**Date: 2015-01-23
Author: Sebastian Kranz, Ulm University
RTutor is an R package that allows to develop interactive R exercises. Problem sets can be solved off-line or can be hosted in the web with shinyapps.io. Problem sets can be designed as a Markdown .rmd file (to be solved directly in RStudio) or use a browser-based interface powered by RStudio's Shiny. While the web interface looks nicer, I personally use problem sets in the Markdown format when teaching advanced economic classes.
For the web-based interface, several students at Ulm University have created very nice problem sets that allow to interactively replicate the main insights of interesting economic articles and to learn a bit about R and econometrics. Before developing your own problem sets, you may want to try out some of these examples:
- Github: https://github.com/Fcolli/RTutorProcurementAuction
- shinyapps.io: https://fcolli.shinyapps.io/RTutorProcurementAuction
- Github: https://github.com/KathKaufmann/RTutorEcologicalFootprintOfPovertyAlleviation
- shinyapps.io: https://kathkaufmann.shinyapps.io/RTutorEcologicalFootprintOfPovertyAlleviation/
- Github: https://github.com/fischeruu/RTutorNAFTAfreetrade
- shinyapps.io: https://fischeruu.shinyapps.io/RTutorNAFTAfreetrade/
- Github: https://github.com/ClaraUlmer/RTutorSoapOperas
- shinyapps.io: https://claraulmer.shinyapps.io/RTutorSoapOperas
- Github: https://github.com/b-lux/RTutorCarbonLeakage
- shinyapps.io: https://b-lux.shinyapps.io/RTutorCarbonLeakage/
- Github: https://github.com/JonasSend/RTutorTopIncomeTaxation
- shinyapps.io: https://jonassend.shinyapps.io/RTutorTopIncomeTaxation/
- Github: https://github.com/vanessaschoeller/RTutorTseTse
- shinyapps.io: https://vanessaschoeller.shinyapps.io/RTutorTseTse/
- Github: https://github.com/msporer/RTutorEnvironmentalRegulation
- shinyapps.io: https://msporer.shinyapps.io/RTutorEnvironmentalRegulations/
- Github: https://github.com/tcl89/creditboomsgonebust
- shinyapps.io: https://tcl89.shinyapps.io/creditboomsgonebust
- Github: https://github.com/ArthurS90/RTutorEmissionTrading
- shinyapps.io: https://arthurs90.shinyapps.io/RTutorEmissionTrading/
- Github (Simon Hertle): https://github.com/simonhertle/RTutorBuildingCodes
- shinyapps.io (Simon Hertle): https://shertle.shinyapps.io/RTutorBuildingCodes/
- Github (Lisa Eilts): https://github.com/LEilts/RTutorBuildingCodes
- Github: https://github.com/MariusBreitmayer/RTutorAttributeTradeOffs
- shinyapps.io: https://mariusbreitmayer.shinyapps.io/RTutorAttributeTradeOffs
Since RTutor uses a lot of packages from Github that are not on CRAN, I have written a small install function, that can be found in this gist:
Copy the code in the link into your R console and then run:
Depending on your devtools version, also the following code may work directly (yet source_gist is buggy in some devtools versions):
if (!require(devtools))
If you only want to update the RTutor package (and have the other packages already installed). You can just type:
devtools::install_github("skranz/RTutor", upgrade_dependencies=FALSE)
(You may have to restart your R session / RStudio for the update to work.)
Take a look at the files in the vignette folder for documentation of how to create own problem sets.
If you have suggestions or find bugs, please don't hesitate to open an issue on this github page. RTutor is still in a preliminary version and feedback is very appreciated.