All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
We use an adaptation of Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.
pattern, here is how we decide to increment:
- The MAJOR number will be incremented for major redesigns that require the user to relearn how to accomplish tasks on the site.
- The MINOR number will be incremented when new content or features are added.
- The PATCH number will be incremented for all other changes that do not rise to the level of a MAJOR or MINOR update.
- Added new conference url in the nav
- Added TableBlock definition to organisms and models that use Table
- Updated Protractor to version
. - Updated large checkboxes to match the spec.
- Updated Capital Framework to version
. - Updated imagemin to version
. - Migrated previous Table data to new TableBlocks
- Unused
npm package. - Icon for old Table from admin panel (this field will need to be removed in a future release)
- Updated banner-footer-webpack-plugin to use git URL instead of
- Page revision management:,available at e.g.
- Redesigned userbar:
- Multiple document uploader:
- Improved link handling:
- New users created via the Wagtail admin will automatically receive a password reset email.
- Many browser tests have been rewritten as Python unit tests
- A new spec suite "integration" encompasses tests from a few directories that were not named appropriately.
- Gulp test has been updated as there are no longer any browser tests to run by default
are no longer defined inAbstractFilterPage
; defined in its subclasses instead- Upgraded Wagtail from 1.3 to 1.5.2
- Consolidated all environment variables in config/environment.js.
- Ignored
in tests and enforcedno-process
. - Updated
environment var. - Allows passing of port to
. - Updated browse-filterable test suite to properly nest pagination tests.
- Updated pagination to support multiple pagination molecules on a single page.
- Unused
environment variable. - Removed unused
test variable. - Squashed all migrations
as the tests create the data they need now.
- Added misnamed and unreferenced environment variables to .env.
- Moved pagination tests from /organisms/ to /molecules/ where they belong.
- leadership calendar Django app
- Frontend: Added ability to auto-fix linter error with the
flag on the linter task.
- Updated ESLint to
. - Fixed job ordering on Careers home page to be consistent with Current Openings page.
- Fix scheduled publishing
- Added nonresponsive header script for non-v1 sections of the site
- Datetimes are now saved in UTC and rendered in Eastern timezone when displayed in templates.
- Django timezone setting changed to America/New_York.
- Updated home page stats and date.
- Rebuilt Nemo Grunt tasks in Gulp and moved built files to static_built directory.
- Fixed layout bug in Latest Updates on Home Page.
- Fixed spacing of Home Hero content.
- Fixed spacing issues in the pre-footer.
- Added "Getting an Auto Loan" to the mega menu
- Invalid filterable list input returns empty paginated object instead of empty list in page_sets
- Ability to use Social Media molecule as a Wagtail module in the Sidefoot.
- Frontend: Added task for generating JavaScript code docs with
gulp docs
. - Test for
util - Browser tests for most of the organisms generated by Wagtail
to provide streamfield data- Test for present, past, and future event states
- Use bare value of RichText field if value type is not RichText.
- Check against Activity Log topics when generating View More link.
- Breadcrumb and sidenav link generation gets most appropriate version of page.
- Made Text Introduction's
option have an effect. - Tidied up some of the template logic around using
. - Changed class of FCM category slug to remove extra spacing.
- Updated gulp task to write both responsive and non-responsive styles for ondemand needs.
- Updated the test fixture for ondemand includes to allow for the nonresponsive stylesheet to be loaded for visual testing.
- Use bare value of RichText field if value type is not RichText
- Check against Activity Log topics when generating View More link
- initial_test_data script now uses streamfield block data from a new file called
now compares datetimes against the current time in ET, not UTCwhen
optionally uses the event stream's start time, if there is one- Promotes Expandables from molecule to organism
- Changes global banner expandable Less to resolve cascade issue
- Maintain order and uniqueness in JS file lists by using
instead ofset
updated to expire a password if it's for a new user
- Event RSVP email link button.
parameter fromcheckDom
atomic helper.- Unused function
- Unused gov delivery view function in jobmanager
- PostPreview organism from streamfield block choices since it was unused
- Custom classes
and functionscreate_user
- Custom redirects for creating a user and resetting the password
since it duplicated logic in_convert_date
- get_browsefilterable_posts() call to get_page_set
- Frontend: Added
method toatomic-helpers.js
. - Frontend: Added
method toExpandables.js
to allow reversing calls toinit()
. - Frontend: Added extra small tests to bureau structure page.
- Frontend: Fixed issue where cloned expandables were not initializing on the bureau structure page.
- Frontend: Removed
references in ContentSlider. - Newsroom fixed to render all categories when no filters are selected.
- missing publish_eccu requirements
- Frontend: Added
method toatomic-helpers.js
. - Frontend: Added
method toExpandables.js
to allow reversing calls toinit()
. - Frontend: Added extra small tests to bureau structure page.
- Removed activities-block.html
- Frontend: Fixed issue where cloned expandables were not initializing on the bureau structure page.
- Frontend: Removed
references in ContentSlider.
- Missing token provider for forms submitted by JS
- Ability to refresh akamai cache on page publish
- Adding Acceptance tests for the Video Player
- Adding Validation code and url param fix for Ustream player
- Rename Events body field => Subheading
- Switch render location of live/future body fields to under the map (new body location)
- Change date used for post preview from date published to actual event date.
- Fixes issue with spacing after the last item in a full-width component
- Adding Validation code and url param fix for Ustream player.
calls on rich text fields on the rest of the fields- Add unit tests for filterable list functions
- Added browser tests for the multiselect.
- Fix category filtering
- Ability to refresh akamai cache on page publish
- ->
- Refactored the filterable list logic for modularity and testability
- Rename Events body field => Subheading
- Switch render location of live/future body fields to under the map (new body location)
- Change date used for post preview from date published to actual event date.
- Removed wrapping
tag on a form field's description field output, since it's a rich text field that provides its own markup. - Fixed issue with single careers layout.
- Updated Capital Framework to latest.
- Updated stats on homepage to match CCDB landing.
- Removed acting Dept Directors from Leadership calendar filter.
- Removed obsolete module kbclick.js.
