Deploys the CensusMap to AWS with single Python script.
Architecture is a single AWS Lightsail (e.g simple EC2) server with:
- Postgres 9.6 with PostGIS 2.3
- A Python/Flask app using gunicorn
- Python 3.x with Boto3 and Paramiko packages installed
- Install AWS CLI tools
- Set your AWS key and secret key in the default AWS credentials file (see the AWS CLI doco for more info)
- Edit for your: server type & size, certificate file, AWS region and server name
- Run
- When finished (~20 mins): SSH into your new AWS server and run these commands
- cd ~/git/census-loader/web
- sudo gunicorn -w 4 -b single_server:app &
- Test the app's running at your server's IP address
- Haven't worked out how to run gunicorn through Python & Paramiko (hence the 2 manually run commands at the end)
- NGINX should be running on top of gunicorn for improved security (pull request anyone?)
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics