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Benchmarking Performance


This directory holds results from running the Python Unified Benchmark Suite against Pyjion using a Release build. The CSV files are the data that emits. The file names include the date the benchmarks were run along with the Git commit hash that represents the build of Pyjion used (as found by git log -p -1).

Latest run

C:\Source\benchmarks>py -3 -r --csv ..\Pyjion5\Perf\2016-05-13.csv --benchmarks=all,-chameleon_v2,-hexiom2 C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe
INFO:root:Automatically selected timer: perf_counter
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark html5lib_warmup; not compatible with Python 3.5
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark slowunpickle; not compatible with Python 3.5
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark slowpickle; not compatible with Python 3.5
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark slowspitfire; not compatible with Python 3.5
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark spambayes; not compatible with Python 3.5
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark bzr_startup; not compatible with Python 3.5
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark rietveld; not compatible with Python 3.5
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark html5lib; not compatible with Python 3.5
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark pybench; not compatible with Python 3.5
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark hg_startup; not compatible with Python 3.5
[ 1/41] 2to3...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe lib3/2to3/2to3 -f all lib/2to3`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe lib3/2to3/2to3 -f all lib/2to3` 5 times
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe lib3/2to3/2to3 -f all lib/2to3`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe lib3/2to3/2to3 -f all lib/2to3` 5 times
[ 2/41] call_method...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 300 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 300 --timer perf_counter`
[ 3/41] call_method_slots...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 300 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 300 --timer perf_counter`
[ 4/41] call_method_unknown...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 300 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 300 --timer perf_counter`
[ 5/41] call_simple...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 300 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 300 --timer perf_counter`
[ 6/41] chaos...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[ 7/41] django_v3...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[ 8/41] etree_generate...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter generate`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter generate`
[ 9/41] etree_iterparse...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter iterparse`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter iterparse`
[10/41] etree_parse...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter parse`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter parse`
[11/41] etree_process...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter process`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter process`
[12/41] fannkuch...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[13/41] fastpickle...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle pickle`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle pickle`
[14/41] fastunpickle...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle unpickle`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle unpickle`
[15/41] float...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[16/41] formatted_logging...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter formatted_output`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter formatted_output`
[17/41] go...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[18/41] json_dump_v2...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[19/41] json_load...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter json_load`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter json_load`
[20/41] mako_v2...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 1000 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 1000 --timer perf_counter`
[21/41] meteor_contest...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[22/41] nbody...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[23/41] normal_startup...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe -c ` 2000 times
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe -c ` 2000 times
[24/41] nqueens...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[25/41] pathlib...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 1000 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 1000 --timer perf_counter`
[26/41] pickle_dict...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle pickle_dict`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle pickle_dict`
[27/41] pickle_list...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle pickle_list`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle pickle_list`
[28/41] pidigits...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[29/41] raytrace...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[30/41] regex_compile...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[31/41] regex_effbot...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[32/41] regex_v8...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[33/41] richards...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[34/41] silent_logging...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter no_output`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter no_output`
[35/41] simple_logging...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter simple_output`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter simple_output`
[36/41] spectral_norm...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[37/41] startup_nosite...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe -S -c ` 4000 times
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe -S -c ` 4000 times
[38/41] telco...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[39/41] tornado_http...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 200 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 200 --timer perf_counter`
[40/41] unpack_sequence...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100000 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100000 --timer perf_counter`
[41/41] unpickle_list...
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\amd64\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle unpickle_list`
INFO:root:Running `C:\Source\Pyjion5\Python\PCbuild\nojit\python.exe performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle unpickle_list`

Report on Windows dinov1  10.0.10586 AMD64 Intel64 Family 6 Model 44 Stepping 2, GenuineIntel
Total CPU cores: 8

### 2to3 ###
Min: 12.115672 -> 53.077635: 4.38x slower
Avg: 12.183010 -> 53.180146: 4.37x slower
Significant (t=-748.60)
Stddev: 0.07164 -> 0.09931: 1.3862x larger

### call_method ###
Min: 0.478239 -> 0.440329: 1.09x faster
Avg: 0.485248 -> 0.445719: 1.09x faster
Significant (t=46.08)
Stddev: 0.01410 -> 0.00467: 3.0169x smaller

### call_method_slots ###
Min: 0.477080 -> 0.437468: 1.09x faster
Avg: 0.485912 -> 0.443677: 1.10x faster
Significant (t=63.83)
Stddev: 0.00811 -> 0.00809: 1.0026x smaller

### call_method_unknown ###
Min: 0.496415 -> 0.447550: 1.11x faster
Avg: 0.504634 -> 0.460771: 1.10x faster
Significant (t=22.54)
Stddev: 0.00914 -> 0.03244: 3.5512x larger

### call_simple ###
Min: 0.411499 -> 0.376116: 1.09x faster
Avg: 0.419098 -> 0.381976: 1.10x faster
Significant (t=44.53)
Stddev: 0.01151 -> 0.00871: 1.3213x smaller

### chaos ###
Min: 0.529725 -> 0.508128: 1.04x faster
Avg: 0.538782 -> 0.515974: 1.04x faster
Significant (t=13.77)
Stddev: 0.01030 -> 0.01297: 1.2603x larger

### django_v3 ###
Min: 0.962259 -> 1.973536: 2.05x slower
Avg: 0.974137 -> 2.000700: 2.05x slower
Significant (t=-312.54)
Stddev: 0.02231 -> 0.02410: 1.0803x larger

