Number of Sessions:
Cost per session:
- Be open, honest, non-judgemental and will raise any issues that occur during the coaching
- Be focused on you and your best interests, which include your goals and outcomes
- Support and encourage you while you develop to your full potential
- Ask you questions that might challenge your ideas and thoughts as you progress and develop
- make time to get to the sessions
- practise new skills in between, sometimes daily
- try out new ideas
- bring real experiences and examples into the coaching session
- reflect on the sessions, and what you would like to have happen
- take responsibility for feeding back what is and isn’t working and receiving feedback
- let the coach know if you are unable to attend your session. I need 24 hours notice minimum, otherwise the fee for the session is payable
- raise any issues or difficulties you may experience with the coaching I provide, in person or by phone. I commit to resolving difficulties and misunderstandings from a position of mutual respect
The client is aware that coaching is not psychological counselling or therapy. Coaching results are not guaranteed. The coachee enters into the coaching with the full understanding that they are responsible for creating their own results.
- Are open and willing to consider change where this is necessary to aid development
- Are open to new ways of learning and working which might challenge your thoughts and ideas
- Are honest with your coach and yourself, particularly if you do not feel that something is working for you
- Are ready to commit to your development by the giving and receiving of honest feedback
- Accept that commitment must first come from you
I follow the ICF code of ethics
I look forward to us working together.