All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Deprecated Visual Studio OpenAPI reference packages.
- Fixes a bug where a stackoverflow exception occurs when inlined schemas have self-references 2656
- Fixes nil safety while type casting values in collections in Go
- Changed python model classes to dataclasses. #2684
- Fix issue with command conflicts causing CLI crashes. (Shell)
- Fix build error by splitting the ambiguous
option into--input-file
. (Shell) - Fixed including unused imports in Go #2699
- Fixed a bug where error response type with primitive types would cause compile errors in dotnet #2651
- Fixed a bug where CSharp generation would fail if the input openApi contained schemas named 'TimeOnly' or 'DateOnly' 2671
- Updated the reserved types for CSharp to include 'Stream' and 'Date' should be reserved names in CSharp 2369
- Fix issue with request builders with parameters being excluded from commands output. (Shell)
- Fixed a bug in setting default enum values fails if the symbol has been sanitized and the symbol only contains special characters 2360
- Fixed issue where duplicate query parameter names per path were added to the URL template. Now only distinct query parameter names are added. 2725
- Fixed a bug where Operation filters would be greedy and exclude non operation filters. #2651
- Shorten Go File names to a max of 252
- Fixed a bug where clean output option would fail because of the log file. #2645
- Fixed a bug in the extension where selection in multiple indexers would fail. #2666
- 📢📢📢 Go is now a stable language!
- Added typescript interfaces for models and request config params. #1013 and #1521
- Added automatic loading of the lock file for the extension so quick edits of clients are supported.
- Added a warning message when clients get upgraded from one kiota version to another. #2598
- Added trimming of derived types that are not being used by the client. #2543
- Added support for merging schemas of AllOf > 2. #2438
- Added operation selection in the vscode extension. #2556
- Added Chinese translations to vscode extension.
- Added an action to open documentation in the vscode extension. #2562
- Fixed issue where implements for error classes were not copied when inlining classes.
- Moved the common properties to a base class and remove properties(RequestAdapter, UrlTemplate and PathParameters) for the request builders and options and headers for RequestConfig classes PHP.2439
- Fixed bugs with imports for PHP Generation.
- Indexers replacement are now at the same level as the original indexer. e.g
is nowclient.users.withId("id").messages.withId("id")...
. - Fixed a bug where arrays with empty items definitions would still project properties. #2502
- Fixed a bug where multiple single path parameters at the same level would produce invalid url templates.
- Fixed a bug where steps count would be increasing on nav back in the extension. #2553
- Fixed a bug where java path parameters wouldn't build.
- Fixed a bug where extension would not reset generation information on new search. #2540
- Fixed a bug where the extension would not select nodes when loading from lock file with no filters. #2542
- Fixed a bug where the extension would fail to generate for the root path. #2536
- Fixed a bug where properties copied from parent to child classes would not be cloned.
- Fixed a bug where Java discriminator mapping would use the mapping name instead of the type name.
- Fixed a bug where filters for nodes with same-level single path parameters with different names would not work anymore.
- Fixed a bug where replacing reserved names would not propagate the rename to the inner child elements map of the parent class.
- Fixed a bug where descriptions with multiple server URLs would use the HTTP one instead of HTTPs. #2336
- Fixed a bug where backing store properties would be sometimes duplicated in derived classes.
- Write PHP URL templates in request builders using single quoted strings to prevent need to escape $-prefixed names e.g. $count, $ref, $value.
- Fixed a bug where certain configuration sections would not load properly.
- Fixed Mac-OS releases.
- Fixed a bug where kiota installation would fail because of zip structure change.
- Added Visual Studio Code preview extension. #2333
- Added support for searching in forks for API descriptions in GitHub. #2429
- Added the ability to filter on operations. #2431
- Fixed a bug where UUID type is not correctly passed to deserialization method due to snake casing of primitive type names.
- Fixed a bug where unescaped query parameters are not correctly matched to the original name due to python convention of snake casing parameter names.
- Fixed a bug where date types annotations and guid's were not correctly translated in Python
- Fixed the extension of downloaded files when using the default path. #2316
- Fixed a bug where lookup of reference ids failed for AllOf more than one level up.
- Fixed a bug where a CLI client would not set the content types for requests. (Shell)
- Fixed linting errors by re-ordering methods and properties in Python.
- Fixed a bug where requests with bodies would fail in Ruby. #2473
- Changed python import mechanism to facilitate code completion. #2380
- Fixed a bug where discriminator methods were missing possible types in Python #2381
- Fixed a bug where boolean or number enums would be mapped to enums instead of primitive types. #2367
- Fixed a bug where CSharp inherited constructor name was incorrect. #2351
- Fixed a bug where java refiner would emit method's parameters types without normalizing the name.
- Fixed a bug where java refiner would emit incorrect returning types and error mappings without normalizing the name.
