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To Do List (current)

Alexandre Day edited this page Jan 3, 2017 · 34 revisions

Jan 2017

2 Jan 2017

* **Marin**: - [ ] change direction of sweeping (is it possible?) - [ ] Check MB protocol for stability - [ ] idea: train at positive temperature, then flip sign of temperature and initiate with pre-trained Q * **Alex**: - [x] Run simulations (SA) : Fidelity vs evolution time. Fidelity vs. computation time. - [x] Do the F vs total time T curve - [x] Save the optimal protocols and the inst. fidelity vs iteration number within every run - [x] Run codes for following specifications and compute the following quantities: - actions=[-0.8,0.,0.8] - continuous protocol: +- [0,0.1,0.2,0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,8.0] - psi_i=GS(hx=-1), psi_f=GS(hx=+1) - hx\in[-4,4] [the initial field is pre-quenched to -4.0] - Time slices: np.linspace(0.25,2.5,10). Running 2E4 episodes (Marin) - [ ] Compute EA order parameter - [ ] Perform t-SNE plots of obtained bang-bang spin configurations (could be Potts spin too)

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