Pantomime is a tiny Clojure library that deals with MIME types (Internet media types, sometimes referred to as "content types"). It uses Apache Tika under the hood to detect MIME types using several techniques:
- Known file extensions
- Magic bytes
- Content-type information for resources served via HTTP
- XML schema information
and so on.
Pantomime also exposes Tika's ability to extract file metadata and text content.
Pantomime artifacts are released to Clojars. If you are using Maven, add the following repository definition to your
With Leiningen:
[com.novemberain/pantomime "2.4.0"]
With Maven:
Pantomime requires Clojure 1.6+. The most recent stable release is highly recommended.
function accepts content as byte arrays, and instances as well as
filenames as strings and instances, and returns MIME type as a string or "application/octet-stream" if detection failed.
An example:
(:require [pantomime.mime :refer [mime-type-of]]))
;; by content (as byte array)
(mime-type-of (.getBytes "filename.pdf"))
;; by file extension
(mime-type-of "filename.pdf")
;; by file content (as
(mime-type-of (File. "some/file/without/extension"))
;; by content (as
(mime-type-of (URL. ""))
Pantomime has a variation of mime-type-of
function that is suitable for cases when content was fetched from the Web and
HTTP headers are also available:
(:require [pantomime.web :refer [mime-type-of]]))
;; body is a string or input stream, headers is a map of lowercased headers.
;; Ring and clj-http both use this format for headers, for example.
(mime-type-of body headers)
In this case, Pantomime will try to detect content type from response body first (because there are applications, frameworks
and servers that report content type incorrectly, for example, serve PDFs as text/html
) and if it fails, will use content
type header.
HTTP headers map must contain "content-type" key for content type header to be used. Most Clojure HTTP client, for instance, clj-http, use lowercase strings for header names so Pantomime follows this convention.
Pantomime can recommend an extension (one of the well known ones) for a MIME type:
(require '[pantomime.mime :as pm])
(pm/extension-for-name "application/")
;= ".xls"
(pm/extension-for-name "image/jpeg")
;= ".jpg"
(pm/extension-for-name "application/octet-stream")
;= ".bin"
(:require [ :as mt]))
(mt/parse "application/json")
(mt/base-type "text/html; charset=UTF-8") ;; => media type of "text/html"
(mt/application? "application/json")
(mt/application? "application/xhtml+xml")
(mt/application? "application/pdf")
(mt/application? "application/")
(mt/application? (mt/parse "application/json"))
(mt/image? "image/jpeg")
(mt/audio? "audio/mp3")
(mt/video? "video/quicktime")
(mt/text? "text/plain")
(mt/has-parameters? "text/html; charset=UTF-8") ;; => true
(mt/has-parameters? "text/html") ;; => false
(mt/parameters-of "text/html; charset=UTF-8") ;; => {"charset" "UTF-8"}
(mt/charset-of "text/html; charset=UTF-8") ;; => "UTF-8"
is a new that provides functions for
detecting natural languages:
(require '[pantomime.languages :as pl])
(pl/detect-language "this is English, it should not be hard to detect")
;= "en"
(pl/detect-language "parlez-vous Français")
;= "fr"
Note that Tika (and, in turn, Pantomime) supports detection of a limited number
of languages. To get the list of supported languages, use the pantomime.languages/supported-languages
provides the single function parse
for extracting
metadata and text content from byte arrays, Strings, and,, and instances.
(require '[ :as io] '[pantomime.extract :as extract])
(pprint (extract/parse (io/resource "resources/pdf/qrl.pdf")))
;= {:producer ("GNU Ghostscript 7.05"),
;= :pdf:pdfversion ("1.2"),
;= :dc:title ("main.dvi"),
;= :dc:format ("application/pdf; version=1.2"),
;= :xmp:creatortool ("dvips(k) 5.86 Copyright 1999 Radical Eye Software"),
;= :pdf:encrypted ("false"),
;= ...
;= :text "\nQuickly Reacquirable Locks∗\n\nDave Dice Mark Moir ... "
;= }
is a simple interface to Tika's own
Parser.parse method.
Pantomime has a mailing list. Feel free to join it and ask any questions you may have.
To subscribe for announcements of releases, important changes and so on, please follow @ClojureWerkz on Twitter.
Pantomime is part of the group of libraries known as ClojureWerkz, together with Monger, Langohr, Neocons, Elastisch, Quartzite and several others.
CI is hosted by
Pantomime uses Leiningen 2. Make sure you have it installed and then run tests against all supported Clojure versions using
lein all test
Then create a branch and make your changes on it. Once you are done with your changes and all tests pass, submit a pull request on Github.
Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Michael S. Klishin, and the ClojureWerkz team.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.