- Changed the name of the static query parameter factory method from
in PHP - Fixed a bug where java writer would emit incorrect serialization values for escaped enums
- Fixed a bug where java writer would emit incorrect type names in case of compound types
- Fixed a bug where go refiner would emit incorrect code when inlining error parents
- Fixed a bug where inline type names would not be sanitized. #2368
- Fixed a bug in PHP where the base URL path parameter key didn't match the URI template.
- Changed invalid schema behavior, invalid properties are now ignored with a warning instead of failed. #2089
- Fixed a bug where java refiner would not normalize inherited class names and interface types.
- Fixed a bug where search based commands would not match exact matches when additional results are available.
- Fixed a bug where imported classes and enums would not be disambiguated when they have the same name in dotnet.
- Fixed a bug where escaping enum names resulted in a loss of the original enum name. #2488
- Fixed a bug where properties names are not correctly normalized in Go.
- Fixed a bug where double would not be mapped properly.
- 📢📢📢 Kiota is Generally Available with C# as a first stable language and more to follow soon! 🚀🚀🚀
- Added constructors and query parameter factory methods to request configuration classes and constructors to query parameter classes in PHP.
- Added support for relative server URL. #2278
- Added restoration of the kiota-lock when the generation fails with clean output. #2292
- Fixed a bug where byte and binary types would be wrongly mapped. #2357
- Fixed a bug where go refiner would fail with a null reference.
- Fixes a bug where request builders would be incorrectly generated due to inconsistent suffix generation
- Fixed a bug where PHP model getAdditionalData() would not return nullable types.
- Fixed bug in request options PHPDoc type.
- Fixed a bug where java refiner would emit enums without normalizing the name.
- Fixed bug in request configuration class constructor PHPDoc.
- Fixed a bug where ruby refiner would emit enums without normalizing the name.
- Added support for multi-valued headers in Python. #2051
- Added
to PHP exceptions reserved names provider. #2243
- Fixed a bug where search would fail because of a parsing issue. #2290
- Fixed a bug where Ruby namespaces would fail to load with Rails.
- Fixed a bug where errors/exceptions could override native exception type symbols in Python. #2257
- Fixed a bug where descriptions with a path segment matching an HTTP verb would fail to generate. #2231
- Updated the client constructor to set the base_url in path parameters from RequestAdapter's base_url(Python) #2128
- Added support for Raw Url in Request Builders for PHP Generation. 2205
- Added support for external documentation links on request execution methods (PHP Generation). 2038
- Added support for nullable reference types in dotnet for projects running Netstandard 2.1/Net 6.0 and above 2073
- Added support for multi-value headers to CLI generation. (Shell)
- Added support for overriding some of the generation settings in the OpenAPI description. #2197
- Added support for multi-value headers for PHP Generation. #2052
- Added support for Composed types (De)Serialization for PHP Generation. #1814
- Added support for backing store in Go. 466
- Added support for inherited error types by inlining the parents. 2194
- Added support for documentation links in CLI's help commands.
- Fixed bug in indexer methods for PHP Generation.
- Fixed a bug where errors/exceptions could override native exception type symbols for PHP Generation. #2258
- Fixed a bug where most of the Java fields have been prefixed with an underscore.
- Mangle properties and/or accessors names per language to have more idiomatic APIs.
- Using fully qualified identifier for java.util.function.Consumer to avoid conflicts in Java.
- Removed response handler parameter from PHP request executor methods. 1856
- Fixed minor typo in adding Accept header for PHP.
- Fixed a bug with null reference types and composed types in CSharp.
- Fixed a bug with null reference types scalar values in CSharp.
- Fixed a bug where reserved names replacement wouldn't check whether the name was already in use (all languages).
- Fixed a bug where default validation rules could not be disabled.
- Fixed a race condition in namespace disambiguation for CSharp.
- Fixed a bug where errors/exceptions could override native exception type symbols. #2190
- Removed the ResponseHandler parameter in RequestAdapter to be a RequestOption in Python #1857
- Updated the client constructor to set the baseUrl path parameter from RequestAdapter's baseUrl(PHP) #2129
- The Lock file uses a project version coming from a Source Generator instead of the one looked up with reflection. #2147
- Fixed a bug in ruby where file names or paths could be too long to be packaged.
- Fixed a bug where models descriptions would be undeterministic. #2130
- Fixed a bug in dotnet where default values for Enum properties with special characters would not match the model. #2091
- Sets the base url to make use of request information easier in CSharp/Java/TypeScript/Go/Ruby. #2061
- Renamed CreateXXXRequestInformation methods to ToXXXRequestInformation for a better auto-completion experience. #2071
- Renamed Go request adapter methods to remove the async suffix. #2084
- Fixed a bug where CLI query/header/path parameters would not be deduplicated. #2059
- Removed unused generated import for PHP Generation.
- Fixed a bug where long namespaces would make Ruby packaging fail.
- Fixed a bug where classes with namespace names are generated outside namespace in Python. #2188
- Changed signature of escaped reserved names from {x}escaped to {x} in line with Python style guides.
- Add null checks in generated Shell language code.
