sdeint is a collection of numerical algorithms for integrating Ito and Stratonovich stochastic ordinary differential equations (SODEs). It has simple functions that can be used in a similar way to scipy.integrate.odeint()
or MATLAB's ode45
There already exist some python and MATLAB packages providing Euler-Maruyama and Milstein algorithms, and a couple of others. So why am I bothering to make another package?
It is because there has been 25 years of further research with better methods but for some reason I can't find any open source reference implementations. Not even for those methods published by Kloeden and Platen way back in 1992. So I will aim to gradually add some improved methods here.
This is prototype code in python, so not aiming for speed. Later can always rewrite these with loops in C when speed is needed.
Warning: this is an early pre-release. Wait for version 1.0. Bug reports are very welcome!
itoint(f, G, y0, tspan)
for Ito equation dy = f(y,t)dt + G(y,t)dWstratint(f, G, y0, tspan)
for Stratonovich equation dy = f(y,t)dt + G(y,t)∘dWThese work with scalar or vector equations. They will choose an algorithm for you. Or you can use a specific algorithm directly:
itoEuler(f, G, y0, tspan)
: the Euler Maruyama algorithm for Ito equations.stratHeun(f, G, y0, tspan)
: the Stratonovich Heun algorithm for Stratonovich equations.itoSRI2(f, G, y0, tspan)
: the Rößler2010 order 1.0 strong Stochastic Runge-Kutta algorithm SRI2 for Ito equations.itoSRI2(f, [g1,...,gm], y0, tspan)
: as above, with G matrix given as a separate function for each column (gives speedup for large m or complicated G).stratSRS2(f, G, y0, tspan)
: the Rößler2010 order 1.0 strong Stochastic Runge-Kutta algorithm SRS2 for Stratonovich equations.stratSRS2(f, [g1,...,gm], y0, tspan)
: as above, with G matrix given as a separate function for each column (gives speedup for large m or complicated G).stratKP2iS(f, G, y0, tspan)
: the Kloeden and Platen two-step implicit order 1.0 strong algorithm for Stratonovich equations.deltaW(N, m, h)
: Generate increments of m independent Wiener processes for each of N time intervals of length h.Ikpw(dW, h, n=5)
: Approximate repeated Ito integrals.Jkpw(dW, h, n=5)
: Approximate repeated Stratonovich integrals.Iwik(dW, h, n=5)
: Approximate repeated Ito integrals.Jwik(dW, h, n=5)
: Approximate repeated Stratonovich integrals.itoEuler
:itoSRI2, stratSRS2
:Ikpw, Jkpw
:Iwik, Jwik
:- Rewrite
so they don't waste so much memory. - Fix
. In the unit tests it is currently less accurate thanitoEuler()
and this is likely due to a bug. - Implement the Ito version of the Kloeden and Platen two-step implicit alogrithm.
- Add more strong stochastic Runge-Kutta algorithms. Perhaps starting with Burrage and Burrage (1996)
- Currently prioritizing those algorithms that work for very general d-dimensional systems with arbitrary noise coefficient matrix, and which are derivative free. Eventually will add special case algorithms that give a speed increase for systems with certain symmetries. That is, 1-dimensional systems, systems with scalar noise, diagonal noise or commutative noise, etc. The idea is that
will detect these situations and dispatch to the most suitable algorithm. - Eventually implement the main loops in C for speed.
- Some time in the dim future, implement support for stochastic delay differential equations (SDDEs).
: Framework that uses this sdeint
library to enable massive parallel simulations of SDE systems (using multiple CPUs or a cluster) and provides some tools to analyze the resulting timeseries.