- Fixed a validation bug in the Multiselect.
- Fixed issue with spacing after the last-child.
- Fixed Password Reset Flow
- Fixed saving of Legacy Blog Pages
- Added print styles to hide major site features that aren't print applicable.
- Added base pagination browser tests.
- Image Text 50 50 Organism to Blog Page
- Moved django-commons into the project
- Updated static version of the org chart.
- Fixed an issue where the header only had 15px of spacing instead of 30.
- Fixed the spacing around info-units groups and breadcrumbs.
- Fixed duplicate Protractor tests.
- Fixed issue with page jump form.
- Additional page template tests
- RegComment organism: New option to use a generic link for commenting at or going directly to the specified document's comment form.
- Additional molecule tests
- Updated event times to show EDT.
- Frontend: Added init flag when initializing atomic components.
- Front end: Added No Fear Act link to footer.
- RSS Feeds for all Filterable Pages
- Animated Gif Support
- Ensure files uploaded as .PDFs get a download icon
- Handle govdelivery job subscriptions via a Django form
- Refactored HousingCounselor form to use USZipCodeField() in order to not strip leading zeros
- Typo in reg comment form
- Added tests for the public methods in the Multiselect
- API client for Comment API
- reg-comment organism and Wagtail module for adding it to a page
- Make further reading and list filter results distinct
- Added unit test specs for all files to test (excluding config, polyfills and jQuery plugins).
- Added no-js and js classes to the on-demand header.
- Added link to Livestream FAQ.
- Flag for database routing for
- Added the Digital Gov search script.
- Hid overflow-x at mobile sizes on document body.
- Added
methods to transition behaviors. - Updated the content on doing-business-with-us and doing-business-with-us/upcoming-procurement-needs based on EA feedback.
- Removed resolved TODOs and old macros replaced by atomic components.
- Fixed an issue where the multiselect couldn't be closed.
- Fixed the browser tests for the recent change to wagtail pages.
- Fixed the mobile menu for on-demand django pages.
- Fixed disappearing search close button when swapping device orientation.
- Adds a max-selections checker to the Multiselect.
- Remove inline CSS when running sheer_index.
- Abstracted dom events for easier reuse throughout the project.
- Added npm shrinkwrap and snyk dependency monitoring
- Tests
wagtail hook and associated functions
- Updated Global Search to set search trigger to invisible, since hidden is overridden.
- Defaulted Related posts slug title to 'Further Reading' and made it a field in wagtail.
- Enabled gov delivery subscriptions to work on wagtail pages
- randomized formfieldWithButton Id and included name field for post requests.
- Update Director's Bio and Deputy Director's Bio
- Update the leadership calendar copy and links
- Updated the placeholders in wagtail filterable list controls.
- Updated footer to atomic footer.
- Pinned our NPM dependencies.
- Updated Capital Framework to 3.3.0
- Changed U.S. flag image paths to be root-relative
- Refactored wagtail hook
- Removed
gulp beep
task for optional alerting when the build process has completed. - Remove Disqus comments from blog pages
- Removed gulp task
- Fixed paths to templates that were moved in to /about-us.
- Update biographies for director bios.
- Fixed issue with bad values in the multiselect.
- Fixed the missing logon on IE 8.
- Fixed an issue w/ the spacing on the hero.
- Fixed issue where missing images were breaking the hero layout
- Added Featured Menu Content Molecule.
- Added Global Banner Molecule.
- Added Digital Privacy Policy to the footer.
- Added tests for dom-traverse functions
- Added default values for the View more text and URL.
- Dynamically create the View more URL if there are tags
- Add an EXTERNAL_ICON_PATTERN to handle icons and links separately
- Added specific Blog/Newsroom Categories to Related Post options
- base.html now checks for page (seo) title if exists
- Added a space before the external icon
- Added validation for Youtube URLs.
- Abstracted create and queryOneout of the multiselect.
- Simplified array searching in the Multiselect.
- Updated the home hero to it’s own molecule.
- Updated the layout for the level 1 menu items to distribute them more evenly across the header.
- Abstracted the string utils from the Multiselect.
- .gov links have an external icon
- Updated the Hero Macro for the new overlay hero styles.
- Updated article template to render all categories
- Append bureau title on every template rendered
- Changing the times we receive for calendar events to match our db.
- Updated
to use the full params of whatever's being passed in. - Changed copy on
- Updated titles and names in the Bureau Structure page
- Removed Georgia usage for the time being.
- Removed ICS download placeholder from events.
- Fixed active filter notification on Browse Filterable pages.
- Corrected the homepage links.
- Fixed date range searches on blog page.
- Added Backend sidebar contact
- Add Related Metadata molecule to backend
- Added
class for clearable input behavior ininput-contains-label
CF class. - Added Github specific Issue and PR templates.
- included paragraph rich text field to related links
- Added new content flush sides on small modifier to fix an issue where margin was set on the molecule level instead of the template.
- Added Info Unit Macro.
- URL field to the Post Preview organism
- Frontend: Added overlay atom.
- Signal receiver function to unpublish all revisions for a page when a page is unpublished
- Backend: HomePage Model
- David Silberman's assets
- Frontend: Added JS init scripts for /offices/, /sub-pages/, and /budget/.
- Frontend: Added data-* attribute JS utility class.
- New manager to query for the most appropriate pages (shared and/or live)
- Enabled Demo Page in flapjack
- Included Password Complexity rules for admin user creation/editing flow
- Enabled email backend for Production settings
- Frontend: Added utility classes for translation and opacity CSS transitions.
- Added SublandingFilterablePage class
- Script to semi-automate importing refresh data
- Provided option to exclude sibling pages in secondary navigation
- Added tests for
- Frontend: Added JS Tree data structure and traversal algorithms.
- Add text intro and featured content to SublandingFilterablePage
- Add a script
to move all reports under a given SublandingFilterablePage - Add a 'careers_preview' query to limit the results to 5
- Added CFGovLinkHandler to convert richtext internal links to relative links
- Frontend: added
utility class.