- Fixed a bug where Go indexers would fail to pass the index parameter.
- Fixed a bug where path segments with parameters could be missing words. #2209
- Fixed a bug where refiners could generate duplicate properties.
- Fixed a bug where Go collections would try to use variadic parameters where not supported.
- Removed the need to provide a RequestAdapter in Shell command builders.
- Added support for auto-registration of serializers in Ruby. #478
- Added support for middleware infrastructure in Ruby. #1650
- Added support for query parameters names aliasing in Ruby. #1664
- Added support for vendor specific serialization in Ruby. #1661
- Added support for default properties values in Ruby. #1725
- Added support for discriminated types deserialization (inheritance) in Ruby. #1652
- Added support for error mapping in Ruby. #1653
- Added support for multi-valued request headers in Ruby. #2054
- Added support for composed types generation in Ruby.
- Added missing get child node method in Ruby for deserialization.
- Added declaration of module classes in Ruby.
- Fixed container support for MacOS M1. #1888
- Fixed a bug where a missing baseURL would make search fail. #2095
- Fixed a bug in Ruby where the request adapter URL would be overwritten by the client defaults. #1647
- Replaced concurrent-ruby by Fibers in Ruby libraries to implement proper asynchronous execution of requests.
- Replaced response_handler parameter by a request option in Ruby. #1860
- Fixed a bug where conversion of intersection types to wrappers would fail.
- Fixed raw url initialization in Ruby.
- Fixed a bug where subsequent indexers would fail to convert properly for languages not supporting indexers. #1666
- Fixed a bug where the ISO duration import would be incorrect in Ruby.
- Fixed a bug where default middleware options would not be assigned in Ruby.
- Fixed a bug where request options would not be mapped properly in Ruby.
- Fixed a bug where the main module would be missing in Ruby and TypeScript.
- Fixed a bug where class names could conflict with module names in Ruby.
- Fixed a bug where modules listing would be not be deterministic in Ruby and TypeScript.
- Moved Ruby libraries to their own repositories.
- Fixed a regression where errors would be missing their parent types.
- Fixed a regression where indexers replacement would fail.
- Added description validation rules to help users get the best client experience. #2019
- Added support for external documentation links on request execution methods. #2036
- Added support for multi-valued headers in CSharp, TypeScript, Go, and Java. #2032
- Fixed a generation issue in TypeScript where static methods imports could collide.
- Fixed a generation issue in Go with the accept headers definition.
- Fixed a generation issue in Go and TypeScript with UUID properties.
- Fixed issue with wrong imports for PHP. #2049
- Fix issue where discriminator types were never getting imported for PHP. #2049
- Fix issue where class aliasing was never working as expected for PHP. #2049
- Fixed colliding imports for factory methods in TypeScript. #2009
- Switched to lazy loading module imports in Python. #2007
- Caters for type names being used from System namespace in CSharp generation #2021
- Fixed wrong send request method name for collections in Python. #2057
- Implemented request builders with no parameters as properties in Python. #2024
- Unblocks nuget release by removing file triggering credscan.
- Unblocks nuget release by removing file triggering credscan.
- Fixes publishing workflow missing workload restore commands.
- Added support for GitHub based API search.#1866
- Added login/logout commands to access API descriptions in private GitHub repositories. #1983
- Added support for scalar request bodies Python #1571
- Sets property defaults in constructor and removes duplicate properties defined in base types from model serialization and deserialization methods in Python. #1726
- Added support for scalar request bodies in PHP #1937
- Added accept header for all schematized requests Python. #1617
- Added optional backing store support for PHP. #1976
- Fixed a bug where OdataErrors had wrong inherited class name in Python.
- Fixed a bug where empty path parameters dictionary would throw an error in request builders in Python.
- Fixed a bug where readonly properties would fail to deserialize for TypeScript.
- Fixed a bug where array buffers nullability would wrongly be defined for TypeScript.
- Fixed a bug where parameter comments would appear in summary tag comments in dotnet. #1945
- Fixed a bug in PHP generation where request bodies would not serialize single elements properly. #1937
- Fixed a bug where request information would always be set from scalar. #1965
- Fixed a bug where path parameters would be missing if no operation was present at the segment the parameter is defined. #1940
- Fixed a bug where nested classes with long names caused compilation errors for java generated libraries. #1949
- Removed use of anonymous classes in java generated libraries to reduce the number of java classes created at compilation time. #1980
- Fixed a bug where generation would result in wrong indentation in some classes for Python [#1996]((microsoft#1996).
- Fixed a bug where error class modules were hardcoded for Python [#1999]((microsoft#1999)
- Fixed a bug where generation would sometimes result in wrong original names for query parameters in Python [#2000]((microsoft#2000).
- Fixed a bug where Java would fail to compile for endpoints that return collections.
- Fixes publishing workflow which fails because of the web application.
- Added an API key authentication provider for dotnet, TypeScript, Go and Java. #1902
- Added compatibility all the way down to android API level 26 for Java.
