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Welcome to the web page for the 33rd Project Week!

The 34rd NA-MIC Project Week was held during the week of January 20-24, 2020 in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain.

Please read about our experience in running these events since 2005: Increasing the Impact of Medical Image Computing Using Community-Based Open-Access Hackathons: the NA-MIC and 3D Slicer Experience.

Photo Album

This is our third Project Week in Las Palmas. Google Photos album

33 PW Winter NA-MIC in the media


Local Organizing Committee Host:

Program Calendar

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Web and cloud


Clinical applications


  • 3DSlicer Training programs (Babacar Diao, Ahmedou Moulaye Idriss, Yahya Tfeil, Mohamed Septy, Ainina Ndiaye, Siham Alaoui, Mouhcine Madani, Otman Aghzout, Badiaa Ait Ahmed, GTMA group)

  • Customization of user interfaces for dissemination applications based on 3D Slicer (Guillermo Valentín Socorro-Marrero, Nayra Pumar Carreras, José-Carlos Ruiz-Luque, Abián Hernández-Guedes, Juan Ruiz-Alzola)

  • Anatomical Atlases Senegal (Babacar Diao, Ainina Ndiaye, Siham Alaoui, Mouhcine Madani, Otman Aghzout, Badiaa Ait Ahmed, Nayra Pumar Carreras, Juan Ruiz Alzola)

  • Anatomical Atlases Mauritania (Dada Lebchir, Ahmedou Moulaye Idriss, Yahya Tfeil, Mohamed Septy, Haythem Guermazi, Oubeida Aryan, Raia Sidi Aly, Mohamed Bamba, Yahya Abatna, Mariem Isselmou, Mohamed Aly Dedew, Siham Alaoui, Mouhcine Madani, Otman Aghzout, Badiaa Ait Ahmed, María Dolores Afonso Suárez, Juan Ruiz Alzola)

Astronomy (Yep!)


Breakout sessions

  • Slicer 5 (Sam Horvath, Andras Lasso, JC, Csaba Pinter, Steve Pieper, all welcome)

  • Slicer VR (Adam Rankin, Csaba Pinter, JC, Andras Lasso, all welcome)


Do not add your name to this list below. It is maintained by the organizers based on your paid registration. Click here to register.

List of registered participants so far (names will be added here after processing registrations):

