents (FluxML#1706) - Fresh install of Flux giving errors in precompile (FluxML#1710) - Flux.gradient returns dict of params and nothing (FluxML#1713) - Weight matrix not updating with a user defined initial weight matrix (FluxML#1717) - [Documentation] No `logsumexp` in NNlib page (FluxML#1718) - Flattened data vs Flux.flatten layer in MNIST MLP in the model zoo (FluxML#1722) **Merged pull requests:** - Add WIP docstrings to CPU and GPU (FluxML#1632) (@logankilpatrick) - Add section on Checking GPU Availability (FluxML#1633) (@logankilpatrick) - fix README (FluxML#1668) (@DhairyaLGandhi) - Generalise Parallel forwards pass (FluxML#1674) (@DhairyaLGandhi) - Adding GRUv3 support. (FluxML#1675) (@mkschleg) - Support NamedTuples for Chain + Parallel (FluxML#1681) (@mcabbott) - Adding support for folding RNNs over 3d arrays (FluxML#1686) (@mkschleg) - Update nnlib.md (FluxML#1689) (@CarloLucibello) - fix typo (FluxML#1691) (@foldfelis) - Typo fix (FluxML#1693) (@lukemerrick) - Remove out of date dead code in Conv layers (FluxML#1702) (@ToucheSir) - Gradient definitions for `cpu` & `gpu` (FluxML#1704) (@mcabbott) - Fix FluxML#1706 (FluxML#1707) (@rongcuid) - Add GPU Adaptor (FluxML#1708) (@DhairyaLGandhi) - Initialize CUDA lazily. (FluxML#1711) (@maleadt) - Update community.md to reflect help wanted != good first issue (FluxML#1712) (@logankilpatrick) - Fix link in README (FluxML#1716) (@nilsmartel) - Add logsumexp to docs (FluxML#1719) (@DhairyaLGandhi)
[Diff since v0.12.5](FluxML/Flux.jl@v0.12.5...v0.12.6) **Merged pull requests:** - Add grouped convolution (FluxML#1531) (@DhairyaLGandhi) - fix deprecations of zeros (FluxML#1670) (@DhairyaLGandhi) - Add GPU activation tests for grouped conv (FluxML#1672) (@DhairyaLGandhi)
[Diff since v0.12.4](FluxML/Flux.jl@v0.12.4...v0.12.5) **Closed issues:** - Hessian vector products (FluxML#129) - Stopping criteria (FluxML#227) - Flux + Julia ecosystem docs (FluxML#251) - RNN unbroadcast on GPU not working (FluxML#421) - Shouldn't gradcheck compares Jacobian? (FluxML#462) - Transition examples in docs to doctests (FluxML#561) - Batch-axis thread parallelism (FluxML#568) - Add tests of ExpDecay (FluxML#684) - Sudden memory leak when training on GPU over many epochs (FluxML#736) - performance variance between macOS / Linux ? (FluxML#749) - onehot ambiguous method (FluxML#777) - Killed while training the model (FluxML#779) - type Method has no field sparam_syms, while @save model (FluxML#783) - Flux#zygote Error in phenomes... Mutating arrays is not supported (FluxML#819) - Custom serialization pass for intermediate states (FluxML#845) - OneHotMatrix does not support map (FluxML#958) - CuArrays + huber_loss iterate(::nothing) error (FluxML#1128) - Can't get Flux (v0.10.3) working for Custom Loss function (FluxML#1153) - Custom loss function on subset of parameters fails (FluxML#1371) - Minimizing sum fails (FluxML#1510) - `gpu` behaves differently from `cu` on a Char array (FluxML#1517) - Warn different size inputs in loss functions (FluxML#1522) - Recurrent docs need to be update for v0.12 (FluxML#1564) - Computation of higher order derivatives for recurrent models results in strange errors (FluxML#1593) - Why does `DataLoader` not throw an error when fed with a 1D vector for the target? (FluxML#1599) - a small error in the documentation... (FluxML#1609) - Slow unnecessary GPU copy of output of `gpu(::OffsetArray)` (FluxML#1610) - "using Flux" makes type inference fail when there is a Ref{} (FluxML#1611) - @epochs is missing a bracket (FluxML#1615) - Flux Overview Documentation Out of Date (FluxML#1621) - missing kernel for Base.unique (FluxML#1622) - Compilation error on PPC (FluxML#1623) - `_restructure` as part of the public API? (FluxML#1624) - ERROR: setindex! not defined for Zygote.OneElement{...