- Added support for enum and collection of enum return types for Java.
- Added support for types with more than 500 discriminator entries in Java.
- Added a confirmation message once the generation is successful. #1898
- Added colour scheme for all console messages to improve readability. #1895
- Fixed a bug where collections request bodies would not serialize single elements properly. #1927
- Removed response handler parameter from Java executor methods.
- Changed the generated PHP deserializer code to use
instead offunction
. #1880 - Fixes compile errors due to type ambiguity in generated models in dotnet. #1881
- Changes the ResponseHandler parameter in IRequestAdapter to be a RequestOption in dotnet #1858
- File extensions are now stripped from property/namespace/class names. #1892
- Missing host/server is now considered a warning instead of a critical error. #1896
- Fixed a bug where info and show commands would crash in case of invalid description URL. #1894
- Show command now reads descriptions directly from instead of their origin. #1897
- Fixed a classnames having the same name as extensions would cause generation to fail. #1892
- Fixed an issue where CSharp defensive programing would use string.IsNullOrEmpty for collections parameters.
- Added a search command to find APIs.
- Added a download command to download API descriptions.
- Added a show command to display the API paths as a tree.
- Added an info command to show languages maturity and dependencies.
- Added hints to help people use and discover the commands.
- Added arguments to filter path items during generation (include-path/exclude-path).
- Added the ability to cancel the refinement process.
- Added Java 8 generation support.
- Added tracing support for Go. #618
- BREAKING: the generation command is now a sub command:
kiota generate ...
instead ofkiota ...
. - BREAKING: docker image renamed from
. - Fixed a bug where OData primitive types would result in composed types.
- Fixed a concurrency issue with imports management.
- Fixed a bug where Java request options type could conflict with generated types.
- Fixed a bug where CSharp serialization/deserialization names for properties would always be lowercased. #1830
- Fixed a regression where the incorrect schema would be selected in an AllOf collection to generate incorrect type inheritance.
- Fixed a bug where discriminator information could contain non-derived types. #1833
- Fixes a bug where mapping value would be missing from factories. #1833
- Update go serializers and deserializers to use abstractions utils
- Exempts read only properties from being serialized and sent to the service. #1828
- Fixed a regression where parse node parameter type for factories would be incorrect in Go, Ruby, Swift, Java and TypeScript.
- Added support for range (2XX) responses. #1699
- Added none output formatter to CLI commons. (Shell)
- Added 'Accept' field of http request header in Ruby. #1660
- Added support for text serialization in Python. #1406
- Added support for composed types (union, intersection) in CSharp, Java and Go. #1411
- Added support for implicit discriminator mapping.
- Added support for default values of enum properties in CSharp, Java and Go.
- Fixed a bug where Go clients would panic in case of nil response value.
- Fixed a bug to properly add request headers to Nethttp requests in Ruby.
- Fixed a bug to properly reject invalid URLs in Ruby.
- Fixed an issue with require statements being generated instead of require relative in Ruby.
- Updated AdditionDataHolder with the correct namespace. (Ruby)
- Removed/fixed passing in the current instance to fields deserializers in Ruby. #1663
- Fix issue with duplicate variable declaration in command handlers (Shell)
- Update namespace qualification algorithm (helps in resolving when a type name appears in multiple namespaces) to use case insensitive string comparison (CSharp).
- Fix an issue where namespace reserved name replacement would not include replacing import names in the declared areas in CSharp. #1799
- Removed Python abstractions, http, authentication and serialization packages
- Fixed an issue with generating the incorrect serialized type name and require statement for get/post methods (Ruby).
- Remove all overloads for GO request executors
- Adds a context object in all GO requests
- Remove all overloads for GO request executors and Adds a context object in all GO requests GO#176
- Fixed a bug where the Hashing method for type names differentiation could lock the process.
- Fixed a bug where CSharp declaration writer would add usings for inner classes.
- Fixed a bug with inline schema class naming.
- Fixed a bug where symbols starting with a number would be invalid.
- Fixed a bug where classes could end up with duplicated methods.
- Fixed a bug where Go writer would try to import multiple times the same symbol.
- Fixed a bug where the core generator engine would fail to recognize meaningful schemas.
- Fixed a bug where Go and Java inner class imports would be missing.
- Fixed a bug where Go and Java collection bodies would not generate properly.
- Aligns request options types in Java with other collections type.
- Fixed a bug where Java would skip duplicated imports instead of deduplicating them.
- Fixed a bug where Java would not convert date types for query parameters.
- Fixed a bug where Java doc comments could contain invalid characters.
- Fixed a bug where function parameters would be reodered incorrectly in dotnet#1822
- Updated test suite and tooling for python abstractions and core packages. #1761
- Added support for no-content responses in python abstractions and http packages. #1630
- Added support for vendor-specific content types in python. #1631
- Simplified field deserializers for json in Python. #1632
- Adds python code generation support. #1200
- Added native type support for Duration, Time Only, and Date Only in Ruby. #1644
- Added a
argument to generate the AdditionalData properties #1772 - Added CAE infrastructure in Ruby by adding an
parameter to the authenticate method of AuthenticationProvider, the get access token method of the AccessTokenProvider in Ruby. #1643 - Added Kiota authentication library for Ruby. #421
- Fixed a bug where collections types would generate invalid return types in CSharp.
