Below list the APIs that Client
New Client: connect to a provided Milvus instance
List Collections: list collections of the connected Milvus instance
Create Collection: create collection according to the provided schema
Describe Collection: describe the collection with the specified name
Drop Collection: drop the collection with specified name
Load Collection: load the collection for search by name
Release Collection: release the loaded collection by name
Create Paritition: create partition in a collection
Drop Partition: drop partition from a collection
Has Partition: check if specified partition exists in the collection
Show Partitions: list the existing partitions of a specified collection
Load Partitions: load partitions of a collection for search
Release Partitions: release loaded partitions of a collection
Create Index: create index on the vector field of a collection
Drop Index: drop index from the vector field of a collection
Describe index: describe the index on the specified vector field
Get Index Build Progress: get the index building progress information
Insert: insert data into collection
Flush: flush the inserted data
Search: search in the collection with provided criterion and vectors