- London
Apache Spark - A unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing
A platform to build and run apps that are elastic, agile, and resilient. SDK, libraries, and hosted environments.
Fault tolerant job scheduler for Mesos which handles dependencies and ISO8601 based schedules
A distributed, fault-tolerant graph database
Lightning-fast cluster computing in Java, Scala and Python.
CPU and GPU-accelerated Machine Learning Library
Lightweight real-time big data streaming engine over Akka
Avro schema generation and serialization / deserialization for Scala
BlinkDB: Sub-Second Approximate Queries on Very Large Data.
dlwh / breeze
Forked from scalanlp/breezeBreeze is a library for numerical processing, machine learning, and natural language processing. Its primary focus is on being generic, clean, and powerful without sacrificing (much) efficiency. Br…
Connect Spark to HBase for reading and writing data with ease
A toy project implementing RAFT on top of Akka Cluster (not prod ready)
Spark RDD to read, write and delete from HBase
Generate Scala case class definitions from Avro schemas
A replicated Akka Persistence journal backed by Apache Kafka
Akka DDDD template using CQRS/ES with a Distributed Domain
Kafka Connect Cassandra Connector. This project includes source/sink connectors for Cassandra to/from Kafka.
A demonstration Akka application including Spray, Sharding, Data Duplication (aka Replication), and Akka TCP / Streams
Compile-time tools for working with Avros in Scala
Automatic offload of user-written Spark kernels to accelerators