- Fixed a bug where a nullable entry in anyOf schemas would create unnecessary composed types.
- Removed duplicate properties defined in base types from model serialization and deserialization methods and initialise property defaults in constructor. #1737
- Fixed a bug where the generated code had incorrect casing within a method (Ruby). #1672
- Fixed an issue where duplicate 'require' statements are generated for inner classes in the middle of the file (Ruby). #1649
- Split parsable interface and additional property/data interface in Ruby. #1654
- Changed format of datetimes in Go to be converted to ISO 8601 by default when place in path parameters(Go)
- Defined the Access Token Provider Interface for Ruby authentication. #1638
- Reduce code verbosity on Go Getters and Setters. [G0#26][microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-go-core#26]
- Added a more explicit error message for invalid schemas. #1718
- Added a parameter to specify why mime types to evaluate for models. #134
- Added an explicit error message for external references in the schema. #1580
- Added accept header for all schematized requests. #1607
- Added support for paging. #1569
- Added support for vendor specific content types(PHP) #1464
- Added support for accept request header (PHP) #1616
- Added Getting Started steps for PHP. #1642
- Defined the Access Token Provider interface (Ruby) #1638
- Added Continuous Access Evalution infrastructure (Ruby) #1643
- Fixed a bug where query parameter types would not consider the format. #1721
- Fixed a bug where discriminator mappings across namespaces could create circular dependencies in Go. #1712
- Fixed a bug where Go binary downloads would try to parse a structured object.
- Aligned mime types model generation behaviour for request bodies on response content. #134
- Fixed an issue where some critical errors would not return a failed exit code. #1605
- Moved nested request configuration classes into separate files within the namespace for PHP. #1620
- Fixed an issue where duplicate 'require' statements are generated for inner classes in the middle of the file (Ruby). #1649
- Fixed wrong parameter type for Request config for request executors(PHP). #1629
- Increased indentation for errorMappings in the request executor (PHP). #1629
- Fixed bugs in PHP discriminator factory methods, Guzzle request adapter send methods, stream and plain text response handling. #1634
- Removed abstractions, authentication, http and serialization packages for PHP. #1637
- Fixed a bug where generated discriminator methods would reference types in other namespaces without proper resolution. #1670
- Fixed a bug where additional data and backing store properties would be duplicated. #1671
- Fixed a bug where serialized properties would not match the json property name when using the backing store. (CSharp).
- Corrected PHPDoc types for headers and request options properties in request configuration classes. #1711
- Fixed a bug where properties defined at multiple inherited models would collide. #1717
- Added missing mappings in PHP for uint8 and int8. #1473
- Added support for enum and enum collections responses in Go. #1578
- Added Kiota builder engine as a package for external services integration. #1582
- Fixed a bug where the logger would not log all the information. #1588
- Added support for enum options descriptions (C#/Go/Java/TypeScript). #90
- Added support for file parameters types. #221
- Added support for no content responses in PHP. #1458
- Added support for error handling in php request adapter. #1157
- Added support for discriminator downcast in PHP. #1255
- Added support for multiple collections indexing under the same parent.
- Added code exclusions placeholder in the generation. (oneOf)
- Added support for continuous access evaluation in Java. #1179
- Added support for special characters in URL query parameter names. #1584
- Fixed a bug where union types would not work as error types.
- Fixed a bug where generation names could collide with platform names in CSharp.
- Fixed missing numbers mapping cases.
- Fixed multiple bugs enum options invalid symbols generation.
- Fixed a bug where symbols (classes, enums, properties...) could be only numbers, which is unsupported by most languages.
- Fixed a bug where union types would be missing serialization information.
- Fixed a bug where inline request bodies could override each other for the same path item with multiple operations.
- Fixed simple collections (arrays) support in CSharp.
- Fixed a bug where code properties could not be union or exclusion types.
- Fixed a bug where models would fail to generate if the schema type wasn't set to object.
- Fixed a bug where nullable wrapper schema flattening would ignore some composed type options.
- Fixed a bug where arrays without items definition would derail generation.
- Fixed a bug with enums detection for generation. (interpreted as string)
- Fixed a bug where classes names cleanup could end-up in a collision.
- Fixed a bug where null reference exception would be thrown when trying to lookup type inheritance on discriminators
- Fixed the lookup of model namespaces to only look in the target namespace to avoid reference collisions.
- Fixed a bug for the generated send method for paths returning Enums in dotnet.
- Breaking: renamed the --loglevel parameter to --log-level.
- Fixed a bug where some path parameter objects would have empty key values #1586
- Added text serialization library for PHP. #1546.
- Fixed the image name in CI for MCR.
