RedisJSON is a Redis module that implements ECMA-404 The JSON Data Interchange Standard as a native data type. It allows storing, updating and fetching JSON values from Redis keys (documents).
Primary features:
- Full support of the JSON standard
- JSONPath-like syntax for selecting element inside documents
- Documents are stored as binary data in a tree structure, allowing fast access to sub-elements
- Typed atomic operations for all JSON values types
Read the docs at
- Searching for object keys is O(N)
- Containers are not scaled down after deleting items (i.e. free memory isn't reclaimed)
- Numbers are stored using 64-bit integers or doubles, and out of range values are not accepted
RedisJSON is developed with <3 at Redis Labs.
RedisJSON is made possible only because of the existance of these amazing open source projects:
Redis Source Available License Agreement - see LICENSE