Transmitting a Remote message from ECAN1 and requesting transmission from ECAN2
4 Message Buffers are defined for ECAN1 and ECAN2
Two message buffers are configured for ECAN1. One is configured as a Transmit Buffer to generate a Remote Frame. The other is configured as a Receive Buffer to receive message sent by ECAN2.
One message buffer in ECAN2 is configured as a Transmit buffer for transmitting the requested data frame.
Filters and Masks are enabled for both ECAN1 and ECAN2 for Message Reception.
ECAN2 Transmit Buffer will be pointing to a filter in the case of Remote Transmission. The RTREN bit must be set to enable auto enabling of TXREQ bit in the CiTRmnCON register.
In this code example, the ECAN1 and ECAN2 modules are configured for operation at 1 Mbps over the CAN bus. This is done in the main.c file.
The configuration of the two ECAN modules is done in the ECAN1Config.c and ECAN2Config.c files.
The number of message buffers to be allocated in DMA RAM are configured by using the following definitions in the ECAN1Config.h and ECAN2Config.h file.
The aligment attribute is used to make sure that the DMA allocates the base address for the peripheral correctly and assigns an offset based on this base address. This is essential when using peripheral indirect addressing mode of DMA, where the effective address is computed based on the base address partially and an address generated by the peripheral. (in this case ECAN).
__attribute__((eds,space(dma),aligned(Number of bytes)));
The number of bytes may be decided based on the number of buffers being configured by the definition made earlier. This is calculated as follows -
Number of bytes = (ECAN1_MSG_BUF_LENGTH * Number of words in one buffer)*2 and
Number of bytes = (ECAN2_MSG_BUF_LENGTH * Number of words in one buffer)*2.
For eg : If 4 message buffers are defined as
#define ECAN1_MSG_BUF_LENGTH 4, then,
Number of bytes = 4 * 8 * 2 = 64 (because Number of words in one buffer = 8 for ECAN).
The information on transmit message identifiers and other bits are written as arguments into these functions
ecan1TransmitMsg(unsigned int buf, long txIdentifier, unsigned int ide, unsigned int remoteTransmit, unsigned int srr, unsigned int dataLength );
ecan1TxData(unsigned int buf, unsigned int data1, unsigned int data2, unsigned int data3, unsigned int data4);
ecan2TransmitMsg(unsigned int buf, long txIdentifier, unsigned int ide, unsigned int remoteTransmit, unsigned int srr, unsigned int dataLength );
ecan2TxData(unsigned int buf, unsigned int data1, unsigned int data2, unsigned int data3, unsigned int data4);
The information on message acceptance filters and masks are written as arguments into these function
ecan1Filter(int n, long identifier, unsigned int exide,unsigned int bufPnt,unsigned int maskSel);
ecan1Mask(int m, long identifierMask, unsigned int mide);
ecan2Filter(int n, long identifier, unsigned int exide,unsigned int bufPnt,unsigned int maskSel);
ecan2Mask(int m, long identifierMask, unsigned int mide);
Note :- The PPS configuration in the ecan1_config.c and ecan2_config.c source files change with the device being used. THe user is advised to refer the datasheet and use the appropriate values for RPINR/RPOR registers for proper operation.
- Explorer 16/32 Development Board (
- dsPIC33EP512GM710 PIM ( or dsPIC33EP512MU810 PIM (
- MPLAB® X IDE v6.00 or newer (
- MPLAB® XC16 v2.00 or newer (