  1. Tina Kapur (@tkapur)([email protected]) - Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  2. Marco Nolden ([email protected]) - German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) - Germany
  3. Hadi Fooladi Talari ([email protected]) - Children's National Hospital - USA
  4. Pooneh Roshanitabrizi ([email protected]) - Children's National Hospital - USA
  5. Ron Kikinis (@rkikinis) - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  6. Zora Kikinis ([email protected]) - Brigham and Women's Hospital - USA
  7. Sylvain Bouix ([email protected]) - Brigham and Women's Hospital - USA
  8. Richard Rushmore ([email protected]) - Brigham and Women's Hospital - USA
  9. Juan Ruiz Alzola (@jruizalz)([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria / Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias - Spain
  10. José-Carlos Ruiz-Luque (@carlos-luque)([email protected]) - Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias - Spain
  11. Guillermo Valentín Socorro-Marrero (@gvsocorro)([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  12. Abián Hernández Guedes (@SolidusAbi)([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  13. Nayra Pumar Carreras ([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  14. Gabor Fichtinger ([email protected]) - Queen’s University - Canada
  15. Davide Punzo, (@punzo)([email protected]) - Freelancer - France
  16. Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (@jcfr)([email protected]) - Kitware Inc. - USA
  17. Steven Pieper (@pieper)([email protected]) - Isomics Inc. - USA
  18. Asmaa Skareb ([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  19. Anke Verena Reinschluessel ([email protected]) - University of Bremen, Digital Media Lab - Germany
  20. Thomas Muender ([email protected]) - University of Bremen - Germany
  21. Paolo Zaffino (@pzaffino)([email protected]) - Magna Graecia University - Italy
  22. Alexandra Golby ([email protected]) - Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  23. Sara González ([email protected]) - Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias - Spain
  24. Mark Asselin ([email protected]) - ACMIT Gmbh / Queen’s University - Canada
  25. Csaba Pintér (@cpinter)([email protected]) - Ebatin S.L. - Spain
  26. Andras Lasso (@lassoan)([email protected]) - Queen’s University - Canada
  27. Hans Meine (@hmeine) ([email protected]) - University of Bremen - Germany
  28. Rafael Palomar ([email protected]) - Oslo University Hospital - Norway
  29. Thomas Mildner ([email protected]) - University of Bremen - Germany
  30. James Petts ([email protected]) - Ovela Solutions LTD - UK
  31. Sara Fernández Vidal ([email protected]) - ICM BRain & Spine Institute - France
  32. Sonia Pujol ([email protected]) - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  33. Michael Halle (@mhalle)([email protected]) - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  34. Babacar Diao ([email protected]) - Ecole Militaire de Santé Dakar -Senegal
  35. Ainina Ndiaye ([email protected]) - Université Cheikh Anta Diop - Senegal
  36. Dada Lebchir ([email protected]) - Faculté de Médecine, Université de Nouakchott Al Aasriya - Mauritania
  37. Mohamed El Moctar Septy (@msepty)([email protected]) - Faculté de Médecine, Université de Nouakchott Al Aasriya - Mauritania
  38. Ahmedou Moulaye Idriss ([email protected]) - Faculté de Médecine, Université de Nouakchott Al Aasriya - Mauritania
  39. Yahya Ould Tfeil ([email protected]) - Faculté de Médecine, Université de Nouakchott Al Aasriya - Mauritania
  40. Artemisa Mendes Moreno ([email protected]) - Universidade de Cabo Verde - Cabo Verde
  41. Samantha Horvath ([email protected]) - Kitware Inc. - USA
  42. Kyle Sunderland ([email protected]) - Queen’s University - Canada
  43. Emel Alkim ([email protected]) - Stanford University Department of Biomedical Data Science - Stanford University - USA
  44. Siham Alaoui ([email protected]) - University Abdelmalek Essaâdi - Morocco
  45. Mouhcine Madani ([email protected]) - University Abdelmalek Essaâdi - Morocco
  46. Otman Aghzout ([email protected]) - University Abdelmalek Essaâdi - Morocco
  47. Badiaa Ait Ahmed ([email protected]) - University Abdelmalek Essaâdi - Morocco
  48. Attila Nagy (@acetylsalicyl)([email protected]) - Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged - Hungary
  49. Juan Andrés Ramírez González ([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  50. Katie Mastrogiacomo ([email protected]) - Surgical Planning Laboratory - USA
  51. Carl-Fredrik Westin ([email protected]) - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  52. Adam Rankin (@adamrankin)([email protected]) - Robarts Research Institute - Canada
  53. Joël Spaltenstein ([email protected]) - OsiriX Foundation - Switzerland
  54. Nicolas van Dooren ([email protected]) - OsiriX Foundation - Switzerland
  55. Erik Ziegler ([email protected]) - Open Health Imaging Foundation- France
  56. William Wells ([email protected]) - Harvard Medical School - USA
  57. Thomas Noh ([email protected]) - Brigham and Women's Hospital - USA
  58. Hans Knutsson ([email protected]) - Linköpingd University, Dept of Biomedical Engineering - Sweden
  59. Nikolaos Makris ([email protected]) - Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  60. María Dolores Afonso Suárez ([email protected]) - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  61. José Luis González Mora ([email protected]) - Universidad de la Laguna - Spain
  62. Francisco José Marcano Serrano ([email protected]) - Universidad de la Laguna - Spain
  63. David Díaz Martín ([email protected]) - Universidad de la Laguna - Spain
  64. Larisa Akrofie (@LarisaAkrofie)([email protected]) - Levers in Heels - Ghana
  65. Md Nurul Karim ([email protected]) - University of Bremen - Germany
  66. Anuradha Dayal ([email protected]) - Children's National Hospital - USA


  1. 7 Topics
  2. 41 projects
  3. 66 registrants
  4. 31 institutions
  5. 15 countries
  6. 3 continents