Vue3、Element Plus、typescript后台管理系统
hsweb (haʊs wɛb) 是一个基于spring-boot 2.x开发 ,首个使用全响应式编程的企业级后台管理系统基础项目。
DeepFill v1/v2 with Contextual Attention and Gated Convolution, CVPR 2018, and ICCV 2019 Oral
jorge-pessoa / pytorch-msssim
Forked from Po-Hsun-Su/pytorch-ssimPyTorch differentiable Multi-Scale Structural Similarity (MS-SSIM) loss
chizhu / Interview-Notebook
Forked from CyC2018/CS-Notes📚 技术面试需要掌握的基础知识整理,欢迎编辑~
Important book about the machine learning algorithms, and introduces the application of those who use these algorithms and tools, and how to use them in a real environment. This book and other book…
A paper summary of image inpainting
😌 Automatically detects and crops faces from batches of pictures.
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
Simplely implement the paper 'Semantic Image Inpainting with Deep Generative Models' by TensorFlow