- Converted the project to Capital Framework v3
- Updated
. - Included Table organism within full width text
- Changed BrowseFilterablePage and related-metadata.html molecule templates to account for new backend
- Abstracted info unit into a helper mixin to make it easier to re-use the inline version.
- Moved Home page specific layout changes to it's own file.
- Updated jsdom from
. - Updated secondary-nav to use new expandable molecule in place of old CF Expandable.
- Updated gulp-eslint from
. - Converted Link Blob Group, 25/75 Group, and 50/50 Group to single Info Unit Group.
- Converted Link Blob Macro to Info Unit Macro.
- Converted 25/75 Macro to Info Unit Macro.
- Converted 50/50 Macro to Info Unit Macro.
- Updated Home Page to Info Unit Macro.
- Included use of wagtail
meta field for block css modifiers - Breadcrumbs for Wagtail pages now handled by Wagtail
- Changed Wagtail pages extending from
to use new side navigation handling - Changed FilterableListControls.js to add validation for email, date, and checkbox fields.
- Converted references and asset urls from Fuchs to Silberman.
- Fix blog post template to use sheerlike related posts method.
- Restructured mega menu to include submenus recursively to allow for a third-level.
- Renamed atomic-checkers
to atomic-helperscheckDom
. - Add two categories to the Implementation Resource group.
- Updated the homepage based on user feedback.
- Renamed preview_link_url/text => secondary_link_url/text
- Updated Categories for Research & Reports.
- Changes to job listing pages.
- included backend support for Video in FCM
- Changed
to remove jQuery and fix Regex. - Updated the global search for no-js and IE 8-10 fixes.
- Frontend: Added all launch-state mega menu links.
- Frontend: Added hover-to-show behavior in desktop mega menu.
- Use the added
in the careers sublanding page instead ofcareers.json
- Wrap prefooter section in Browse pages in a conditional to prevent empty prefooter
- Frontend: Added behaviors for third level mobile mega menu.
- Frontend: Made Expandables collapse under 600px window size.
- Updated the Mega Menu layout to avoid pointer events for older IE.
- Updated the Mega Menu for devices without JS.
- Disabled GTM tracking for links in menu and return to top link.
- Removed normalize and normalize-legacy from main less file because CF already includes it.
- Removed old branded list mixin (was causing compile errors).
- Removed unnecessary Wagtail streamdata retrieval function from v1/utils/
- Removed old beta styles.
- Removed prototype language, such as instances of setting
, andglobal_dict
- Imports of contact info macros that were breaking the page
- Removed Link Blob, 25/75, and 50/50 styles.
- Removed need for negative margin tweaks after groups.
- Removed need for positive margin tweaks aroung group headings.
- Removed heros from old WordPress pages.
- Removed
script and reference from common.js. - Meredith Fuch's assets.
- A couple of Implementation Resource group categories.
- Removed Chosen.js library and custom styles/scripts.
- Removed several size=x params passed to, which don't do anything
- Removed all the pages and associated code that have been ported to wagtail.
- Fix bug where publised pages were showing shared content
- Fixed Contacts import-data script to set phone numbers correctly
- Fixed an issue where heros were not displaying on new Wagtail pages.
- Fixed an error where the secondary nav script was trying to initialize on pages it wasn't used.
- Fixed archive_events script to run in production.
- Fixed issue where form validation clashed with filterable list controls.
- Post preview title now links to page link.
- Fixed a bug where the search input and button in the header were misaligned.
- Fixed urls document type for career pages.
- Fixed stacking bug in header search.
- Fixed page saving bug that would prevent the display of a page's tags
- Fixed ordering for Filterable results to be newest => oldest by published_date.
- Fixed a bug where activiating the clear button wasn't clearing filtered results on browse filterable pages.
- Fixes the values for author and tag options to remove special characters.
- Fixes layout issues with filters on sheer pages.
- Fixed failing browser tests due to atomic naming updates.
- Fixed a bug in the multi-select script where value was set before input type.
- Fixed positioning bug in global search.
- Fixed issue where categories without a set icon were showing the speach icon.
- Fixed issue where a filtered page wasn’t showing the selected options in the multiselect.
- Fixed an error in the Browser tests for IE 8.
- Fixed an error in the Browser tests when running on Jenkins.
- Added 'sheer_index' subcommand, to replace usage of 'sheer index'
- Migrated 'sheerlike' project into this codebase
- Added 'watchserver' subcommand for running Django dev server and gulp watch together.
- Added Acceptance tests for the
page. - Added webpack module loader for per-page JavaScript.
- Added external-site page-specific script.
- Added
for project JS path configuration. - Added filesystem helper to gulp utilities for retrieving a binary executable.
- Django Server
- Django related urls to access links
- Django-Sheerlike integration
- Added Acceptance tests for
pages. - Added test utility to retreive QA elements.
- Added ARIA state utility to enable decorating dom elements with ARIA states.
- Added unit test for
. - Wagtail CMS
- Added
gulp test:a11y
accessibility testing using node-wcag. - Added node 4.1.0 engine requirement in
. - Added
environments. - Added new ESLint
, andprefer-template
rules. - Added
attribute ofid-length
rule. - Added
, andnumbers
attributes toquote-props
rules. - script to collectstatic files and run the server
- Added testing for web-storage-proxy.js
- Added Acceptance tests for
pages. - CFPBPage model
- Backend for Staging vs Production publishing
- Django template tags
- Added
to cf-enhancements to remove margin from all sides. - Added Acceptance tests for
pages. - Added Acceptance tests for
pages. - Added Acceptance tests for
pages. - Added Acceptance tests for
pages. - Added atomic landing page template prototypes.
- Added
directories to includes directory. - Added
gulp test:perf
task to test for performance rules. - MYSQL backend to project settings & a database creation script
- Added
gulp test:unit:server
for running Django unit tests via gulp. - Added templates and CSS for the Text Introduction molecule.
- Added Unit test for
. - EventPage and EventLandingPage
- Management command to convert Wordpress data into Wagtail based Django models
- Script to convert Event WP data into Wagtail specific POST data for wagtailcore view
- Added half-width-link-blob macro and styles
- Added templates and CSS for the Image and Text 25/75 molecule.
