I'm a Software QA with over 6 years of experience in IT.
Several years ago I tried to learn the Java language for later use in Automation testing and I've got it. After my first Automation testing courses, I couldn't find projects to realize obtained the knowledge gained . I've created some small projects with Automation tests to avoiding my manual routines.
Also, I've had experience in TypeScript. I've created Page Objects, Page Elements worked with docker for running our tests in containers, and azure - for creating deploy scripts.
The major question is Why do I want to learn Automated Testing?. These are a few thoughts about it:
- Improving new knowledge in the programing language, newest applications and technologies.
- Сlosely working with the development team.
- I get automation regression testing out of the way so I can focus on the fun stuff.
- Automating testing helps reduce time and effort for regression and other routine testing operation.