Gesture recognition using with an Xbox One Kinect on Linux.
Dataflow from Kinect to image classification:
Xbox One Kinect -> third_party/libfreenect2 (C++ driver) -> kinect/ (C++ kinect wrapper and de-resolution-er) -> pybind11 -> kinect-triton-client (python) -> nvidia py sdk (image classification with GestureNet)
The Kinect exports color images as 1920x1080 where each pixel is BGRX (4 bytes, last byte is empty space)
GestureNet is a gesture recognition model from nvidia.
Note: you will need the nvidia-container-toolkit package in order to run a docker container that uses your nvidia gpu. I use gentoo and made use of guru's overlay from this search:
This is the guide I'm following:
- The GestureNet doc has fp16 in one place and FP_32 in another for the model input/output types
- It also writes tlt-converter and trt-converter although only tao-converter was in the image, maybe it's older
- tell the nvidia folk that their doc is outdated, make a PR if it's in github
GestureNet - pre-trained model:
- Input is RGB Images of 160 X 160 X 3 (Width X Height X Byte depth (R, G, B))
- Limited to frontal views, bland backgrounds, and good lighting
Triton Inference Server - inference:
- nvidia's dockerized "Triton Inference Server" allows the pre-trained model to be used.
- Server quickstart guide:
- Client repo:
Ensure that you have an Xbox One Kinect with the extra Windows adapter that allows you to plug it in via USB.
If you build libfreenect2 with CUDA support, Clang won't work (I tried Clang 12.0.1) so just use GCC (I used GCC 11.2)
Build kinect-test-driver with:
mkdir build && cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo cmake --build . --target test-driver
Download the pre-trained GestureNet model with
Convert model.etlt to model.plan with
- an .etlt file is platform agnostic while a .plan file isn't
Start the server with
- Get running with print statement output
- Kinect: Save frames to disk
- started on impl
- figure out format to save as??
- Save relative to bytes per pixel
- non-blocking
- resize frames to resolution desired by inference engine (160x160x3)
- started on this. Merging rows and then columns
- Merge the width and just disregard the bottom half of the image
[ ] Use smart pointers instead of raw pointers around libfreenect2 objects- Nope, this isn't worth it. Just causes segfaults when the test-driver is done running
- Create Python API with pybind11 so kinect-triton-client can use it
- create frame stream
- Actually scale down resolution from 1920x1080 to 160x160 properly
- as of now, it just merges pixels width-wise and only grabs the top 160 pixels
- Benchmark/Optimize frame conversion
- Benchmark/Optimize frame saving
- convert GestureNet model file from .etlt to .plan
- get inference server up and running
- integrate triton inference server client SDK:
- tried to build it from source via CMake FetchContent but it was a pain. Switching to Python
- send frames to inference server
- just send frames that were saved to disk (for now)
- Use pybind11 in order to start/stop the recorder
- CMake example:
- Ensure that the compiled python module and py venv versions match
- Create Kinect object during python object init in pybind11
- start/stop recording - defaulting at 5 seconds for now
- handle frame stream
Wrapper around libfreenect2 to configure it as I need
Using my fork to grab images from the device. Allows me to build with CUDA due to some include issues.
This is kept as a git submodule since it is meant to be commited to an updated.
Note: May require GCC 10.x. So far I've been able to build with GCC 11 though.
gRPC-based python client to the triton inference server. Sends over images for classification.
Enter venv and download the packages with
cd kinect-triton-client
mkdir env
python3.10 -m venv env # This should match the version genereted by pybind11. Unsure what happens if it doesn't
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
In the venv, the requirements.txt file is generated with pip freeze > requirements.txt
Pre-trained GestureNet model from nvidia's model registry. Pulled via script.
TODO: May not end up using this
Using my fork to try to get gestures from those images
- Build artifacts are in /obj
- Not added yet
- I'd probably have to train my own model
Workspace for the pre-trained gesture classification model from nvidia