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Hoot Episode 25 - Istio Spire Integration with Workloads on K8S & VMs


show notes


Hands-on: Steps from the demo


A kubernetes cluster running with kubectl configured. (The easiest way to run a kubernetes cluster is kind). The steps below are tested using k8s v1.23.4.


Change directory to demo and follow the next steps:

  1. Download latest istioctl passing either linux or macos as parameter:
./download-istioctl linux

Verify that is working:

./istioctl version

The output should show 1.15.0.

  1. Deploy SPIRE to cluster


kubectl get pod -n spire

NAME                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
spire-agent-qkgtx   3/3     Running   0          2m2s
spire-server-0      1/1     Running   0          2m5s
  1. Create SPIRE registration entries:

First you need to get the demo-cluster ID generated by SPIRE Server when the SPIRE agent was attested.



time="2022-05-10T18:42:21Z" level=info msg="Node attestation was successful" spiffe_id="spiffe://" subsystem_name=attestor trust_domain_id="spiffe://"

This will show a log line with a spiffe_id, copy the path section after demo_cluster. In the output example it is 1cd8f089-f9cc-46ca-9196-64e6a9a40271

Run script and pass cluster ID as parameter:

./create-registration-entries 1cd8f089-f9cc-46ca-9196-64e6a9a40271

The output will be a list of registration entries, for example:

Entry ID         : 4841a6ae-f9b7-4f73-b878-1863a34f26e9
SPIFFE ID        : spiffe://
Parent ID        : spiffe://
Revision         : 0
TTL              : default
Selector         : k8s:ns:default
Selector         :
Selector         : k8s:pod-label:app:details
Selector         : k8s:sa:bookinfo-details
Selector         : unix:uid:1337
  1. Deploy istio


namespace/istio-system created
✔ Istio core installed                                                                                           
✔ Istiod installed                                                                                               
✔ Ingress gateways installed                                                                                     
✔ Installation complete                                                                                          Making this installation the default for injection and validation. created
  1. Deploy bookinfo application


kubectl get pod

NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
details-v1-7574cc5b79-bvb52       2/2     Running   0          57s
productpage-v1-6b69967768-gfgs5   2/2     Running   0          56s
ratings-v1-79c75cc987-mzb4v       2/2     Running   0          57s
reviews-v1-576f798b86-gxd8w       2/2     Running   0          56s
reviews-v2-76ff897c8c-pfxww       2/2     Running   0          56s
reviews-v3-7d45bc84c6-hgc5r       2/2     Running   0          56s

Wait until all the pods have their 2 containers ready (READY 2/2).

  1. Test bookinfo application page

Forward traffic into the cluster:


Open in browser http://localhost:8000/productpage

Make the bookinfo application fail

To test what happens when the identity policy for one service is missing, you can remove one of the registration entries and then restart the corresponding pod.

Show registration entries:


Look for the Entry ID of the service bookinfo-details:

Entry ID         : e415f2c8-8857-4660-b2f8-6c6b491a4eb7
SPIFFE ID        : spiffe://

Copy the Entry ID and use the following script to delete it:

./delete-registration-entry e415f2c8-8857-4660-b2f8-6c6b491a4eb7

Then delete the pod of the bookinfo-details service to force it to restart:

kubectl delete pod $(kubectl get pod -l app=details -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")

Wait until the pod is recreated.

Reload the product page in the browser. Now the details section should display an error. Strict mTLS is enabled, thus if one service cannot get its identity, it will not able to communicate with any other service in the mesh.

Make it work again

Recreate the registration entry for the bookinfo-details service identity, passing the cluster ID:

./create-registration-entry-details 1cd8f089-f9cc-46ca-9196-64e6a9a40271

Wait a few seconds for the certificates to be delivered to the bookinfo-details Envoy proxy (you should see a READY 2/2 on the pod status).

Reload the bookinfo page on the browser. There should be no errors.


