githubpy is a simple Python SDK for GitHub API v3. It is small, single-file and easy-to-use.
Sample code:
>>> gh = GitHub()
>>> gh.users('michaelliao').get()
{'public_repos': 11, 'public_gists': 0, 'name': u'Michael Liao', ... }
According to GitHub API doc of how to get a single user:
GET /users/:user
Python code:
>>> gh.users('michaelliao').get()
{'public_repos': 11, 'name': u'Michael Liao', ...}
Returns dict object but also treat as object:
>>> u['name']
u'Michael Liao'
u'Michael Liao'
Another example of how to list issues for a repository:
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues
Integer Milestone number
none for Issues with no Milestone.
* for Issues with any Milestone.
open, closed, default: open
String User login
none for Issues with no assigned User.
* for Issues with any assigned User.
Python code for get 'open' issues which assigned to 'michaelliao':
>>> gh.repos('michaelliao')('githubpy').issues.get(state='open', assignee='michaelliao')
POST /repos/:owner/:repo/issues
Required string
Optional string
Optional string - Login for the user that this issue should be assigned to.
Python code to create an issue:
>>> gh.repos('michaelliao')('githubpy')'sample issue', body='found a bug')
Anonymous API call:
>>> gh = GitHub()
Basic authentication using username and password:
>>> gh = GitHub(username='loginname', password='your-password')
OAuth authentication is a bit complicated:
Step 1: redirect user to the generated URL:
>>> gh = GitHub(client_id='your-client-id', client_secret='your-client-secret', redirect_uri=None, scope=None)
>>> print gh.authorize_url(state='a-random-string')
Step 2: GitHub redirects back to your site with parameter 'code' and 'state' (optional). Then get an access token:
>>> code = request.input('code')
>>> state = request.input('state')
>>> print gh.get_access_token(code, state)
Step 3: Using access token as authentication to call APIs:
>>> gh = GitHub(access_token='abc1234567xyz')
You can find rate limiting after API call:
>>> u = gh.user('michaelliao').get()
>>> gh.x_ratelimit_limit
>>> gh.x_ratelimit_remaining
### Enjoy!