A Julia package for integrated assessment models. For more information, see the Documentation.
Please get in touch with David Anthoff if you are interested in using this framework or want to be involved in any way with this effort.
Mimi is a package that provides a component model for integrated assessment models.
Also see the OptiMimi package for optimizing parameters within Mimi models.
Porting to Mimi 0.5.0: If you are adapting models to the Mimi 0.5.0 breaking release or later, please use the Integration Guide as guide to help port your models as easily as possible.
Julia 1.0: Mimi has now been ported to Julia 1.0.
Mimi is an installable package. To install Mimi, use the following:
Several models currently use the Mimi framework, as listed in the section below. For convenience, several models are registered in the MimiRegistry, and operate as julia packages. To use this feature, you first need to connect your julia installation with the central Mimi registry of Mimi models. This central registry is like a catalogue of models that use Mimi that is maintained by the Mimi project. To add this registry, run the following command at the julia package REPL:
pkg> registry add https://github.com/mimiframework/MimiRegistry.git
You only need to run this command once on a computer.
From there you may add any of the registered packages, such as MimiRICE2010.jl by running the following command at the julia package REPL:
pkg> add MimiRICE2010
- MimiFUND.jl (currently in beta)
- MimiDICE2010.jl (currently in closed beta)
- MimiDICE2013.jl (currently in closed beta)
- MimiRICE2010.jl
- Mimi-SNEASY.jl (currently in closed beta)
- Mimi-FAIR.jl (currently in closed beta)
- MimiPAGE2009.jl (currently in closed beta)
- Mimi-MAGICC.jl (CH4 parts currently in closed beta)
- Mimi-HECTOR.jl (CH4 parts currently in closed beta)
- Mimi-CIAM.jl (currently in closed beta)
- Mimi-BRICK.jl (currently in closed beta)
Contributions to Mimi are most welcome! You can interact with the Mimi development team via issues and pull requests here on github, and in the Mimi Framework forum.
This work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation through the Network for Sustainable Climate Risk Management (SCRiM) under NSF cooperative agreement GEO-1240507.