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File metadata and controls

189 lines (140 loc) · 8.74 KB


↑ Redis is an open source, in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.

Redis provides data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes, and streams.

Redis has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions, and different levels of on-disk persistence, and provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster.

Redis is an acronym that stands for REmote DIctionary Server.

Table of contents

Running in Docker

docker run --name redis \
--publish 6379:6379 \
redis redis-server \
--appendonly yes


Try web browser GUI ↑ RedisInsight.

Redis CLI

Use ↑ Redis CLI to run Redis commands:

docker exec -it YOUR_REDIS_CONTAINER_NAME redis-cli

Redis data types


Command Meaning
append KEY VALUE Appends a string to the old value. Returns number of characters of the new value
decr KEY Decrements value by 1
del KEY Delete key. A key is ignored if it does not exist.
exec Commits transaction
exists KEY Checks if key exists
flushall Flushes everything
get KEY Gets value by key
getset KEY VALUE Gets old value and sets new
hget HASH_NAME KEY Gets value inside has by key
hgetall HASH_NAME Gets all key/values for the hash
hkeys NAME Gets all keys from hash
hset HASH_NAME KEY VALUE Creates hash and sets key and value inside of it
hvalues NAME Gets all values from hash
incr KEY Increments value by 1
incr counter Creates counter key and sets its value to 1
keys PATTERN Returns all the keys satifying certain pattern
llen NAME Returns length of the list
lpop NAME Pops first value from the list
lpush NAME VALUE Adds value to the beggining of the list
lrange NAME 0 1 Display one element starting from the beggining of the list
lrange NAME 0 -1 Display elements starting from the beggining of the list to the end of the list
multi Starts multi commands mode (transaction)
publish CHANNEL MESSAGE Publish message to the channel
rpop NAME Pops last value from the list
rpush NAME VALUE Adds value to the end of the list
sadd SET_NAME VALUE Creates a set and adds value to it
sadd SET_NAME VALUE1 VALUE Creates a set and adds to it several values separated by space
scan 0 Gets all available keys
scard NAME Gets cardinality of the set
sdiff NAME1 NAME2 Gets difference of two sets
set KEY VALUE Sets key/value pair
set KEY VALUE ex 20 Sets value with expiration of 20 seconds
set KEY VALUE px 20 Sets value with expiration of 20 milliseconds
sinter NAME1 NAME2 Gets insersection of two sets
smembers NAME Gets all the values from the set
spop NAME Returns and removes a random element of the set
subscribe CHANNEL Subscries to the channel
sunion NAME1 NAME2 Gets union of two sets
zadd NAME VALUE Add value to ordered set respecting order
zrange NAME 0 -1 Get all values from the ordered set
zrange NAME 0 -1 WITHSCORES Get all values from the ordered set with keys

Redis databases

Out of the box, a Redis instance supports 16 logical databases. These databases are effectively siloed off from one another, and when you run a command in one database, it doesn’t affect any of the data stored in other databases in your Redis instance.

Redis databases are numbered from 0 to 15 and, by default, you connect to database 0 when you connect to your Redis instance. However, you can change the database you’re using with the select command after you connect:> select 15

↑ How To Manage Redis Databases and Keys.

.NET library

↑ StackExchange.Redis:

dotnet add package StackExchange.Redis

Distributed locking

Example using ↑ library:

services.AddTransient<IDistributedLockFactory>(sp =>
    var multiplexer = new RedLockMultiplexer(sp.GetRequiredService<IConnectionMultiplexer>());
    return RedLockFactory.Create(new List<RedLockMultiplexer> { multiplexer });

using var redLock = await _distributedLockFactory
    .CreateLockAsync("lockResourceName", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);

if (redLock.IsAcquired)


↑ Redis persistence. How Redis writes data to disk.

↑ Is Redis Persistence Enabled?

Redis database persistence

Check if is RDB persistence is enabled with redis-cli:


If it returns something like that, then it's enabled:

1) "save"
2) "3600 1 300 100 60 10000"

If it returns this, then it's disabled:

1) "save"
2) ""

Append only file persistence

Check is AOF persistence enabled with redis-cli:

CONFIG GET appendonly
1) "appendonly"
2) "yes"

If you get yes — it's enabled, no — disabled.