- Added templates and CSS for the Image and Text 50/50 molecule.
- Added templates and CSS for the Call to Action molecule.
- Added
gulp beep
task for optional alerting when the build process has completed. - Added Molecule/Organism Streamfields.
- Added wagtail specific demoPage only available in development for displaying moleclues/organisms.
- Added
field topackage.json
. - EventArchivePage, EventRequestSpeakerPage, and EventFilterForm.
- Added templates and CSS for the Full Width Text organism.
- Added templates and CSS for the Contact Method molecule.
- Added templates and CSS for the Sidebar Contact Info organism.
- Added
template page - Added templates and CSS for the Main Contact Info organism.
- Added templates and CSS for the Related Posts molecule.
- Added templates for the Hero molecule (CSS is in CF-Layout v1.3.0)
- Added template for post-preview molecule
- Added templates and CSS for the Signup Form organism.
- Added templates and CSS for the Content Sidebar organism.
- Added instruction to create superuser for admin access.
- Adds new file to commands module in the core app called
- Adds ability to import snippets
- Added ImageText2575 molecule backend model and template
- Added Call to Action backend and template
- Added Contact snippet and molecule backends
- Added temporary folder for converted Jinja2 Wagtail field template files
- Added WP Import Data Contact processor
- Added templates and CSS for the Adding Sidebar Breakout organism.
- Added cf-tables and tables molecule
- Landing Page Type
- Initial Data json file for preloading pages
- Added
template page. - Added templates and CSS for Expandable molecule and ExpandableGroup organism.
- Added
JS polyfill. - Added
for adding event broadcaster capability to JS classes. - Added
utility method for checking atomic element DOM nodes. - Backend Organisms Full Width Text & Post Preview.
- Added Related Posts molecule to the CFGOVPage
- Add Main Contact Info molecule
- Add Sidefoot Streamfield to CFGOVPage for sidebar/footer content
- Add global context variable
for easier prototyping - Add styleguide app to local settings
- Added templates and CSS for the Filterable-List-Controls organism.
- Add Table organism
- Add Sublanding Page
- Add Hyperlink template
- Add icons to Sidefoot Streamfield blocks
- Add ImageText5050Group and HalfWidthLinkGroup templates and organisms
- S3 Image Upload support for Refresh/Prod
- Dev Landing Page Demo
- Add Image Text 25/75 and Full Width Text into SublandingPage
- Add related_posts_function to the global context in Jinja2 for prototyping of related posts
- Added the featured content module molecule and included it in the landing-page prototype
- Add ImageText2575Group organism
- Add ImageText2575Group to Sublanding and Landing pages
- Add the insets Quote and Related Links.
- Added templates and CSS for the Notification molecule.
- Added prototype data to the form-field-with-button molecule
- Added prototype data to the email-signup organism
- Added the email-signup organism to landing-page template
- Added templates and CSS for the Social-Media molecule.
- Add Heading field to Link Blob group
- Add prototype data to Image Text organisms
- Backend Expandable/Expandable Group Molecule & Organisms
- Added Number Block
- Added Form Field with Button to sublanding page (Fixed 1246).
- Added Backend Feature Content Molecule
- Added get_unique_id context method.
- Added templates and CSS for the Item Introduction organism.
- Added templates and CSS for the Pagination molecule.
- Backend Browse Page
- Added Backend Item Intro Organism
- Added Backend: Notification
for dom querying not covered by native dom.- Added Backend Learn Page model
- Added Related Topics molecule.
- Added full_width_sans setting for correct font face usage.
- Added a new nav-link molecule macro and styles.
- Added Related Links to Sidebar/Footer.
- Added Related Metadata molecule.
- Added custom image and rendition models CFGOVImage and CFGOVRendition
- Added AbstractLearnPage for Learn and Doc Detail pages
- Added preview fields to AbstractLearnPage
- Added relevant date fields to AbstractLearnPage
- Added multi-select atom styles and scripting
- Added Frontend: Global Header CTA.
- Added Frontend: Header.
- Added Frontend: Mega Menu.
- Added Frontend: Global Eyebrow.
- Added Frontend: Global Search molecule.
- Added language dropdown for pages, which defaults to english
- Add BrowseFilterablePage model
- Add BaseExpandable class for expandable controls
- Add FilterControls organism using BaseExpandable
- Add url_parameters macro to handle adding existing get URL parameters into links
- Added new info-unit molecule that combines (but doesn't replace) the half width link blob, image and text 50/50, and 25/75 into one base molecule using modifiers.
- Added new (undocumented) card molecule.
- Add wagtailuserbar to the base.html
- Added unit test for beta-banner.js.
- Updated the primary nav to move focus as user enters and leaves nav levels
- Moved handlebars from npm to bower.
- Added jQuery CDN with fallback to head to satisfy GTM requirements.
- Changes the location of the /dist folder to cfgov/v1/jinja2/v1
- Server port is now at 8000
- included with context flag for macros that make a call to request object
- Updated Jinja2 shorthand if statements to include an empty else case.
- Added
parameter tofsHelper.getBinary
helper function. - Updated jsdom from
. - Updated mocha-jsdom from
. - Updated istanbul from
. - Updated TravisCI node version to
. - Updated ESLint configuration from
. - Vendor related files now sit at the root project location
- Moved templates to reside in v1 app project jinja2 directory
- Added ability to use django static & url functionality in jinja2 templates. More Information
- Refactored web-storage-proxy.js to be less complex and make it testable
- Updated del from
. - Updated chai from
. - Updated sinon-chai from
. - Settings file and template loaders
- Updated gulp-autoprefixer from
. - Added pixel dimensions to Cordrary corner video image.
- Added JS in
directory togulp lint:build
task and merged that and gulp config together
. - addressed security concerns about query data validation in calendar filter pdf generation, and added an option to filters to allow post requests
- fixed url routing for rendering directory cordrays pdf
- explicitly stated jinja2 to autoescape in templates
- Changes
align: value
attribute in ESLintkey-spacing
rule to individual mode withmode: minimum
option set. - Changes
rule attribute toconsistent-as-needed
. - Added href URL to primary nav top-level menu link.
