Simple interface for ISO-639-1 language codes
npm install iso-639-1
- @param code {string}
- @return {string}
Lookup language english name by code
- @param code {string}
- @return {string}
Lookup language native name by code
- @param name {string}
- @return {string}
Lookup code by english name or native name
- @param code {string}
- @return {boolean}
Check whether the given code is in the list of ISO-639-1
- @param codes {array}
- @return {array}
Get the array of the language objects by the given codes
var ISO6391 = require('./iso-639-1')
console.log(ISO6391.getName('zh')) // 'Chinese'
console.log(ISO6391.getNativeName('zh')) // '中文'
console.log(ISO6391.getCode('Chinese')) // 'en'
console.log(ISO6391.getCode('中文')) // 'en'
console.log(ISO6391.validate('en')) // true
console.log(ISO6391.validate('xxx')) // false
console.log(ISO6391.getLanguages(['en', 'zh']))
// [{code:'en',name:'English',nativeName:'English'},{code:'zh',name:'Chinese',nativeName:'中文'}]