Starter Weppy is an experimental baseline microservice application starter kit built on the weppy framework.
- Write a script that will create a new project based on this "starter weppy" structure with an app name as an argument.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- Python 2.7.11
For automated pip and virtual env setup and creation, clone this repository and in your terminal do:
. ./
Otherwise, do:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Running in development mode will enable debug pages, automatically create test, users in multiple states, and upon killing the app, those test users will automatically be deleted from the DB.
To start the app in development mode, do:
python --dev
See my_weppy_app_/
for cli commands.
The tests requires the app to be running in dev mode for integration testing.
Run the app in dev mode. Then in another shell, do:
py.test -v -s --cov-report term-missing --cov=my_weppy_app tests