- Changed DB backend from sqlite ==> MYSQL.
- Govdelivery subscribe view is now exempt from csrf verification
- Fixed issue w/ gulp watch task not compiling JS on change
- Refactored
to remove jQuery dependency and unneeded code. - Changed from single cf import to individual module imports.
- Move handlebars dependency to npm from bower.
- Change Doing Business With Us email to office email
- Updates
. - CFGOVPage to include tags and authors
- Event import script to include grabbing tags and authors
- Change templates to move logic to Django backend
- Move Event filter over to a Django form.
- Updates
. - Move staging hostname variable from django settings to be an environment variable
- Uses globally installed Protractor in, if available.
- Updated the existing breakpoint variables and values to the ones released in cf-core v1.2.0
- Excludes 3rd-party JS polyfills from linting.
- Abstracts code into helper class
- Modifies command line options to allow specifying arguments for importing pages or snippets
- Changes the way the processor module is imported so it imports it using the [app] argument
- Moves the processors module from the module to the v1 app
- Contact molecule templates
- Changes .env Project configuration workon control flow to direct stdout and stderr to /dev/null.
- Upgrade wagtail to 1.2
- Cleaned up and rebuilt the secondary nav to reduce complexity and fix bugs
- Routed landing page type related molecules and organisms
to use
template locations. - Updated protractor from 2.5.1 to 3.0.0.
- Updated gulp-sitespeedio from 0.0.7 to 0.0.8.
- Update runserver script to start MYSQL if it isn't running
- Reduced padding on expandables per direction of design.
- Hide cues on expandables when JS is turned off.
- Updated protractor from 2.5.1 to 3.0.0.
- Change name of Settings tab to Configuration
- Move some Promote fields to Configuration tab
- Change Promote to be Sidebar/Footer
- Move Related Posts and Email Signup to sidefoot Streamfield in the Sidebar/Footer tab in CFGOVPage
- Finalize Sidebar Breakout organism template
- Finalize Sublanding Page template
- Fix related post molecule to be used in multiple places
- Convert Sidefoot paragraph streamfield block to Textblock
- Updated headings for changes in Capital Framework
- Temporarily comment out related posts section of single blog post browser test until BlogPage's are in Wagtail.
- Add
checkbox to Related Posts organism to toggle the heading and icon. - Merge Streamfields in LandingPage
- Landing and Sublanding content blocks render each atomic structure with
div class="block">
- Added environments to frontend/backend setup scripts.
- Make Full Width Text organism a StreamBlock and add insets
- Converted
class and removed 3rd party dependencies. - Changed the ImageBasic atom to always include an optional alt by default
- Removed field validation on content creation (Fixed 1252).
- Sets npm install on to warning level.
- Updated Jinja2 environment inlcude flag related methods
- Updated ImageText5050 requirements [Fixed 1269] (cfpb#1269)
- Updated
. - Updated
. - Updated streamchild render method to use default behavior when using default blocks [Fixed 1268] (cfpb#1268)
- Fixes styling and rendering issues [Fixed 1278] (cfpb#1278)
- Upgrade version of Wagtail to 1.3
- Change method of CFGOVPage called
to be calledelements
- Moved html5shiv into modernizr.
- Updated
. - Included breadcrumb data from page context
- Added development environment data initialization
- Pinned jQuery to
due to changes in1.12.0
that cause errors in jsdom. - [Fixed 1320] (cfpb#1320)
- Converted the nav-secondary macro and styles to an organism
- Updated the new secondary-nav organism to use the new nav-link molecule
- Updated the secondary-nav-toggle for new classnames
- Changed expandable.html to be a macro for upcoming Filtered List
- Updated browse-filterable demo
- Updated filterable-list-controls organism to allow for multiple option
- Password Policy & Lockout criteria for login, account password change & forgot my password.
- Updated the project to use Avenir font by default
- Updated
. - Updated
. - Updated
. - Change jinja2 templates to handle Wagtail page
- Fixed 1348 and 1354
- Updated brand colors to updates in generator-cf.
- Disabled JavaScript in IE8 and earlier.
- Removed max_length validation until later review after release
- Refactored beta-banner.js to demonstrate general lifecycle.
- Removed unused exportsOverride section, which was an artifact of the grunt bower task.
- Removed browserify, watchify, and browserify-shim dependencies.
- Removed src directory
- Removed bad CF Notifier tests.
- Removed unnecessary mobile-only expandables
- Removed link from Cordray's corner image
. - Removed extra Google Analytics code.
- Removed
because it's already a dependencies ofgulp-istanbul
. - Sidebar from LandingPage
- Removed
array polyfills. - Removed
polyfills for IE8.
- Fixed instructions for gulp watch
- New way to run the server documented in the INSTALL.MD
- New way to define url routing, no longer automatically set by file path
- Fixed heading structure throughout website
- Fixed to use argument correctly
- Fixed title for Small & Minority Businesses
- Fix page header rendering for Sublanding page
- Fix related post molecule to be used in multiple places
- Fix failing tests relating to Related Posts organism
- Fix related-posts.html logic
- Minor PEP8 compliance changes
- Fixed the markup for the 25/75 organism.
- Added Favicon
- New and improved primary nav (both look and interaction)
- Added expanded-state utility for getting/setting aria-expanded
- Updated Video Code to make it usable on Events pages.
- Changed gulp JS unit testing task from
- Updated Meredith Fuchs bio and images.
- Added indent rules for
, andconst
in ESLint config file. - Replaced old Grunt legaccsy plugin with Gulp mq-remove plugin
- Added ability for acceptance --specs test flag to accept list of test files.
- Changes
macro toradio_big
. - Updated Dep Dir title to include "Acting"
- Disables tests for landing page events, since we don't currently have events.
- Removed Ombudsman from nav for beta freeze.
- Fixed issue with logic displaying the Event summary state.
- Fixed missing IE only stylesheet for older systems/browsers.
- Fixed skip-navigation link for keyboard navigation.
