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Global tracking workflows

Primary vertexer and vertex-track matcher

Builds primary vertices from all allowed sources (currently by default: ITS, ITS-TPC, ITS-TPC-TOF, can be reduced with --vertexing-sources <source0,source1...>) and if builds a vector of indices (VtxTrackIndex) of tracks from every source (currently by default: ITS, TPC, ITS-TPC, TPC-TOF, ITS-TPC-TOF, can be reduced with --vertex-track-matching-sources) which either contributes to vertex (flagged) or matches to it time-wise (ambiguous matches are flagged). To disable vertex tracks matching used --vertex-track-matching-sources none.


The list of track sources used for vertexing can be steer

Cosmics tracker

Matches and refits top-bottom legs of cosmic tracks. A test case:

o2-sim -n1000 -m PIPE ITS TPC TOF -g extgen --configKeyValues "GeneratorExternal.fileName=$O2_ROOT/share/Generators/external/GenCosmicsLoader.C;cosmics.maxAngle=30.;cosmics.accept=ITS0"
o2-sim-digitizer-workflow --interactionRate 70000
o2-tpc-reco-workflow  --tpc-digit-reader '--infile tpcdigits.root' --input-type digits --output-type clusters,tracks --configKeyValues "GPU_proc.ompThreads=4;" --shm-segment-size 10000000000  --run | tee recTPC.log
o2-its-reco-workflow --trackerCA --tracking-mode cosmics --shm-segment-size 10000000000  --run | tee recITS.log
o2-tpcits-match-workflow  --tpc-track-reader tpctracks.root --tpc-native-cluster-reader "--infile tpc-native-clusters.root"  --shm-segment-size 10000000000  --run | tee recTPCITS.log
o2-tof-reco-workflow  --shm-segment-size 10000000000 --run | tee recTOF.log
o2-tof-matcher-workflow --shm-segment-size 10000000000 --run | tee recTOF_Tracks.log
o2-cosmics-match-workflow --shm-segment-size 10000000000 --run | tee cosmics.log

One can account contributions of a limited set of track sources (currently by default: ITS, TPC, ITS-TPC, TPC-TOF, ITS-TPC-TOF) by providing optiont --track-sources.