This is a Dockerfile to set up Bittorrent Sync. If you want a custom btsync.conf, add it to the root directory before building and edit the Dockerfile and Otherwise, just edit the values from the webui.
We'll assume that the data directories to by sync'd will all live under one directory that can be mounted via -v <host_dir>:/data
. The config/logging directory will live in a data-only volume.
Note: UPnP doesn't work...NAP-PMP must be enabled on the router, or forward the ports manually.
Create config volume:
# docker run -v /.sync --name btsync_config busybox /bin/true
Change the webui listening port in the Dockerfile if necessary (default is 8888), then:
# docker build -t btsync .
Systemd service file available.
# docker run -d -v /mnt/media:/mnt/media --volumes-from btsync_config -p 30000:30000 -p 8888:8888 --name btsync_run btsync