- Added time macro.
- Added
gulp test:unit
andgulp test:acceptance
tasks for test stages. - Added support for link buttons to disabled link utility class.
- Added
config file to use for responsive JS. - Added breadcrumbs to blog, newsroom, careers, business, bureau and budget pages
- Added Meredith Fuchs to Leadership calendar filter.
- Added unit test for
utility. - Added
to add support for responsive JS.
- Moved
, and.list__links
. - Converted time elements to use time template.
- Broke apart format macros into topical macros.
- Updated legacy code to remove old jQuery dependency and unnecessary code.
- Updated copy on
page - Added copying of
. - Moved console output messages to the end of the
method. - Organized
and made.env
executable on its own. - Added
constants to.env_SAMPLE
. - Moved aggregate
gulp lint
task to bottom of file to avoid duplicate lint task entries ingulp --tasks
. - Renamed
gulp lint:src
togulp lint:scripts
to future-proof type of linting. - Renamed
gulp test:macro
togulp test:unit:macro
. - Renamed
gulp test:processor
togulp test:unit:processor
. - Renamed
gulp test:browser
togulp test:acceptance:browser
. - Edited
to accommodate changes in.env_SAMPLE
. - Edited Protractor configuration to include browser groups, which by default only run the essentials locally, but the full suite (including legacy browsers) on Sauce Labs when Sauce credentials are present.
- Updated test instructions to use the gulp test subtasks.
- Updated Travis CI settings to use
. - Updated files to use
. - Made
private. - Updated
gulp clean
to leave thedist
directory and remove the inner contents - Use
environment variable for port ingulp watch
, if available. - Removed "optional" text from privacy complaint form
and added
to designate required fields. - Updated Deputy Director information to Meredith Fuchs.
- Updated
URL to/about-director/
. - Updated
URL to/about-deputy-director/
. - Normalized director and deputy director photos to be format
. - Changed name of
utility to 'assign'. - Superscripts
on About Us page. - Updated
to support usage ofbreakpoints-config.js
- Removed styles from codebase that have already been migrated to cf-typography.
- Removed duplicate Privacy Policy
- Removed processor tests due to them being outdated.
- Removed failing bureau tests to be debugged later
- Fixed borders on sub-footers across the website
- Fixed 'Return to top' button width on footer
- Fixed default gulp task
- Fixed icon links to match CFPB Design Manual
- Fixed gulp copy task that was missing copying PDFs in subdirectories.
- Fixed issues with active filter logic.
- Fixed testing issue with single pages reloading for every test
- Fixed testing timeouts the first fix didn't correct by updating timeout time
- Transitioned Capital Framework dependency to v1.0.0 in bower.json.
- Added gulp and the required npm plugins
- Added gulp config file to lay out configs for each task
- Added gulp tasks split up into their own files
- Added acceptance tests for
pages accessible through site's menu. - Added Accessibility page to footer and adds Accessibility page tests.
- Added acceptance tests for
. - Added
shared template for activity feed on offices and sub-pages. - Added accessibility complaint form.
- Added "File an EEO Issue" form.
- Added
page, tests, and link in footer.
- Site's "About" text to "About Us".
- Replaced FOIA Records with Coming Soon heading
- Updated to use gulp
- Updated travis to use gulp tasks
- Updated main.less to use the paths option in less compiler.
- Moved and renamed contact-macro to contact-layout in macros directory.
- Moved filters macro from
. - Made filters macro helpers private.
- Moved getViewportDimensions out of utilities.js and into own module.
- Updated ESLint to v1.0.0.
- Removed Grunt plugins from package.json
- Removed the Gruntfile.
- Removed homepage progress charts and related content and JS.
- Removed 80px to 120px sizing for the isocon sizes on the-bureau page.
- Removed cf-pagination and other unused JS.
- Fixed margins on site footer.
- Switched the two forms under Privacy to their correct positions
- Fixed incorrect email href reference on offices contact email link.
- Added
array polyfills. - Added
page and tests - Added
type to Activity Snippets - Created initial career posting template.
- Created 1/4 and 3/4 layout columns.
- Added DL styles to cf-enhancements.
- Added
. - Careers processor/mapping/query.
- Added
office_[office slug]
class to offices template. - Careers to the
- Added
modifier for 150 pixel wide images. - Added
for making tables with linkable rows. - Added
polyfills for IE8. - Added
variable tocf-enhancements.less
for simple-table border color. - Added tests for events and event archive landing pages
- Updated primary navigation to match new mega menu design.
- Changed project architecture to having
directory. - Changed
directory name to/test/
. - Changed
directory name to/test/macro_tests
. - Moved
directory. - Upgraded Travis to container-based infrastructure
- Updated Offices pages to change activity feed logic.
- Updated block-bg padding in cf-enhancements based on JJames feedback.
- Updated Offices sub pages to display related documents.
- Updated Offices sub pages to always display activity feed.
- Updated Expandable macro to update design and add FAQ options.
- Moved
sub-page_[sub-page slug]
class to main content area of sub_pages template. - Styled unordered lists as branded lists in the
, andsub-page_content-markup
class areas. - Updated all careers images to 2x size and have the same markup structure.
- Updated event macros to use Sheer 'when' function in order to display content based on state.
- Tied careers data into single template and renamed to _single.html
- Replaced career pages mock jobs data with data from the jobs API.
- Made jobs list table on /careers/current-openings/ have linkable rows.
- Adds eslint ignore lines for polyfills, which will not be changing.
- Moved CF table color overrides to
. - Updated the existing missions browser test to be stronger
- Updated the browser test specs in conf.js because the shared spec was being fired on the desktop test, even though those tests had already been run in Chrome. Now the desktop test only runs the desktop spec.
- Separated
grunt test
task fromgrunt build
and made default task test + build.
- Removed requestAnimationFrame polyfill.
- Removed
. - Removed
grunt vendor
. - Removed unused CSS on
- Removed
- Fixed issue on IE11 when using the dates to filter caused by toString method.
- Event tag filtering on archive page
- Added browser tests to linting task
- Fixed MobileOnlyExpandable error on office page.