- Minor changes in the parameters (-co => --co, -ll => --ll, -d is required, -l is required).
- Add binder for nullable boolean options. (Shell)
- The dotnet tool is now available on the public feed
dotnet tool install -g Microsoft.OpenApi.Kiota --prerelease
. - The dotnet OpenApi reference package is now available
. - The container image is now available on mcr.
docker pull
- Revamped the api surface for request configuration. #1494
- Fixed a bug in methods naming in Go after request configuration revamp.
- Fixes a bug where reserved names would not be updated for inheritance.
- Add
subcommand for indexers. Fixes conflicts when paths have repeating segments. (Shell) #1541
- Fixed a bug where line returns in descriptions could break the generated code. #1504
- Fixed a bug with special characters in query parameters names. #1445
- Fixed a bug where complex types path parameters would fail to generate.
- Fixed a bug where Go serialization/deserialization method would generate invalid accessor names.
- Added discriminator support in the python abstractions serialization and http packages. #1500
- Added generation of command options for headers defined in the OpenAPI metadata source file. (Shell)
- Added retry, redirect, chaos and telemetry handler in java.
- Simplified field deserialization.(PHP) #1493
- Fixed a bug where the generator would not strip the common namespace component id for models. #1483
- Simplified field deserialization. #1490
- Added text output formatter to CLI commons. (Shell)
- Added support for vendor specific content types generation/serialization. #1197
- Added support for 204 no content in generation and CSharp/Java/Go/TypeScript request adapters. #1410
- Added a draft swift generation implementation. #1444
- Added support for yaml response type generation. #302
- Added support for xml response type generation. #302
- Added support for unstructured response generation (stream). #546
- Moved go libraries to their own repository. #370
- Fixed a bug where the base url of the request adapter would be reset by the client(PHP). #1469
- Fixed issue where custom date types are never corrected for method parameters(PHP). #1474
- Replaced DateTimeOffset with DateTime for custom date types(PHP). #1474
- Fixed a bug where the base url of the request adapter would be reset by the client. #1443
- Fixed a bug where request builder classes for collections endpoints would have a wrong name. #1052
- Fixed issue with ambiguous type names causing build errors and stack overflows. (Shell) #1052
- Fixed a bug where symbols (properties, methods, classes) could contain invalid characters #1436
- Renamed parameters for requests: o => options, q => queryParameters, h => headers. #1380
- Fixed a bug where names would clash with reserved type #1437
- Fixed unnecessary use of fully qualified type names in Dotnet.
- Moved TypeScript middleware from Graph core to kiota http.
- Fixed a bug where errors would fail to deserialize for TypeScript.
- Fixed a bug where decimal types would not be mapped in TypeScript.
- Fixed circular dependencies issues for TypeScript #870.
- Fixed a bug where JSON serialization would fail on nil properties in Go.
- Moved typescript core packages into Kiota-TypeScript repo and delete for Kiota repo.
- Fixed a bug where collections of complex types could be mis-represented. #1438
- Fixed a bug where inline properties would not generate their own type definition. #1438
- Adds a
argument to clean the target directory before generation #1357 - Adds support for
responses for CSharp, Java, TypeScript and Go. #878
- Fixed a bug where models descriptions would not be deterministic #1393
- Fixed a bug where unnecessary namespaces would be added to models generation #1273
- Fixed a bug where Go byte arrays would not write deserializers properly.
- Fixed a bug where integers would not be recognized when type is not number.
- Fixed a bug where union types with primitive member types would fail to generate #1270
- Fixed a bug where union types with inline schema member types would fail to generate #1270
- Fixed a bug where referenced types with no titles would fail to generate #1271
- Fixed a bug where the generator would introduce unnecessary union types for nullables. #990
- Moved all the dotnet libraries to their own repository. #1409
- Added default implementations for table and JSON output in CLI commons (Shell) #1326
- Adds missing mapped types (int8, uint8, commonmark, html, ...) #1287
- Add missing method getBinaryContent to the ParseNode interface(PHP).
- Split the Parsable interface into AdditionalData interface and Parsable interface(PHP) #1324.
- Shell commands will now default to writing indented JSON. This option can be disabled through the CLI option
(Shell) #1326 - Update System.CommandLine version (Shell) #1338
- Add async writers in output formatters (Shell) #1326
- Add async filter function in output filters (Shell) #1326
- BREAKING: Remove synchronous version of WriteOutput that accepts a stream input (Shell) #1326
- BREAKING: Remove synchronous version of WriteOutput that accepts a string input (Shell) #1326
- BREAKING: Remove synchronous version of FilterOutput that accepts a string input (Shell) #1326
- Fixed a bug where error responses without schema would make generation fail #1272
- Fixed indeterministic parameters ordering #1358
- Fixed indeterministic error mappings ordering #1358
- Fixed indeterministic discriminator mapping ordering #1358
- Fixed race condition when removing child items leading to erratic code generation results #1358
- Replaced models namespaces flattening by circular properties trimming in Go #1358
- Fixed a bug where inherited interfaces would be missing imports in Go #1358
- Fixed a bug where inherited interfaces would be missing imports for the parent #1358
- Fixed bugs across request adapter and serialization in PHP #1353
- Fixed NullReferenceException in Go generator
- Fixed incorrect mapping when the response type is
#1356 - Fixed a bug in Dotnet.Typescript where properties could have invalid characters #1354
- Improved error display #1269
- Fixed a bug where union wrapper models would lack the discriminator methods.
