↑ Redis is an open source, in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.
Redis provides data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes, and streams.
Redis has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions, and different levels of on-disk persistence, and provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster.
Redis is an acronym that stands for REmote DIctionary Server.
docker run --name redis \
--publish 6379:6379 \
redis redis-server \
--appendonly yes
Try web browser GUI ↑ RedisInsight.
Use ↑ Redis CLI to run Redis commands:
docker exec -it YOUR_REDIS_CONTAINER_NAME redis-cli
Command | Meaning |
append KEY VALUE | Appends a string to the old value. Returns number of characters of the new value |
decr KEY | Decrements value by 1 |
del KEY | Delete key. A key is ignored if it does not exist. |
exec | Commits transaction |
exists KEY | Checks if key exists |
flushall | Flushes everything |
get KEY | Gets value by key |
getset KEY VALUE | Gets old value and sets new |
hget HASH_NAME KEY | Gets value inside has by key |
hgetall HASH_NAME | Gets all key/values for the hash |
hkeys NAME | Gets all keys from hash |
hset HASH_NAME KEY VALUE | Creates hash and sets key and value inside of it |
hvalues NAME | Gets all values from hash |
incr KEY | Increments value by 1 |
incr counter | Creates counter key and sets its value to 1 |
keys PATTERN | Returns all the keys satifying certain pattern |
llen NAME | Returns length of the list |
lpop NAME | Pops first value from the list |
lpush NAME VALUE | Adds value to the beggining of the list |
lrange NAME 0 1 | Display one element starting from the beggining of the list |
lrange NAME 0 -1 | Display elements starting from the beggining of the list to the end of the list |
multi | Starts multi commands mode (transaction) |
publish CHANNEL MESSAGE | Publish message to the channel |
rpop NAME | Pops last value from the list |
rpush NAME VALUE | Adds value to the end of the list |
sadd SET_NAME VALUE | Creates a set and adds value to it |
sadd SET_NAME VALUE1 VALUE | Creates a set and adds to it several values separated by space |
scan 0 | Gets all available keys |
scard NAME | Gets cardinality of the set |
sdiff NAME1 NAME2 | Gets difference of two sets |
set KEY VALUE | Sets key/value pair |
set KEY VALUE ex 20 | Sets value with expiration of 20 seconds |
set KEY VALUE px 20 | Sets value with expiration of 20 milliseconds |
sinter NAME1 NAME2 | Gets insersection of two sets |
smembers NAME | Gets all the values from the set |
spop NAME | Returns and removes a random element of the set |
subscribe CHANNEL | Subscries to the channel |
sunion NAME1 NAME2 | Gets union of two sets |
zadd NAME VALUE | Add value to ordered set respecting order |
zrange NAME 0 -1 | Get all values from the ordered set |
zrange NAME 0 -1 WITHSCORES | Get all values from the ordered set with keys |
Out of the box, a Redis instance supports 16 logical databases. These databases are effectively siloed off from one another, and when you run a command in one database, it doesn’t affect any of the data stored in other databases in your Redis instance.
Redis databases are numbered from 0
to 15
and, by default, you connect to database 0
when you connect to your Redis instance. However, you can change the database you’re using with the select command after you connect:> select 15
↑ How To Manage Redis Databases and Keys.
dotnet add package StackExchange.Redis
Example using ↑ RedLock.net library:
services.AddTransient<IDistributedLockFactory>(sp =>
var multiplexer = new RedLockMultiplexer(sp.GetRequiredService<IConnectionMultiplexer>());
return RedLockFactory.Create(new List<RedLockMultiplexer> { multiplexer });
using var redLock = await _distributedLockFactory
.CreateLockAsync("lockResourceName", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);
if (redLock.IsAcquired)
↑ Redis persistence. How Redis writes data to disk.
↑ Is Redis Persistence Enabled?
Check if is RDB persistence is enabled with redis-cli
If it returns something like that, then it's enabled:
1) "save"
2) "3600 1 300 100 60 10000"
If it returns this, then it's disabled:
1) "save"
2) ""
Check is AOF persistence enabled with redis-cli
CONFIG GET appendonly
1) "appendonly"
2) "yes"
If you get yes
— it's enabled, no
— disabled.