- Normalized use of jinja quotes to single quote
- Fixed a large chunk of the existing linting errors and warnings
- Fixed issue with active filters on
- Added
page. - Added
page. - Added
utility class for fully hiding an element. - Added
readme file for testing instructions. - Added
grunt clean
andgrunt copy
tasks. - Added
grunt clean
- Updated primary navigation to match new mega menu design.
- Changed project architecture to having
directory. - Changed
directory name to/test/
. - Changed
directory name to/test/macro_tests
. - Moved
- Removed requestAnimationFrame polyfill.
- Removed
. - Removed
grunt vendor
- Fixed issue on IE11 when using the dates to filter caused by toString method.
- Event tag filtering on archive page
- Added
CF enhancements. - Added
page to careers section. - Added
to Office/Subpage. - Added ordering to the navigation on Office/Subpage.
- Added script to index all links on our site.
- Added initial browser test with instructions for testing and adding more
- Added
classes for responsive image sizes on mobile carousel. - Added
utility class for styling disabled links. - Added
page. - Added block templates for LinkedIn info, provide feedback link, and career page summaries.
- Added
module for instantiating the slick carousel and added associatedjs-mobile-carousel
class as a hook. Also addedmobile-carousel
for CSS. - Added
page wrapper class. - Added
CSS block for stacked media objects. - Added fixes for
pages. - Added
page. - Support in Event processor for ICS file generator
- Added
page. - Added
folder and transcript for job application video - Added Google Maps image utility macro
- Added
landing page. - Added options for toggling each network icon in share macro
- Added LinkedIn sharing (toggled off by default) in share macro
- Fixed background and border on secondary navigation.
- Related Links now disable styles links with empty URLs.
- Updated secondary navigation to use true parent/child relationships.
- Events processor/mapping/queries for new Event type structure.
- Changed the way navigation works for Office/Subpage.
- Updated grunt-eslint to version 16.0.0 and updated ESLint config to latest.
- Moved modules that can be instantiated through the
keyword to aclasses
subdirectory. - Moved page-sniffing JS code to page scripts for the-bureau and working with the CFPB pages.
- Moved carousel to a macro and implemented on the-bureau and working at the CFPB pages.
- Moved MobileOnlyExpandable initialization out of MobileCarousel.
- Converted excerpts HTML to articles from sections in the careers section.
- Breaks
apart into files in the /macros/ directory. - Updated events templates to match new data and processor.
- Updated percentages based on recent updates.
- Updated activities_snippet macro to make column markup dynamic.
- Replaced placeholder images on /careers/working-at-cfpb/
- Updated footer to add offices links.
- Moved the disperate arguments into one main options argument with key: val pairs for each option in share macro
- Updated email sharing to use mailto: link instead of addthis network (removes need for the external privacy notification and consolidates email patterns) in share macro
- Removed
class. - Removed is_mobile macro and logic from filter.
- Fixed contact-us templates to make them private.
- Fixed issue displaying grandchild pages on sub-pages.
- Add reverse flag back into post preview snapshot for most recent pages
- Office/Subpage navigation links on beta
- Ordering of subpages in the nav on Office page
- Event processor to fix indexing error
- Added
script for bootstrapping the project. - Added insertTarget and insertLocation options to cf_notifier plugins
- Added
as needed forgrunt-bower-task
to work
is installed by cf-grid. - Added
grunt watch:js
task for completeness. - Added vendor directory variable to
. - Added warning for concat:cf-less Grunt task when sourcefiles are missing.
- Added form for Submit a request FOIA page
- Added styles, JavaScript for hiding and showing additional fields in forms
- Added toplevel navigation items config file for removing hardcoded navigation menu items.
- Added external url redirect page, styles, and JavaScript.
- Added
style. - Added
class to visually distinguish sub-pages from sibling pages in the sidenav. - Added
class to visually distinguish browse pages from the subpages below them in the sidenav. - Added JavaScript utilities for checking types and primitives.
- Added
jinja block tobase.html
template. - Added FAQ processor and mapping
- Added
field to sub_pages - Added
field to sub_pages and offices - Added
class for providing an inset horizontal rule independent of the list or list item widths within the side navigation bar. - Added
fields to sub_pages. - Added
HTML template for the activity feed area on the offices and sub_pages. - Added Plain Writing Feedback form.
- Added
activity type to activities feed macro. - Added breadcrumbs macro and temporarily set breadcrumbs for all office sub-pages.
- Added download icons to
- Relaxed ESLint
rule to warning. - Refactored breakpoint-handler module into separate class modules and utility function.
- PascalCase ContentSlider module to properly designate class status.
- Reduced complexity of validation and notification plugins
- Changed vendor directory to
and updated paths. - Changed to using
in place ofload-grunt-tasks
. - Updated contact us filter to use new notifications (replacing type-and-filter messaging with cf_notifier)
- Replaced placeholder Activity Feed on FOIA faq page with actual Activity Feed
- Sped up notification animations
- Added custom template for FOIA records page.
- Refactored code for Wordpress updates
- Initiatives renamed to Sub-pages
- Relaxed ESLint cyclomatic
rule to max 4 complexity. - Updates megamenu bureau title to "The Bureau" to fit with sitemap direction.
- Moved Less files to
directory. - Updated
to 0.6.0. - Update for FAQ
- Moved HTML templates to
subdirectory. - Breaks header template apart into
templates. - Moved external site page header to its own template
. - Minor codefixes on
along with changing a class name for hiding fields - Updated side navigation bar to keep page order at mobile sizes and adds "IN THIS SECTION" header text to the navigation bar dropdown menu.
- Updated processors to use Elasticsearch bulk indexing
- Office and sub-pages activity feed title to "Latest Activities" and contacts to "Contact Information."