- Fixed bug working with async azure credentials in Python.
- Fixed minor issues around PHP Generation, Serialization and Abstractions.
- Fix Discriminator support for PHP.
- Move additional data from Parsable into AdditionalDataHolder base class in Python #1360
- Adds support for downcast of types during deserialization according to the discriminator information in the description (CSharp/Go/Java/TypeScript). #646
- Adds support for generating interfaces for models in Go. #646
- Adds support for generating functions (as opposed to methods or static methods) in the generator (used in TypeScript for discriminator factories). #646
- Added support for global error handling in python abstractions #1289
- Added a HTTPRequestAdapter for python Requests library #1251
- Added Shell output filter (JMESPath) support #1291
- Added output options to Shell output filter #1321
- Fixed a bug in Go generator where temporary url template parameters would not be used preventing the use of raw urls.
- Fixed a bug where the Go http client configuration would impact non-kiota requests.
- Fixed bug where installing python abstractions failed due to missing dependencies #1289
- Modified python test matrix to include python 3.10 #1289
- Added return statement to AnonymousAuthenticationProvider in python abstractions #1289
- Fixed bug in enabling backing store for parse node factory by passing ParseNodeFactoryRegistry to method call #1289
- Fixed errors in python serialization due to to responses as json instead of json strings #1290
- Added python version 3.10 to testing matrix #1290
- Fixed bug with inconsistent Java namespace and directory name casing #1267
- Fixed typeOf string check in JsonParseNode Typescript.
- Fixed shell stream output getting processed by output formatters when no file path is provided #1291
- Using Record type instead of Map for additionalData in TypeScript
- Added the ability to configure the underlying transport in Go. #1003
- Added additional date time (date, time, duration) types in the generation process. #1017
- PHP Request Adapter (includes middleware) #1048, #918, #1024, #1025
- Added support for PHP Json Serialization.
- Adds Python abstractions library. #925
- Adds hostname and protocol validation in authentication. #1051
- Adds Azure Identity Authentication Provider for Python. #1108
- Adds JSON Serialization library for Python. #1186
- Adds PHP League Authentication Provider for PHP #1201
- Added Shell language support #738
- Fixed a bug where request body would get dropped by the compression handler in Go
- Fixed an issue where multiple api clients could run into racing conditions in Go.
- Fixed a bug where empty additional data in Go would lead to invalid JSON payloads during serialization.
- Fixed a bug where Go serialization would write empty arrays for nil values.
- Modified the TypeScript RequestInformation URL paramater data type from URL to string.
- Modified TypeScript packages to provide CJS and ESM modules.
- Modified the TypeScript RequestInformation query and path paramaters data type from Map to Record Type.
- Modified TypeScript RequestInformation headers and options to Record type.
- Modified the TypeScript RequestInformation content data type to ArrayBuffer.
- Updated PHP abstractions to make property keys and values nullable in
. - Fixed an issue where enum collections parsing would fail in Go.
- Breaking. Kiota clients generate error types and throw when the target API returns a failed response (dotnet, go, java, typescript). #1100
- Fixed missing methods for serializing/deserializing decimal values in dotnet #1252
- Modified RequestBuilder types are suffixed with the ItemRequestBuilder if they belong to an item namespace to fix name collisions #1252
- Modified the use of fully qualified name of types in dotnet to ensure the target type and current element are not in the same namespace #1252.
- Fixes name collisions in dotnet by renaming "HttpMethod" enum to "Method" in dotnet abstractions
- Add support for PHP Generation.
- Migrated generator to dotnet 6 #815
- Fixes a bug where json deserialization would fail in go
- Fixes a bug where query parameters would not be added to the request in go
- Fixes a bug where at signs in path would derail generation
- Fixes Go doc comments in packages and generation
- Fixes a bug where RequestInformation did not accept some content headers in dotnet
- Added support for providing cancellation token in dotnet #874, #875, #876
- Upgrades go libraries to go17.
- Fixes a bug in Go where reserved keywords for properties would be wrongly replaced.
- Fixes a bug in Go where setters would be missing nil checks.
- Fixes a bug where OData select query parameter would not be normalized
- Fixes a bug in Go where empty collections would not be serialized.
- Fixes a bug where generation would fail because of empty usings.
- Fixes a bug where Java and Go escaped model properties would not serialize properly.
- Fixes a bug where null values would not be added to additionalData if there was no matching property in dotnet.
