Create a web app to enter receipts into an expense report.
Use any code editor, tools, 3rd party libraries and online resources you like.
The expense report can have up to 5 receipts.
Each receipt should have a description, amount and currency.
- Any receipt can be entered in any of the supported currencies.
- Each receipt should show its amount in EUR
- Get exchange rates from
There should be a total for the entire expense report, in EUR, which should be displayed at the bottom of all receipts.
It should prevent you from submitting a report totalling over 1,000 EUR
- If the total amount of all receipts exceeds €1,000 it should disable the submit button and display a message stating that the expense report limit has been exceeded.
There should be a button to submit the expense report, which will log the receipt data to the browser's dev tool console.
You'll have 60 minutes to complete as much as you can. If you have less time then don't worry about it -- this will be taken into account when we evaluate your solution.
Time-saving tip: It's OK for the page to represent a single expense report with no options to reset it or create another one. You also don't need to keep or show any previously submitted reports.
If you have extra time, you can optionally try to complete one or more of the following:
- Make it look nice
- Cache the exchange rates for 10 seconds at a time
- Don't over-engineer just to show us that you know Framework X or Y.
- It matters more that you get it done, and that the solution is sensible given the simple requirements and the time constraints
- Your code should be organized, and it should be something you're relatively proud to have done in the limited time available
- Quality matters more than the sheer number of requirements you implemented