### etree_generate ###
Min: 0.555797 -> 0.878412: 1.58x slower
Avg: 0.580327 -> 0.894168: 1.54x slower
Significant (t=-83.09)
Stddev: 0.03371 -> 0.01705: 1.9775x smaller

### etree_iterparse ###
Min: 0.744044 -> 2.469276: 3.32x slower
Avg: 0.758416 -> 2.527216: 3.33x slower
Significant (t=-266.50)
Stddev: 0.00904 -> 0.06575: 7.2708x larger

### etree_process ###
Min: 0.455153 -> 0.655453: 1.44x slower
Avg: 0.465813 -> 0.681561: 1.46x slower
Significant (t=-50.27)
Stddev: 0.01111 -> 0.04145: 3.7317x larger

### float ###
Min: 0.517170 -> 0.478662: 1.08x faster
Avg: 0.528597 -> 0.490600: 1.08x faster
Significant (t=40.38)
Stddev: 0.00535 -> 0.00774: 1.4455x larger

### formatted_logging ###
Min: 0.736918 -> 0.756467: 1.03x slower
Avg: 0.749573 -> 0.771023: 1.03x slower
Significant (t=-14.29)
Stddev: 0.01237 -> 0.00850: 1.4545x smaller

### go ###
Min: 0.967658 -> 0.871361: 1.11x faster
Avg: 0.978361 -> 0.894362: 1.09x faster
Significant (t=112.95)
Stddev: 0.00443 -> 0.00597: 1.3492x larger

### json_load ###
Min: 0.764063 -> 0.785226: 1.03x slower
Avg: 0.775503 -> 0.792612: 1.02x slower
Significant (t=-25.77)
Stddev: 0.00571 -> 0.00340: 1.6801x smaller

### mako_v2 ###
Min: 0.072189 -> 0.073789: 1.02x slower
Avg: 0.074399 -> 0.076339: 1.03x slower
Significant (t=-36.85)
Stddev: 0.00111 -> 0.00124: 1.1175x larger

### meteor_contest ###
Min: 0.331122 -> 0.306164: 1.08x faster
Avg: 0.342458 -> 0.313908: 1.09x faster
Significant (t=16.03)
Stddev: 0.01397 -> 0.01105: 1.2646x smaller

### nbody ###
Min: 0.456943 -> 0.461399: 1.01x slower
Avg: 0.463576 -> 0.474350: 1.02x slower
Significant (t=-3.93)
Stddev: 0.00746 -> 0.02638: 3.5380x larger

### nqueens ###
Min: 0.456503 -> 5.844960: 12.80x slower
Avg: 0.466118 -> 6.422858: 13.78x slower
Significant (t=-128.84)
Stddev: 0.00829 -> 0.46225: 55.7447x larger

### pathlib ###
Min: 0.466209 -> 0.505793: 1.08x slower
Avg: 0.474145 -> 0.590590: 1.25x slower
Significant (t=-137.63)
Stddev: 0.00606 -> 0.01792: 2.9569x larger

### pickle_list ###
Min: 0.450111 -> 0.439026: 1.03x faster
Avg: 0.454997 -> 0.443361: 1.03x faster
Significant (t=37.54)
Stddev: 0.00237 -> 0.00199: 1.1920x smaller

### pidigits ###
Min: 0.417503 -> 0.433454: 1.04x slower
Avg: 0.423859 -> 0.438408: 1.03x slower
Significant (t=-15.25)
Stddev: 0.00874 -> 0.00383: 2.2800x smaller

### raytrace ###
Min: 2.400198 -> 2.188586: 1.10x faster
Avg: 2.426518 -> 2.228595: 1.09x faster
Significant (t=41.24)
Stddev: 0.01697 -> 0.04490: 2.6457x larger

### regex_compile ###
Min: 0.610075 -> 0.590271: 1.03x faster
Avg: 0.617661 -> 0.602807: 1.02x faster
Significant (t=5.59)
Stddev: 0.00480 -> 0.02612: 5.4446x larger

### richards ###
Min: 0.279421 -> 0.223735: 1.25x faster
Avg: 0.283808 -> 0.227727: 1.25x faster
Significant (t=163.70)
Stddev: 0.00222 -> 0.00261: 1.1797x larger

### silent_logging ###
Min: 0.122719 -> 0.111339: 1.10x faster
Avg: 0.126007 -> 0.114450: 1.10x faster
Significant (t=47.85)
Stddev: 0.00139 -> 0.00197: 1.4203x larger

### spectral_norm ###
Min: 0.571884 -> 0.343651: 1.66x faster
Avg: 0.577222 -> 0.350683: 1.65x faster
Significant (t=224.37)
Stddev: 0.00262 -> 0.00975: 3.7191x larger

### startup_nosite ###
Min: 0.614642 -> 0.666916: 1.09x slower
Avg: 0.639071 -> 0.678824: 1.06x slower
Significant (t=-16.63)
Stddev: 0.03336 -> 0.00549: 6.0789x smaller

### tornado_http ###
Min: 0.746220 -> 0.789006: 1.06x slower
Avg: 0.769729 -> 1.965457: 2.55x slower
Significant (t=-15.37)
Stddev: 0.00869 -> 1.10034: 126.5668x larger

### unpickle_list ###
Min: 0.618535 -> 0.610952: 1.01x faster
Avg: 0.659739 -> 0.621155: 1.06x faster
Significant (t=10.38)
Stddev: 0.03700 -> 0.00337: 10.9645x smaller

The following not significant results are hidden, use -v to show them:
etree_parse, fannkuch, fastpickle, fastunpickle, json_dump_v2, normal_startup, pickle_dict, regex_effbot, regex_v8, simple_logging, telco, unpack_sequence.