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File metadata and controls

127 lines (92 loc) · 4.88 KB

TinyTuya API Server

Docker Pulls

The TinyTuya API Server provides a central service to access all your Tuya devices on your network. It continually listens for Tuya UDP discovery packets and updates the database of active devices. It uses devices.json to poll the devices for status or change their state.

BETA: This is under active development. Please reach out if you have suggestions or wish to contribute~

API Functions - The server listens for GET requests on local port 8888:

    /help                                      - List all available commands
    /devices                                   - List all devices discovered with metadata   
    /device/{DeviceID}|{DeviceName}            - List specific device metadata
    /numdevices                                - List current number of devices discovered
    /status/{DeviceID}|{DeviceName}            - List current device status
    /set/{DeviceID}|{DeviceName}/{Key}/{Value} - Set DPS {Key} with {Value} 
    /turnon/{DeviceID}/{SwitchNo}              - Turn on device, optional {SwtichNo}
    /turnoff/{DeviceID}/{SwitchNo}             - Turn off device, optional {SwtichNo}
                                               - Turn off device with a delay, optional {SwitchNo}/{Delay}
    /sync                                      - Fetches the device list and local keys from the Tuya Cloud API
                                               - Sets the Tuya Cloud API login info
    /offline                                   - List of registered devices that are offline

Note! If you use {DeviceName} instead of {DeviceID}, make sure your Device Names are absolutely unique! Otherwise you will get funny results.

Quick Start

This folder contains the script that runs a simple python based webserver that makes the TinyTuya API calls. Make sure the device.json file is the same directory where you start the server.

# Start Server - use Control-C to Stop

# Start Server in Debug Mode
python3 -d
TinyTuya (Server) [1.10.0t4]

[Loaded devices.json - 39 devices]

Starting threads...
 - API and UI Endpoint on http://localhost:8888

Docker Container

  1. Run the Server as a Docker Container listening on port 8888. Make sure your Tinytuya devices.json file is located in the directory where you start the container.

    docker run \
    -d \
    -p 8888:8888 \
    -p 6666:6666/udp \
    -p 6667:6667/udp \
    -e DEBUG='no' \
    --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/devices.json,target=/app/devices.json \
    --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/tinytuya.json,target=/app/tinytuya.json \
    --name tinytuya \
    --restart unless-stopped \
  2. Test the Server

You can load the Web Interface to view all your devices: http://localhost:8888/

Additionally you can use the API server to poll or mange your Tuya devices with simple web service calls:

# Get Tuya Device Information
curl -i http://localhost:8888/numdevices
curl -i http://localhost:8888/devices
curl -i http://localhost:8888/device/{deviceID}
curl -i http://localhost:8888/status/{deviceID}

# Command Tuya Devices
curl -i http://localhost:8888/turnon/{deviceID}
curl -i http://localhost:8888/turnoff/{deviceID}
curl -i http://localhost:8888/set/{deviceID}/{key}/{value}

Troubleshooting Help

Check the logs. If you see python errors, make sure you entered your credentials correctly in the file. If you didn't, edit that file and restart docker:

# See the logs
docker logs tinytuya

# Stop the server
docker stop tinytuya

# Start the server
docker start tinytuya

Control Panel

The UI at http://localhost:8888 allows you to view and control the devices.



Release Notes

t7 - Add Control by Name

  • Use {DeviceName} in addition to {DeviceID} for API commands by @mschlenstedt in jasonacox#352
# by DeviceID
$ curl http://localhost:8888/status/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx01
{"devId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx01", "dps": {"1": true, "9": 0}}

# by DeviceName
$ curl http://localhost:8888/status/Kitchen%20Light
{"devId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx01", "dps": {"1": true, "9": 0}}
$ curl http://localhost:8888/status/SmartBulb                                
{"devId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx02", "dps": {"20": true, "21": "white", "22": 1000, "24": "000003e803e8", "25":"07464602000003e803e800000000464602007803e803e80000000046460200f003e803e800000000464602003d03e803e80000000046460200ae03e803e800000000464602011303e803e800000000", "26": 0}}