- Moved
macro frompost-macros.html
and adds render method. - Made
macro private. - Moved
macro frompost-macros.html
and adds render method. - Moved
macro frommacros.html
- Fixed an issue where scripts were being initialized out of order
- Fixed most of the warnings in validation and notification plugins
- Fixed processor name bug
- Fixed template/processor bugs while indexing and rendering
- Fixed FOIA pages from the template/processor changes
- Fixed missing states from
class for visited and active links. - Fixed missing sidebar
- Removed
package. - Removed unneeded entries from
. - Gitignored CF fonts, "chosen" images, and other vendor files from repo, which are slated for eventual removal.
- Removed unused
template. - Removed unused
js module.
- Added
grunt CLI flag for suppressing linter warnings. - Added JS unit testing and code coverage through Mocha and Istanbul.
- Added cf-notifications stylesheet to style notifications
- Added cf_notifier plugin for sending UI notifications
- Added cf_formValidator plugin for validating form inputs
- Added Grunt
task and set it as default. - Added hero and YouTube video functionality to the '/the-bureau/' page.
- Added ajax subscription submission.
- Initiative folder and files for Initiative pages
- Added custom template for FOIA faqs page
- Updated grunt-browserify to
. - Updated grunt-eslint to
. - Moved eslint config file to home directory.
- Moved jQuery download to package.json.
- Updated grunt-banner to
and updates banner ascii art and format. - Changed bower.json authors array field to use
in place ofurl
, and addsemail
field. - Adds path variables to Gruntfile.
- Updated form-validation script to use cf_formValidator and cf_notifier
- Changed Grunt
. - Moved testing to build task.
- Updated 404 image to the latest image provided by the design team.
- Office folder and files for Office pages
- Updated template for office pages
- Fixed macro on offices page template
- Fixed subscribe macro in events archive and archive single, and press resources
- Sheer indexing error when related posts are deleted
- Office and Initiative processors
- Slick carousel site-wide JS error.
- Fixed issue with some contacts not showing phone numbers and email addresses
- Removed string-replace:static-legacy Grunt task.
- Alert.js plugin
- alert macro
- Unused index.html file from /initiatives/
- Unnecessary setting of template variables
- Replaced missing string_score library for the type-and-filter plugin
- Added labels to the phone/email/fax/mail icons on
page - Added ability to scrub plural terms in typeAndFilter jQuery plugin
mixin for media queries targeting Retina iOS devices- Scroll to top functionality on footer
- Added
utility module. - Added
utility module. - Adds ESLint check for
jsdoc syntax. - Updated ESLint configuration to match version
Adds enforcement ofno-dupe-args
rules, and warnings forno-continue
rules. - Adding mocha tests to
grunt test
- Updated mailing addresses in
sidebar - Added
package and its dependencies and refactored codebase to use Browserify for JS modules. - Added additional ESLint option flags in
rule. - Changed ESLint indent amount to 2 spaces from 4 to match CFPB front-end standards.
- Turns off ESLint
setting because it's too verbose for the gain it provides. - Added ability to scrub plural terms in typeAndFilter jQuery plugin
- Updated
. - Updated
to version12.0.0.
- Updated
. - Replaced
. - Updated mailing addresses in
sidebar - Reverted navs from Contact Us redacting
- Updated footer to match new designs
- Refactored email subscribe form
- Improvements and fixes to
- Removed demo text suffix from page titles.
- Added Privacy Policy page.
- Added Event Request a Speaker page.
- Added settings to enable the
RSS feeds. - Added
. - Added
to provide borders around blocks. - Added alert to form validation failure
- Added .env config for easier project setup
- Added Event processor
- Added styles to 500 and 404 error pages.
- Updated content on 500 and 404 error pages.
- Added full width button modifier for buttons on smaller screens.
- Updated ESLint configuration to the latest ESLint release (v0.18.0).
- Updated
post sidebars to add description and date, and to update styles. - Updated icons to use livestream icon instead of wifi icon.
- Updated blog post spacing to be consistent with overall-project spacing.
- Updated round step-by-step slug icons to central-align numbers.
- The name "Watchroom" to "Featured Topic"
- Updated cf-buttons to 1.4.2.
- Updates cf-layout to 0.3.0.
- Changed block background to 5% gray.
- Updated contact us content
- Improved Elasticsearch mappings
- Improved README and INSTALL docs
- Updated related links module on
. - Added small screen styles to helpful terms vertical list
page. - Updated multi-line icon list styles.
- Fixed missing
modifier from/featured-topic.html
. - Fixed an issue within
filters where selecting "Blog" and another category would return zero results. - Fixed issue in filters where an input whitespace would prevent suggestions from showing.
- Fixed HTML, typos, and grammatical errors.
- Fixed line height issue in Chosen select boxes
- Updated Google Tag Manager ID from testing account to production account.
- Fixed whistleblower slug on contact us
- Updated events to match design
- Updated markup with new Isocons
- Updated email form to remove topics
- Updated footer to match new design
- Updated content throughout site
- Updated less files to cleanup code
- Fixed filtering when partial dates are used
- Updated processors to match WordPress API output
- Added sub-nav for mobile devices in instances where hero is present
- Added breakpoint range for main nav on med sized device screens
- Updated the expandable layout for multiple lines of text
- Updated list icons for multiple lines of text
- Added titles to pages that were missing them
- Updated broken links
- Lots more typos
- New Events Archive landing page (with borrowed post data)
- New Events Archive detail page (with borrowed post data)
- New eslint settings file
- Updated archived events landing page to display events, filters and pagination
- Updated the Gruntfile for eslint over jshint
- Switched from ElasticSearch queries to filters
- Updated form macro layout to account for optional content
- Updated macro arguments for clearer conditions
- Updated events list for new CF media block
- Updated static content
- General code cleanup
- Events filter showing no results text while displaying found results
- Settings file for PDFReactor
- JS errors
- General layout issues
- Lots of typos
- New Upcoming Events landing page (with borrowed post data)
- New Upcoming Event detail page (with borrowed post data)
- Created new table modifier for simple small screen tables
Apologies for ignoring our versioning for five months.
- Newsroom, Contact Us, About the Bureau, Offices, Doing Business with Us, Activity Log, and Budget sections.
- Many new design patterns.
- Tests
- Significant template structure overhaul.
- Tons of stuff.
Initial release. Contains fully functioning blog section.