- Accelerate the Apex learning and development process
- Catalog Apex patterns and best practices in a template library
- Enable continuous integration / Built around the Apex development lifecycle
- Extensible and open
~/ant leapTargetName
- leapsfields: Generates a class of static fields for all SObjects
- leaptriggers: Generates triggers and Apex trigger handler class(es) for SObjects
- leapwrappers: Generates wrapper class(es) (in development)
- Download and copy bin/ant-leap.jar into the local Ant library folder (on a Mac this is located at /usr/share/ant/lib).
- Create build.properties and build.xml files within the root of any Salesforce development project (see example templates below).
- Enter Salesforce development credentials into build.properties.
- To test, type "ant leapsfields" to run the leap task that builds a class of field names.
# build.properties # # For server URL properties... # Use 'https://login.salesforce.com' for production or developer edition. # Use 'https://test.salesforce.com for sandbox.# Specify the login credentials for the Salesforce development organization sf.dev.username = [email protected] sf.dev.password = password sf.dev.url = https://login.salesforce.com # Specify the login credentials for the Salesforce staging/test organization sf.test.username = sf.test.password = sf.test.url = https://login.salesforce.com # Specify the login credentials for the Salesforce production/packaging organization sf.prod.username = sf.prod.password = sf.prod.url = https://login.salesforce.com
<project name="Project Name" default="test" basedir="." xmlns:sf="antlib:com.salesforce" xmlns:leap="antlib:org.leap"> <target name="leapTaskName"> <leap:leapTaskName username="${sf.dev.username}" password="${sf.dev.password}" serverurl="${sf.dev.url}" /> </target> <target name="leapsfields"> <leap:leapsfields username="${sf.dev.username}" password="${sf.dev.password}" token="${sf.dev.token}" serverurl="${sf.dev.url}" objects="Lead,Contact,Account,Opportunity,Order__c" /> </target> <target name="leaptriggers"> <leap:leaptriggers username="${sf.dev.username}" password="${sf.dev.password}" token="${sf.dev.token}" serverurl="${sf.dev.url}" objects="Lead,Contact,Account,Opportunity,Order__c" /> </target> <target name="leapwrappers"> <leap:leapwrappers username="${sf.dev.username}" password="${sf.dev.password}" token="${sf.dev.token}" serverurl="${sf.dev.url}" objects="Lead,Contact,Account,Opportunity,Order__c" /> </target> </project>