} (FluxML#1626) - MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type Params to an object of type Float64 (FluxML#1629) - MethodError: no method matching flatten(::Array{Float32,4}) (FluxML#1630) - Where are the `cpu()` and `gpu()` functions? (FluxML#1631) - bug in RNN docs (FluxML#1638) - Bug in the current overview documentation (FluxML#1642) - How to tell Flux.jl not to use the GPU? (FluxML#1644) - Missing docs for @functor (FluxML#1653) - typo in the docs/overview section right at the beginning (FluxML#1663) **Merged pull requests:** - multiplication of {Transpose, Adjoint} of Array and OneHotVector (FluxML#1424) (@gxyd) - show(::Chain) (FluxML#1467) (@mcabbott) - Add test for show(io, ::OneHotArray) on GPU (FluxML#1550) (@darsnack) - document Join and Split error (FluxML#1607) (@magicly) - fix typo in models overview document (FluxML#1608) (@teamclouday) - fix AdamW and improve decays docs (FluxML#1612) (@CarloLucibello) - use ArrayInterface.restructure in update! (FluxML#1613) (@CarloLucibello) - Warn on reconstruct length mismatch (FluxML#1616) (@ToucheSir) - Forward map(f, ::OneHotLike) to broadcast (FluxML#1619) (@darsnack) - Properly move isbits and numeric arrays to GPU (FluxML#1620) (@ToucheSir) - Update "Composing Optimisers" docs (FluxML#1628) (@StevenWhitaker) - Fixup `Dataloader`'s docstring (FluxML#1635) (@mcabbott) - Add warnings for mismatched sizes in losses (FluxML#1636) (@mcabbott) - updated recurrence.md which fixes FluxML#1564 (FluxML#1637) (@aditkumar72) - fix recurrence docs (FluxML#1639) (@CarloLucibello) - Update docstring for `Conv` to clarify feature dimensions (FluxML#1646) (@vivekkumar7089) - Use correct eltype and rtol in CrossCor tests (FluxML#1650) (@ToucheSir) - add Functors docs (FluxML#1654) (@DhairyaLGandhi) - remove Manifest (FluxML#1657) (@CarloLucibello) - Printing & docstrings for `onehot` / `onehotbatch` (FluxML#1660) (@mcabbott) - Deprecate `Flux.zeros` (FluxML#1661) (@mcabbott)
[Diff since v0.12.3](FluxML/Flux.jl@v0.12.3...v0.12.4) **Closed issues:** - Unable to get gradients of "Dense" models when sparse arrays are involved (FluxML#965) - Pullback within pullback throws error when using swish activation function (FluxML#1500) - Stable docs are stuck on v0.11.2 (FluxML#1580) - LSTM gradient calculation fails on GPU, works on CPU (FluxML#1586) - BSON.@save model_path * ".bson" model ERROR: type Method has no field ambig (FluxML#1591) - Too slow hcat of OneHotMatrix. (FluxML#1594) - Fallback implementation convolution when using Duals (FluxML#1598) - Bad printing for OneHot* (FluxML#1603) - SamePad() with even kernel dimensions does not work (only in CUDA) (FluxML#1605) **Merged pull requests:** - Add AbstractOptimiser type (FluxML#1325) (@DhairyaLGandhi) - Add early stopping utils (FluxML#1545) (@queensferryme) - Add Flux Overview to basics.md (FluxML#1579) (@batate) - [doc] fix Upsample docstring code block (FluxML#1587) (@johnnychen94) - fix DataFrames.jl link (FluxML#1589) (@achuchmala) - optimized hcat of onehot vectors and matrices (FluxML#1595) (@racinmat) - Use limited array printing for OneHotArrays (FluxML#1604) (@darsnack)
## Flux v0.12.3 [Diff since v0.12.2](FluxML/Flux.jl@v0.12.2...v0.12.3) **Closed issues:** - Flux overrides cat behaviour and causes stack overflow (FluxML#1583) **Merged pull requests:** - fixes FluxML#1583 (FluxML#1584) (@DhairyaLGandhi)
## Flux v0.12.2 [Diff since v0.12.1](FluxML/Flux.jl@v0.12.1...v0.12.2) **Closed issues:** - Cosine_embedding_loss could be added to Flux.jl (FluxML#1094) - Char RNN errors (FluxML#1215) - Colab - MethodError: no method matching (::Flux.LSTMCell{... (FluxML#1563) - Issue with Flux.jl installation (FluxML#1567) - Issue with Flux.jl installation (FluxML#1568) - Model no longer type stable when using destructure and restructure (FluxML#1569) **Merged pull requests:** - Cuda 3.0 support (FluxML#1571) (@DhairyaLGandhi)
## Flux v0.12.1 [Diff since v0.12.0](FluxML/Flux.jl@v0.12.0...v0.12.1) **Closed issues:** - Helper functions for choosing data types for bias and weight in Flux chains? (FluxML#1548) - LSTM failed to return gradient (FluxML#1551) - Flux.destructure gives MethodError when used with non-trainable parameters (FluxML#1553) - Restructure on Dense no longer plays nicely with alternative types (FluxML#1556) **Merged pull requests:** - Add Julia 1.6 doc changes to CI (FluxML#1503) (@DhairyaLGandhi) - Fix FluxML#1556 (FluxML#1557) (@DhairyaLGandhi) - Minimal fix of FluxML#1556, remove eltype checks (FluxML#1558) (@mcabbott)