- Fixes a bug where deserialzation of enums would throw an ArgumentExcpetion if the member didn't exist in dotnet.
- Added support for changing the base url #795
- Fixes a bug where arrays of enums could be wrongly mapped.
- Fixes a bug where go deserialization would fail on collections of scalars.
- Fixes a bug where TypeScript query parameters would be added to headers instead #812
- Update dotnet abstractions and core libraries to target netstandard2.1 from net5.0
- Technical release to bump version number of go packages after replace removal
- Adds Go authentication, http and serialization libraries and finalizes the generation #716
- Switched to URL templates instead of string contract for URL building #683
- Fixed a bug where CSharp method names would not follow naming conventions #730
- Renames middlewareoption into requestoption to stay agnostic from implementation #635
- Aligned http packages on naming convention #444
- Adds support for path parameters #573
- Adds missing type mappings in TypeScript #573
- Adds a missing http core method for collections of primitives #573
- Aliases imports with the same name in typescript #573
- Fixes a bug where empty title would make generation fail #558
- Fixes a bug where float, long and binary types would not be parsed by the generator #558
- Fixes a bug where generation would fail on compact namespace names #558
- Renames request info into request information to avoid conflicts with platform #559
- Fixes a bug where the server url would not be taken in consideration #626
- Fixes a bug where missing namespaces would make the generation fail #573
- Fixes a bug where class names could contain special characters #573
- Fixes a bug where namespace names could contain path parameters #573
- Fixes a bug where namespace names could contain special characters #573
- Multiple performance improvements #573
- Fixes a bug where path generation would deduplicate segments leading to the wrong path #573
- Fixes a bug where the CodeDOM would be corrupted (bad tree) leading to incoherent generation results #573
- Fixes a bug where the generator would duplicate some models #573
- Moves the models to a dedicated namespace (models) #573
- Fixes a bug where enum serialization would be calling the wrong method in TypeScript #573
- Fixes a bug where request body would use the response schema #573
- Fixes an issue where type could conflict with namespace names and prevent CSharp compilation #573
- Fixes an issue where primitive types would map to the wrong serialization method in dotnet #573
- Fixes an issue where union models would not be able to deserialize because of missing members #573
- Fixes an issue where request builder methods would refer to unexisting properties in dotnet #573
- Fixes an issue where duplicated symbols for different imports would make java compilation fail #573
- Adds missing type mappings in java #573
- Fixes an issue where Go generation could use reserved keywords #573
- Fixes a bug where Go generation could end up with circular dependencies in models #573
- Fixes a bug where Go generation would map the wrong http core method for primitive types #573
- Fixes a bug where Go generation would have unused imports making build fail #573
- Fixes a bug where missing type definitions would make Ruby generation fail #573
- Fixes a bug where Go generation would miss the module symbol for inherited constructors #573
- Ruby JSON serialization #429
- Ruby HTTP service #472
- Go generation support & abstractions #413
- Fixed a bug where raw collections requests would not be supported #467
- Fixes a bug where in memory backing store would not return changed properties to null #243
- Fixes a bug where generated models would be tied to a specific backing store implementation #400
- Fixed #428 a bug where inline double defintion would make code dom generation fail
- Revamped authentication provider interface to allow multiple authentication schemes #498
- Fixed a bug preventing from using request builders with raw URls #508
- Ruby generation implemented #244
- Adds middleware support for http clients #330
- Initial ruby abstractions #212
- Backing store support #223
- Doc comments for abstractions libraries #324
- Better client configuration #268
- Request builders constructors for data validation #322
- Expands code coverage to 88% #147
- Removes json assumption for request body to support multiple formats #170
- Escapes language reserved keywords #184
- Replaces custom URL tree node by class provided by #179
- Splits the core libraries in 3 separate libraries #197
- Changes default namespace and class name to api client #199
- Aligns Parsable interfaces across languages #204
- Fixes a bug where classes with properties of identical name would make build fail in CSharp #222
- Adds kiota packaging as a dotnet tool #169
- Adds input parameters validation #168
- Adds support for collections as root responses #191
- Multiple performance improvements for large descriptions
- Deterministic ordering of properties/methods/indexers/subclasses
- Deterministic import of sub path request builders
- Stopped generating phantom indexer methods for TypeScript and Java
- Fixed a bug where prefixed properties would be missing their prefix for serialization
- Adds supports for additional properties in models
- CI/CD to docker image (private feed) and GitHub releases #112, #115
- Documentation to get started
- Published the core packages #110
- Factories support for serializers and deserializers #100
- Documentation comment generation #92
- Submodule with generation samples #106
- Test coverage information in sonarcloud #78
- Fixed a bug where date time offset properties would not be generated properly #116
- Fixed a bug where generating from http/https OpenAPI description would fail #109
- Fixed a bug where simple schema references would not be handled #109
- Removed a dependency on operation id #89
- Fixed a bug where the sonarcloud workflow would fail on external PRs #102
- Fixed a bug where empty class names would fail the generation #88
- Initial GitHub release