A universal map visualiser for all census data:
- Displays any combination of stats
- Stats are shown as percentages against total population, except for averages and medians (i.e they're normalised)
- Map shading shows range of values on the map (not the National range) - highlights min/max areas in view
- Bookmarks for all capital cities
- Notes: 1) not necessarily mobile friendly; 2) time series data is available but not normalised correctly (yet)
- Age: http://census.minus34.com?stats=G247,G248,G249,G250,G251,G252,G253,G254,G255
- Religion: http://census.minus34.com?stats=G5456,G5363,G5423,G5426,G5429,G5432
- Median age, income, rent, mortgages: http://census.minus34.com?stats=G109,G110,G111,G112,G113,G114,G115,G116
- Country of birth: http://census.minus34.com?stats=G2320,G2380,G2410,G2450,G2470,G2520,G2620,G2660,G2780
- Run census-loader to import the Census data and boundaries into Postgres
- Python 3.x with Psycopg2, Flask and Flask Compress packages installed
- Run server.py with your arguments (below)
- Open your browser at
- Enjoy!
the host name for the Postgres server. This defaults to thePGHOST
environment variable if set, otherwise defaults tolocalhost
the port number for the Postgres server. This defaults to thePGPORT
environment variable if set, otherwise5432
the database name for Postgres server. This defaults to thePGDATABASE
environment variable if set, otherwisepsma_201602
the username for accessing the Postgres server. This defaults to thePGUSER
environment variable if set, otherwisepostgres
password for accessing the Postgres server. This defaults to thePGPASSWORD
environment variable if set, otherwisepassword
year of the ABS Census data to load. Valid values are2011
Defaults to2016
schema name to store Census data tables in. Defaults tocensus_2016_data
. You will need to change this argument if you set--census-year=2011
schema name to store Census boundary tables in. Defaults tocensus_2016_bdys
. You will need to change this argument if you set--census-year=2011
schema name to store Census boundary tables in. Defaults tocensus_2016_web
. You will need to change this argument if you set--census-year=2011
python server.py
Runs the map for 2016 Census data using the the default database and schema names.
python server.py --census-year=2011 --data-schema=census_2011_data --boundary-schema=census_2011_bdys --web-schema=census_2011_web
Runs the map for 2011 Census data.
comma-delimited list of sequential IDs for the stats to display (e.g. g4,g5,g6). Defaults to total persons (i.e g1,g2,g3 for 2016, b1,b2,b3 for 2011)census
the census year (2011 or 2016). Defaults to 2016z
the start zoom level for the map. Defaults to level 12b
boundary type override (e.g. 'sa1'). Use this to lock the map to show one type of boundary at multiple zoom levels. The default map will change boundary type as you zoom in and out to show the most relevant data
- Get the map server running
- Lookup the stats you want from the Metadata Excel files in the Census Datapacks. They're in the <your data path><Datapack name>\Metadata folders
- Add them to the URL for the map. e.g.,G02,G03
Note: an intuitive, keyword based stat search tool would be good to integrate with the map, but I'd like to get some rest now... (pull requests gratefully accepted)
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics