Install GEN as a binary tool
go install
gentool -h
Usage of gentool:
-db string
input mysql|postgres|sqlite|sqlserver|clickhouse. consult[] (default "mysql")
-dsn string
generate with pointer when field is nullable
generate field with gorm index tag
generate field with gorm column type tag
-modelPkgName string
generated model code's package name
-outFile string
query code file name, default: gen.go
-outPath string
specify a directory for output (default "./dao/query")
-tables string
enter the required data table or leave it blank
only generate models (without query file)
generate unit test for query code
detect integer field's unsigned type, adjust generated data type
default "" Is path for gen.yml Replace the command line with a configuration file The command line is the highest priority
input mysql or postgres or sqlite or sqlserver.
consult :
You can use all gorm's dsn.
consult :
generate with pointer when field is nullable
generate field with gorm index tag
generate field with gorm column type tag
defalut table name.
generated model code's package name.
query code file name, default: gen.go
specify a directory for output (default "./dao/query")
Value : enter the required data table or leave it blank.
eg :
--tables="orders" #orders table
--tables="orders,users" #orders table and users table
--tables="" # All data tables in the database.
Generate some tables code.
Value : False / True
Generate unit test.
Value : False / True
detect integer field's unsigned type, adjust generated data type
gentool -dsn "user:pwd@tcp(" -tables "orders,doctor"